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Pony scrolls: Sadle Arabia closed r.p


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oingo smiled and walked right into the attack, he got a cut on his leg but just just stepped fowrard grabbing sky in a bearehug ,making sure to hold his wings.

"o.k boingo time to uhhh." before oingo could finish, boingo ran around and held the knife at sky's throat.

mirage jumped forward tackling boingo wrestling for the knife.

"ohh i squeeze you till the goop comes out your eyes hehehe" said oingo as he began to squeeze sky with bone crushing streanght

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oingo's ignored the headbutt into his chest and kept squeezing

"whats a mut? he asked sluring his words.

meanwhile boingo threw sand in mirage's eye. she jumped back and before she could get her bearing saw boingo charging towards sky, she just barely grabbed him before he went to stab sky again. grabbing his wrist an using her own body as a fulcrum to try to break his arm

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boingo then pulled off a move and fell down brining mirage with him. mirage re adjusted her self and tried to wrestle him into a submisive pose. but boingo had the advantage or strength and kept her off of him, slamming her into the sand

oingo in the mean time sqeezed sky more pulling at his wings "i take your wings so i can fly with them!"

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oingo then looked at sky and said "ok i wont touch your wings," he then let go of the wings only to get a tighter grip on sky pressing his own body against his!

mirage struggled in the sand, she then slipped out of boingo's grip and threw her hijab at him. now wearing the same buisness outfit she was earlyer

"sorry but i cant fight wearing this!" she said as she pulled the small tight skirt off throwing it into the sand and charging at boingo in grey underpants

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Sky sighs as he relaxes, all the pain slipping as he concentrates, preparing to use his chi to break free. As he concentrates, he dissapears straight out of his arms, reappearing a few steps away. Sky turns, looking at him. "Im a ghost, keep squeezing" He says, trying to trick the stupid fellow

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Oingo looked at the space where his arms were with a look of shock, he looked to sky then the space then sky again and screamed running into boingo! Knocking his over, making mirage stop just a few feet away

gahh he’s a ghost boingo he’s a ghooooaoaoaost!” boingo got up and they got in the same position earlier oingo in front and boingo with a blade behind him.

Mirage jumped next to sky and said “sky, we need to work together if were going to beat them!”

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oingo then pointed at sky "HEY oingo isn't smart! he just doesn't apply himself"

boingo from behind him said "oingo lets just finish them off they don't know how to work togather at all."

mirage glared at them both

"follow my lead. we can do this!"

she then ran forward and jumped up in the air using her wings to hover above them. "go for the smart one for now!" she shouted quickly

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Sky did exactly what she did, perfect timing. As they hovered above them he flapped his wings harder, creating a wind below that would make it hard for them to move in."Alright

He says, using the wind to launch himself at Boingo, feet first aimed at his chest. Witha any luck, the wind would stop him from using his knive

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boingo blocked the kick with crossed arms but he struggled against the wind slowing down grunting hard

mirage landed next to sky, kicking oingo in the face with both feet. flipping over grabbing both oingo's arms opening him up


oingo took a few steps back recovering from the powerfull kick

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a large cracking noise would be heard and mirage threw boingo to the ground as he gasped for air dropping the knife struggling just to breath.

oingo now fully recovered and was standing still

mirage flew forward and went to sweep his legs, but oingo stood stall stumbling a bit but not falling at all.

"THE KNIFE!" mirage shouted as she jumped back avoiding a swipe from the strong stallion

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Sky dashed in, slidding as he grabbed the knife. He saw that Oingo had recovered fast. Sky had the knife in his hand, he quickly aimed and threw it at his leg, trying to hiunder him

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the knife flew right into oingo's muscular leg.

"oh thanks birdyman" he said as he ripped the blade out of his leg, with massive amount of blood running out.

mirage jumped back her face shocked how he could just mutlitate himself like that.

"sky keep hitting the legs maybe we can bleed him out!" she shouted as she did a quick wing assisted round house kick to the wound before flying back to avoid a swipe of theknife

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both arrows hit oingo's muscular legs.

"oh" oingo said as he ran towards mirage like nothing happened.

mirage then stepped forward her back bent over and ripped the arrows out violently causing more blood to pour form oingo's legs.

she then flew up into the air, oingo tried to jump at her a few times ignoring the massive amount of blood coming from his legs but after a few tries turned to sky and ran at him.

"just stall he cant go much longer without passing out!"

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oingo then made a weird noise, that sounded almost like moe from the 3 stooges.

he then looked at sky and mirage in the air and pulled one of the bombs off his back he cocked his arms ready to throw.

but then he dropped the bomb and got on his hands and knees holding his head.

"uhh i feel like im upside down and nighty night."

mirage landed and put the skirt back on. she looked to sky and becokned him to come down asking

"so how do you wan to question them, good cop bad cop, risk vs reward. threats. or just plain torture?"

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mirage shrugged and walked over to boingo still clutching his chest wheezing. she fliped him on his back with her foot and stepped on his heart.

"naWHAH!" he wheezed "who sent you to get us?"

"geeehaw haaaw an ... old... empire guy. geeeeeeee. said take uout wagons .... keep the loot. geeeeehaww."

mirage released some pressure from his heart and looked to sky "anything you want to know?"

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