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Harmonic Moons [Private]


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Just as things were finishing up Harmony peeked through the door Hope, are you in-WOAH!
He pulls his head out of the room and slams the door shut, pressing his back against it and brething hevily; his body shaking s his mind was rendering what had just happened and sent the message to Bad Harmony. Harmony just kinda froze up statue style nd didn't move...They broke him

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(( Nightly? uhmm?.... ))



Hope had screamed too and knew that she'd just completely destroyed her relationship with her dad and thus frowned and bit her lip. Oh gosh.... what have I done?.... She sniveled. I....I.... she looked down. I really am a H...Harlot.... j... just like he said..... She closed her eyes and turned away from her coltfriend. I'm so sorry daddy..... She whimpered and covered her face. I can't let them see me.... not anymore.... I'm bad.... I'm so bad..... She said to Creeper as she grabbed a mask from her closet, it didn't even show her face, It was a black mask that hid her eyes and a piece of duct tape over her mouth as she put on her clothes quickly, duct tape wing decorations, and finally, a black doll dress. she looked like she was going to a goth funeral as she tried to hide her face and she strapped on her black boots.




Nightly walked over and touched Harmony on his shoulder. Honey?.... Honey?.... are you okay?

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((Yes! Night;y is secretly having an affair with Creeper! ovO ))

Creeper rushed over and hugged her Hey, you stop that. You are not a Harlot and you really shouldn't care what Bad Harmony thinks about you, he only cares about himself. If anything you should look toward Harmony; he's a bit of a fruit, but he cares more about you than himself.

Harmony stayed completely still, eyes wide open and wings tucked tightly to his sides, he was completely zoned out and was still attempting to process eveything. His mouth slowly opened and he managed to slowly speak Uhh...We may need to start buying birth control?

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(( uhm... pfft! baddy'd kill e'm.... and then Nightly'd be in tons of trouble ))


Nightly looked shocked and went into the room, thus seeing hope and Creeper as Hope now decided to cuddle him, she was sad and her mother had just shocked her too. Hope.... why are you guys doing this without protection?..... Then that's when Hope tilted her head, upon removing the face tape and blindfold then innocently asked. Protection?..... Thus Nightly gave the lecture and introduced her to it and Hope's face was bright red the whole time. And that's all there is to it.... She gave Hope the protection. Now these aren't very new... in fact... they were Daily's so I'm going to get fresher ones... but if your going to do funny business then at least be careful... She looked at Creeper and actually smiled. and thank you... for being kind to my daughter... I never would have thought that you'd be the right guy for her.... Then she left and patted Harmony's head. How about we make breakfast and head to the Pizzeria for lunch?

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Creeper merely watched and listened. He'd been around for a long time but never got into any kind of relationship with anypony, so the whole protection thing was as new to him as it was for her. He chuckled as Hope turned red and smiled as Nightly spoke to him. I'm not as bad as they all say...not anymore


Harmony was still a bit stiff, listening in on the conversation only made it feel more awkward. He waited patiently for Nightly and smiled upon her return. That sounds lovely, my dear

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Nightly had smiled and soon they had created peanut butter, cinnamon pancakes with maple syrup and they all sat down at the table. Uhm... M..mom? Hope was a bit nervous as Nightly looked at her. So... umm... does that mean I'm going to have a baby...?.... and Nightly blushed. Uhm... we'll talk later.... so! what are you guys excited to see at the pizzeria!? Nightly said quickly. The FOX!! So I can give him a big hug!! Hope yelled, but collected herself. Y'know... so I can break his insides... She fibbed.

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I've never even heard of this pizzeria, I guess I'm just getting old, I'm behind on the times He said with a chuckle, happily gobbing his pancakes

I've never been allowed in pizzerias, guess they have something against reptiles trying to eat their manager 3 years prior to opening night...

