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Pony scrolls: Sadle Arabia closed r.p


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"Im expecting traps, more then people. I think maybe their will be some makeshift explosives hidden ready to blow the cart up, giving the attackers an easy way to take our target"

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mirage removed her hijab mask showing her smiling face, "would be fun to race but it dont think it would be healthy, lets go." she said as she flew forward.

fromt he sky they could see augercorn and the large crowd watching him beat up many difrent ponies nd camels at once for money!

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As the 2 flew towards the road they would be traveling on the would see 2 suspicious figures both carrying around large things that looked like bombs. they were both large Arabian horses and the one on the left said

hey boingo tell me about the rabbits again.”

Oingoyou stoooopid IDIOT you are so stupid If I took a turd and told you to have $@* with it you would! .. WOULDN’T YOU!”

the one on the left apparently name oingo replied “uhhh yeah probably, so we just need to lay these bombs and blow up the wagons.”

The one named boingo relyed “YES HOW MANY TMES DID I TELL YOU THAT GAHH … once we kill these guys I’m not hanging out with you any more!”

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The one named boingo sat down tinkering with a bomb, boingo the poked him in the back of the head and said “dahh boingo we got a birdy man thing in daa.” Boingo looked up seeing sky and jumping back he shouted

gahh what are you doing here … a flyer … I haven’t seen one is Arabia yet who are you?

“ITS BIRDYMAN AHAHAH!” shouted oingo haply

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oingo looked at sky and said "oh boy birdy want a beating gahahah."

oingo was a big pony he ran forward with the bomb over head and threw it at sky!

"oingo no!" but he stopped and looked around and took a few steps closer to his stupid friend

"gaga but boingo i want to beat da bird im strong, im the strongest guy i ever met!"

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boingo kept looking around back to back with oingo.

he said "be carfull but take him out."

oingo then smiled grabbed another large bomb throwing it at sky like a missle!"

boingo then yelled out "you have to light them dummy!" "oh yeah!" said oingo plainly.

meanwhile mirage stayed in the sky waiting to strike

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mirage saw the signal and swooped in. but boingo who had been watching for just that the whole time pushed oingo out of the way and fell on top of him. mirage not having any weapons missed and landed in the sand next to them.

boingo jumped up and said "so your his backup. i knew you would make your move soon!"

oingo stood on the ground screaming in fear "oingo you idiot get back up your fine!"

"i'm fine?" "yes" said boingo watching mirage "im not falling forever?" "no" im not being eaten by a sand monster?" "OINGO STAND UP BEFORE I GAWHHH!" boingo then pulled out a long knife and brandished it at mirage.

boingo remained on the ground confused

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Sky just sighed as she missed. "Come on, you must have hit your head" He said to her, laughing slightly as he said it. He looked towards the knife. "That meant to threaten us?" He says, pulling two dart like arrows out of his pocket. "All i need are these"

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mirage kept her eyes trained on boingo. "he's faster than he looks."

boingo then looked to his friend on the ground "OOOOOINGOOO GET UP!"

oingo stood up happy and smiling then he held another large bomb above his head. giggling he said "birdy go boom boom."

boingo then quickly struck the bomb igniting it then boingo chucked it at sky

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oingo smiled and stepped forward timing up a double hammer fist to hit sky in the head, oingo was a good deal taller than sky he was almost as big as augercorn.

boingo saw his partner run off but he stayed behind. mirage ran forward with her wings out. but oingo simply vanished jumping again behind oingo with near lighting speed

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