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A business trip to the Wonderbolts Academy (Open/Wonderbolts folk)


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As she passed over territory she hadn't seen before, Star was pretty sure she was flying in the right direction but there was a lot of mountains which broke the cloud layer. She knew that the Academy was on top of a mesa but she had been keeping under the cloud layer, mostly because the map she was following was seemingly useless. She had taken to flying above the cloud layer, taking a look for any sign of the academy, then dipping back below to get her bearings with the map.

She flew up, landing on top of a cloud and looking around before checking her saddlebags. The papers she was carrying were safe and she removed the light chain necklace with the emblem of the Canterlot Royal Guard, used for long distance flights in friendly territory where flying in full barding was impractical. The necklace was perfect for not being mistaken for a trespasser. After putting the necklace on Star smiled as she saw what looked like contrails in the distance. Guessing that it was the right direction she set off towards the contrails.

As she approached the top of the mesa Star slowed before landing beside the large runway. She glanced around, looking for where she was supposed to hand in the papers or failing that, for some pony to ask for directions.

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