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Dragon Ball Z (two spots)

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I have a horrible feeling that this is going to utterly fail though i still want to try.

We will basically have OC's that are going to be like the DBZ guys though different. We will be anthro so humanoid.

We will be starting on namak, so its after vegita attacked earth. Sky(Goku) is currently on his ship inbound for namek. And no, he does not need to get their with the group nearly dead

Unlike the shows where goku kicks everyones ass, everyone will havea chance so it stays fair. No matter how strong one of us becomes, we still need to fight as a team to win.

The app form will be this


Species:(Saiyan, human, triclops ect)



What you are:(Fighter, inventor, mother ect)

If u are pure:(Determines whether the spirit bomb can hurt u or not)

Teacher:(Master roshi aka turtle kermit, crane, ect. Can be a OC teacher)

Fighting style:

Who u are basing off:(Are u making a OC of gohan, krillan, Tien, yamcha ect)


I couldnt think of a app form for this, so feel free doign a custom one.

Here is mine

Name: Skyzipper though called sky

Species: Saiyan

Age: 22

Appearance: Sky has a very strong build, being one of the strongest fighter's on the planet does that to you. He has light red hair and wears orange clothes with weighted training gear. He wears the simble of both master roshi and king kai.

What you are: I am a fighter trained in the fightign styles of both king kai and the turtle hermit.

If u are pure: Yes, sky is pure.

Teacher: Both the turtle hermit and King Kai

Fighting style: He uses Goku's style

Who u are basing off: Goku

Personality: Sky has a 'Who cares' attitude all the time, even in combat, but when his friends are on the line, he will stop at nothing to save them.

Hope some people actually want to join.

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