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Alright here it is. An WWII human rp that you get to vote the battle we do. Sorry I don't where to put this. Yeah its a human rp. Alright before we start you have to make a guy (human) then you fill out his sheet with his name, rank (has to be below cpl cuz I'm your squad leader), appearance, weapon, side arm, race, age (below 28), uniform, and troop ID number. Follow like the one below. You will be an American. Also races can only be caucasian, african american, jewish, native american, or japanese american

Name: Franklin Miller

Rank: Sgt.

Appearance: Brown hair, hazel eyes, and rough stubble

Weapon: Thompson

Side arm: Colt M1911

Race: Caucasian

Age: 25

Uniform: US Army standard uniform, M1 helmet, Combat boots, no WWII boot leggings, his helmet has the ace of spades symbol on it, his helmet has no cover or net

ID number: SA 1237 3341

So follow that format. Ok all the battles will be between the US Army and German army. They are below.

1. D-Day invasion

2. Battle of the Bulge

3. Operation Torch

4. Battle of Metz

The one with the most votes we will do. When you vote go ahead and make your character. Use must commit to this RP if you do it. Also don't be cute and make stupid names or use enemy guns or be OP or make your character like he's a soldier from todays military. Ok also in Operation Torch was a failure so we will lose but not die. Now sit down shut up and enjoy

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Are you... are you lost? Did you mean to post this on our website? This is a website for my little pony, not historical reenactments. We have unicorns and stuff.

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Are you... are you lost? Did you mean to post this on our website? This is a website for my little pony, not historical reenactments. We have unicorns and stuff.

No dude I'm not lost. Did you see my username? I posted this in the wrong rp section. Also this is how I like RP's. Human war RP's. MLP forums has RP's like this. So I no I'm not lost. I'm a brony and did want to do human WWII rp.

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Well, stop it. That's not what we do here. We are a smaller, smarter, and better-run community than that massed bunch of hooligans, and roleplaying wars is not what this site was made for.

I suggest you look at the site itself and some of the established roleplays in Chronicles and World of Equestria.

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Well, stop it. That's not what we do here. We are a smaller, smarter, and better-run community than that massed bunch of hooligans, and roleplaying wars is not what this site was made for.

I suggest you look at the site itself and some of the established roleplays in Chronicles and World of Equestria.

Well ****. I'm not a blood thirsty pyscho like you think I am. I'm a normal military loving kid who just wants a war style RP. I can't ****ing believe this. Alright I'll try to follow rules. But can this thing still happen?

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It can, i have done stuff like this as long as it is basically PG 13, or 14, its fine, as far as i know. And im might want to jump onto this though i really dont like the choice of races. I want to use my Griffon OC in anthro form. Lots of RP's are like that, they have equestrian races but in human form. I would suggest making it like that. It just might help you get some people into this and future RP's.

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