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The guards were still unfazed by the shots fire was throwing at them

Sky punched one of the soldier's in the head, he managed to knock him back a little though he still did not hurt him"What the hell are these guys made of"

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"Well then, we need to find a weak po" He got cut off by the arm that was swung at him. Sky ducked and punched the soldier in the chest, only to hurt his own fist"Dam, these guys feel like they are made of metal"

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Sky ducked another fist but got hit by a kick that pushed him to a wall. Sky grunted as he hit it, but he was fine. As he landed he saw one of his arrow's on the ground, this one was unsnapped. Sky picked it up and rushed the soldier. As he got close he dogged a punch and rolled threw his legs, once behind him he struck his leg with the arrow. The soldier grunted and turned around and swung at sky, who just dogged it

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The four guards were being effected by this but not as much as fire thought, they were pretending to feel it full force but once fire finished, all that had happened was that they were shocked a bit, one had fallen over, they were exgausted, about half energy, and the other two had gone into a wall. As they picked themselves up they all smiled at fire"Good try buuut, you failed"

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Sky came straight threw the window and slammed into one of the guards only to feel a very hard blow to the stomach. Sky grunted as he kept fighting them, trying to protect fire who couldnt protect herself at the moment. Sky got launched by a kick into a wall. He yelped as he hit it but as he landed on the ground he got up and kept fighting.

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The guards didnt even feel the weak bolt, they just kept beating the hell out of sky

Sky managed to get one of them in a headlock only to be thrown at glass. It shattered as he hit it and he was lucky it didnt peirce his skin. Sky was starting to lose, he couldnt fight them off

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Fire put her finger to her com and said "R-red, get us out of here"

They both flash out of the scene and arrived at mount justice

Red tornado crossed his mechanical arms and said "I made it clear that no one is to leave the mountain without a proper reason

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Fire got up like there was nothing wrong, "and do what? We where loosing the fight! We were trapped! You almost got killed!" she shouted as her hands started to spark

Red was speechless, he knew that Discharge just sent an electric surge through an entire building but she is standing up and shouting.

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As sky arrived in his room he locked the door and walked up too his bench. He opened a container and pulled out more arrow's, he went to his table and started sharpening them, making them strong enough to injure the strong guards. Sky then sighed, he was about to use gear he hated using.

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