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Nightly smiled. well... don't eat the manager and you'll be just fine and... gah!! She jumped in her seat. Mike! h..how did you!? A grey stallion was standing in the doorway, he was in uniform and he made a groan worthy pun. What aren't you... EGG-cited to see me? He chuckled as Nightly giggled. I came for a surprise visit.... along with the guys... Nightly's smile got bigger. Vincent too? Yup! but he fell asleep in the car.... anyway... Surprise! Mom what's going on? Come on guys we're going to meet the security guys early! this is Mike and follow me!! She ran down the hall.

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Creeper and Harmony glanced at each other before removing themselves from the area and following Nightly to meet the security. Harmony was smiling, as he was rather excited to meet them; Creeper walked out with a rather bored expression, wondering if these security ponies would have a panic attack when they finally got a good look at him. He was kind of hoping they would, he felt it would entertain him more than having to go through a formal meeting, but knowing Nightly's friends they probably wouldn't

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the security was pretty wierd. one guy didn't have a face... just a question mark and a mouth with eyebrows, another had glasses and curly hair and finally Nightly ran over to the boys, who looked pretty young, and hugged them. Guys this is Jeremy and Fritz... Then Jeremy and Fritz looked at Creeper and screamed, hiding behind Nightly. ANIMATROOOONNNN!!!! Both pointing at Creeper and then Nightly giggled. No... that's Creeper.... he's just.... well.... I'm not sure but he's nice.... sort of.... She smiled and Jeremy then looked at Harmony and Hope. And that's my husband and my daughter, Harmony and Hope..... don't be shy boys.... That's when they both said. Hi.... welcome to the guard!tumblr_ngqbmtPNt21rxsqeso3_500.pngtumblr_ngqbmtPNt21rxsqeso2_500.png

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Creeper could only laugh at the guards as they screamed in terror, it kinda sucked that Nightly told them that everything was ok.
Harmony walked over to the guards and shook their hooves It's Nice to meet you, gentlecolts. And how are we today He asked with a smile.

Creeper sneakily slithered behind the two guards and slowly put his face between theirs with a wide devious grin on his face. Then...ever so quietly...Boo

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Both jumped and screamed then hid behind Nightly again. Now you stop it! they have enough heartattacks dealing with the animatrons at night... they don't need to add you to the list!! Nightly scolded and then walked over to a yellow car with something inside. I wouldn't wake him up Nightly.... he's been a grump today.... Fritz said shyly. Nonsense.... I'll just wake him up like I'd wake any friend.... Nightly said and then turned, put both hooves up and banged on the window like a drum, making something inside jump and soon it exited, and a tall purple pony got out, upon seeing Nightly he yelled her name and hugged her, holding her off of the ground. Vincent!! it's so good to see you!!! Then Vincent smiled. You've been busy? got a baby?.... He asked. Yep... three babies... Vincent grinned and put her down. How lovely...  guys... this is my friend Vincent.. he also works with us....tumblr_ngqbmtPNt21rxsqeso5_500.png

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Vincent had his back facing Creeper and then he did something kinda gross, he turned his head 180 degrees around to look at him. And you look like a pile of Sh** aren't we a pair? he said. Vincent! Nightly cried out. Don't say that! Vincent then shrugged and grinned. So your Creeper eh?... Nightly talked about you on the phone... any Criminal records? been to an Asylum for 3 years?..... ever killed five ki~* That's Enough!! Nightly punched his arm and he chuckled then put her down.

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Creeper felt as if this pony was trying to step him, he took this as a challenge No, I don't have any criminal records, because I was smart enough to get away every time. They can't put me in an asylum, I keep getting out. And 5...only 5...I've eaten more ponies than you've met and don't think for a second that I will feel bad for shoving you into my mouth and chewing your body and bones to dust. Unlike you, I a not a lunatic, I am not crazy Creeper stretched his neck out and pressed his head to Vincents I chose this life, I love this life. Don't push me Vincent I was MADE a killing machine, it's in my blood, and right now it's boiling
Harmony slowly inched himself away from Creeper, he knew better than to cross him and definately when he was in this kind of mood

