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[Lakes] A Morning Trot [Open to anyone]


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It was a cold, windy day on the lakes. Far to cold to go swimming, thought Czar, Although, my morning trot will be quite strenuous... he thought to himself.

After finishing his breakfast, which comprised of some oats and one apple, he threw on his scarf, his jacket, and his sword, Hoovesbane, for safety. When he trotted out of the door, the cold shocked him to the bone. The damp air that was coming from the lake was buffeting him, and he could barely keep warm. He could feel his extremities going numb.

The wind is no match for me! he thought, Besides, I need to get in my daily trot around the lake, or else I'll get out of shape!

And with that, he started walking along the trail. The dew was still fresh upon the ground, and, more than likely, it had frosted the night before. The trees, whose leaves were turning gold, and red, and orange were swaying dangerously, and seemed to be almost falling over. Czar was going to have the trot of his life, and he knew it.

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