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[Lore] Royal Equestrian Guard


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Royal Equestrian Guard - In Service of All Equestria



Once upon a time, Equestria didn’t require a unified defense force. Princesses Celestia and Luna, empowered by the Elements of harmony, shared the responsibility of keeping their kingdom safe from malevolent forces. Those few ponies who took up arms as a profession did so only in defense of their homes, and were not organized under any central authority. After Luna’s banishment to the Moon however, Celestia found that she lacked the ability to defend her subjects alone. Therefore, she encouraged the local militias to unite as one force, utilizing the combined strengths of earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi to fill the void left by Luna’s absence. Through a thousand years of changes, this defense force is now known to all as the Royal Equestrian Guard: champions of Equestrian pride, sovereignty, and magnanimity.

All who sign up to join the Royal Equestrian Guard (REG), as enlisted recruits or officer cadets, must first undergo rigorous training. Under the nurturing supervision of noisy drill instructors, new prospects learn about pushing their bodies, solving problems in high-stress situations, and what specific jobs within the Guard fit their natural talents. More vitally, recruits and cadets alike are expected to grasp the importance of teamwork, understand the value of peacekeeping over hostility, and cultivate strong bonds of camaraderie with fellow soldiers and commanders. Anyone who can put aside their selfish dreams of glory for the welfare of their unit, and Equestria, will find a long rewarding career in the REG.

Characteristic of harmonious ponykind, the Royal Equestrian Guard frowns upon the use of violence to maintain peace. As a mainly pacifist organization, it lacks the capacity to wage war on other realms beyond Equestria. Instead, the Guard’s primary duties involve law enforcement, investigation, logistical support, and diplomatic escort. An extension of their role as guardians is to keep wild beasts such as timberwolves and hydras away from settled areas. When humanitarian assistance is required, the REG is often the first to respond, as their strong logistics infrastructure and large horsepower pool can be ready to bring aid at a moment’s notice.

For a millennium, harmony has thrived in Equestria thanks to the tireless efforts of the entire Royal Guard. However in recent years, these brave ponies with their impeccable service record have faced some of their most challenging threats yet. Without question, the REG will have to adapt in order to remain an effective force for good. But even when evolving, the Guard remains committed towards never giving into the temptation of responding to war with war, and to spread peace instead of destruction.


Here is a list of the main branches of the Royal Equestrian Guard:

Royal Equestrian Army - Famous for their characteristic historically-inspired armor, the Army is the most visible branch of the REG. Exceptional members of the army are assigned to the Princesses’ Honor Guard, who have the responsibility of safeguarding Princess Celestia in Canterlot and on diplomatic visits. The Imperial Guard of the Crystal Empire, the protectors of the Crystal Princess, have recently been integrated with the Honor Guard proper as well.

Perhaps the most mysterious army offshoot is the Lunar Guard, the personal bodyguards of Princess Luna. Unlike the rest of the Army, Luna’s guards wear special dark-colored armor and are seemingly comprised exclusively of areion, colloquially known as “bat ponies”. However from time to time, normal ponies are also inducted into the Lunar Guard.

Royal Equestrian Navy - Sailing on majestic steamers, the Navy keeps the seas of Equestria safe to travel on. Mainly, they rescue sailors and other ponies caught in shipwrecks or other maritime accidents. Once in a while though, the Navy is called upon to force underwater monsters back to the depths of the deep ocean, or to deal with disruptive pirates.

~REG Recruitment Brochure


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