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Vincent chuckled. I see.... but now... you have no proof to back up your statements.... oh and if you ate me... I'd give you horrible indigestion so I wouldn't try.... but through all of this.... His smile faded. Your a moron for even getting angry about this in the first place..... You'll have to deal with children and animatrons a thousand times more annoying than me..... and so far... your only option in your head is eating me?... for shame Creeper.... I thought that a stallion such as yourself could stand a little bit of teasing... then Vincent smiled again. But never mind..... your lucky to get such a young and lovley mare such as Nightly's daughter.... He eyed Hope who looked shocked at him knowing who she was. Nightly jabbered on about all of you guys.... and now that I've met you... I am quite amused with the results... I am very proud in fact... He noogied Nightly. Little Rookie Nightly Moon! you've grown up and now I feel old like an Ancient mummy.... You were only 16 when we first met! and you'd tease me all the time! Yep! and you were only 13 you little fuzzhead! he chuckled. Anyway ponies! It's very nice to meet you! Vincent smiled. And we can't wait to work with you... in fact... there is going to be a costume party at the pizzeria just for you guys... the day after tomorrow... sorry it couldn't be any later... the boss has been a little.... pushy when it comes to time management.... Vincent frowned but then smiled again. welcome to the city... 

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Creeper lowered his head in anger, his eyes flashing bright red as he muttered I'm not a stallion before the red flashed away and he shook his head God, I hate kids...
Harmony looked over at Creeper with an odd expression on his face ...What!?
Harmony flinched but regained his posture Just...please...don't eat the children. It's always made me very uncomfortable when I saw you eat ponies, but I wont tolerate you eating children, not again! Harmony glared intently at Creeper who returned his expression ...fine, but I'm not making any promises for anything other than a child

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Good... other wise.... I'd kill you myself.... Vincent smiled. So there's your husband Harmony... or when he's angry... bad Harmony..... there's your daughter Hope.... and that's about it?.... hmm..... Then he acknowledged what Creeper had said about kids. I guess we have something in common then.... but you'll have to deal with it... sad as it is.... He grumbled. Nightly giggled and brought them into a group hug. Ooh! I missed you so much! Mike smiled. we missed you too Nightly.... anyway... wanna come early?.... Fritz opened the car door. I don't see why not.... how about you guys? Nightly turned to her family. Hope giggled happily. Yes! That sounds like fun! but then she blushed at how childish she was acting. I...I mean.... ooh! She pouted, it was so cute how she tried to hide her childish behavior but couldn't, she then crossed her arms and wrinkled her nose. Vincent grinned and stifled a laugh. That's too cute... He whispered to Nightly who nodded and smiled. So... how about it guys?

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Creeper put on a defensive expression at Vincent and wrapped a tendril around Hope Yes, she is just too cute sometimes
Harmony nodded and hopped up toward the car We might as well. Creeper are you
Creeper was still silently glaring at Vincent. Creeper...creep...grrr...Prototype!
Creeper's eyes shot to Harmony who had dark grey rings around his eyes Get in the damn car... 
Creeper flinched a bit but sighed angrily and complied, slowly walking into the car
Harmony smiled at him as the grey faded from his eyes Thank you

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Vincent grinned that annoying smile at Creeper and then got into the car and soon they were on the road. Hey guys look! this trip is going to be very... eggciting! Mike laughed as Nightly groaned. He had eggs for breakfast?.... She asked Jeremy who nodded and they all sighed all besides Hope and Mike. Hope giggled and hugged Creeper. Isn't it exciting!? I can't wait! She cheerfully giggled as the road went on and soon it came to a point or where Mike's jokes started to tick Vincent off and Vincent pretended they were going to crash and that shut Mike up. So what are you guys doing here in our little city?.... Vincent asked. Training... Nightly answered. By the way.... where's Phone Guy? She asked and that led to everyone but Vincent gasping and Vincent flinching and soon, looking close to crying. Nightly.... Phone Guy.... he died a few years ago.... Fritz frowned. It was an unCalled for death... Mike chuckled and Vincent gave Mike the death glare. Vincent's just mad because his coltfriend died.... Jeremy frowned. He decided to go straight because of it.... So I'd keep your girlfriend close. Jeremy said to Creeper. Why Creepah? Hope smiled. I don't get it? why would you have to keep me any closer? Vincent then teased her and said. C'ause if I get you alone I'll lock you away... and do most unpleasant things to you.... and nopony will ever hear or see you ever again! He yelled and that made Hope squeak and come closer to Creeper. Don't let him get me Creepah! Vincent then laughed hysterically. Oh my gosh! sh...she's so cute! it... it's hailarious! S..She's so easy to scare it's... p...priceless! BWAHAHAHA! Then Hope smiled irritably. You meanie! She giggled. I'm meaner than that... lucky for you your Nightly's daughter.

