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Two worlds, one fate. A crossover idea between Val and holy.


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Knightly nodded. "I guess you deserve to hear that. Well Princess Luna was the one that sent me to help these two Tobias and Spirit to bring you two here. You both are prophersized to be the ones to save Equestria along side these two ponies. Also Equestria isn't the only one in trouble your world of Earth is also in trouble that's why we had to pick some one from your world too because its also being effected." Spirit was to distracted to pay attention the Knightly was saying something important as she hugged Sean tighter because she thought his nervousness is adorable. "Oh your so cute!" She laughs as she hugs him really close. Tobias saw she wasn't paying attention the same with Sean so he just shook his head.

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"S..stop that" Sean said, trying to show he was angry yet showing obvious sighs that he was enjoying the hug. What in the world was wrong with him?!? He was being hugged by a freaking unicorn!! A unicron!! He should be shrugging it off and going to pump iron, or kick a rock through awindow or something manly like htat!! Yet why was he actually enjoiying this hug?!??! What was wrong with him!??! Kira smiled as she walked next to Tobias and hugged him, as she giggled "Thanks for brining us here. So we're all prophozied to help save both worlds huh? Sounds like alotta fun". Turning to Knightly, she smiled "Tell us where we need to go first, and we'll do it". They needed to collect several pieces to the SOF (Scepeter of Friendship), and use it to stop Nightmare moons return. The question was however, would they be able to collect all the pieces in time. They awaied for Kinghtly to tell them about the Scepter of friendship.

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