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kill him
I'm gonna kill him!
No you're not
I SAID SHUT UP!!! Bad Harmony shoved a hoof to Creeper's neck and pinned him in place
If you keep acting like this I swear on my permenant demise that I will destroy you and everything you hold dear, even if that means hurting my own daughter...
Creeper stared up at Bad Harmony, the black of his eyes shined bright blue with his irises, giving him an almost demented type look
Your'e getting worse...Bad Harmony pressed harder on Creeper and bared his teeth angrily
This is what we strived so hard to beat, and now you're just letting it consume you...Think back...remember what happened all those years ago when this happened
Bad Harmony's face froze and started to sink, his eyes going back to their normal state as he regained himself and released Creeper You're right

Creeper put a hoof on his shoulder You'll be ok, I won't let it happen, not again

Bad Harmony gave Creeper a geninue smile before glancing over at Vincent and positioning himself just behind him Hey buddy, how about you stop teasing my child. I understand that she dates hideous freaks, but the one she has is more than enough. So how about you keep to yourself so that I don't have to snap your neck... Sound good? I don't care, stay away from her...
Bad Harmony looked at the others in the car and gave a nod to Hope. I'm sorry...I didn't mean to lash out at you. You're my daughter, my only one for that matter, and I've done nothing but put you down. I realize this and I apologize. There's nothing I could ever say or do to make it up to you, I just hope that in time you can forgive me...I don't like Prototype all that much, but if he makes you happy...then who am I to stop you from being with him?

He took a seat next to Nightly andgave her an apologetic look, he felt bad about his recent behavior, but there wasn't much he could do about it

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Vincent was quiet for a while and sighed. Look... I'm sorry.... I didn't know you felt quite like that... I'm just kidding I swear... and also snapping my neck would be pointless by the way... because I've had it snapped before at least ten times so it's pretty much just... not gong to work... but... nonetheless... I'm sorry.... Then he was quiet and they soon arrived at the pizzeria where Nightly shot out of the car to meet two ponies. Chris! Boss! She cried as Boss picked them both up in a group hug. Well Well Well.... look who is here it is our little Midnight Kitten! How are you Kitten? Boss! Nightly whined. I begged you not to call me that anymore! I'm too old for that! You look young to me! Ay AY AY!! Come on out guys! Looks like we have the whole family! Chris smiled. Are you sure you want to come back Nightly? He asked. Of course! Come on and meet everypony guys! But Hope was still a bit distraught... Daddy would kill me?... he'd hurt me?... on purpose?..... just to make a point?... She shuddered at the thought and looked down then back up at Creeper and hugged him. I'm scared Creepy.... then she decided to fib about why. That stallion is scary.... and big....





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Creeper through a tendril around Hope and comforted her I won't let daddy hurt you, my sweet

Creeper gave her a kiss on her cheek and exited the vehicle, stretching out as he exited and popping just about every bone in his body Ahhh, that's much better

Bad Harmony exited, slowly fading back to Harmony as he did and flew over to his wife to meet the boss Hello sir,it's a pleasure to meet you
He said, holding out a hoof to shake his

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The Boss shook his hoof. Nice to meet'cha! Welcome to my Pizzeria! Boss grinned.

Hope walked out and went to explore and thus Boss saw her. Well! you've been busy! He picked her up and smiled. Wow... she's as beautiful as her mother.... Then he held her up high and she giggled. Put me down! Then Boss chuckled and put her down. You ready to see Freddy and the gang? Then Hope eagerly nodded and thus Boss opened the door. Come on in guys.... and get ready to meet your new friends.

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