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Harmonic Moons [Private]


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Creeper was getting suspicious, just the look of this guy didn't rub him right. Harmony felt a slight discomfort as well, but they both complied and entered the building, slightly eager to see where all of this was going to lead up to.

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The animatrons came to life right away. H-H-Hey there kids! g-g-g-get ready for F-F-F-Freddy Fazbear's P-P-P-Pizza! The bear said. L-L-L-Let's Strike out the band! O-O-One... T-T-T-Two! (help them) T-Three! Then the Chicken interuppted. Wait Freddy! we are forgetting somepony! Then the Bunny said. Yeah Freddy! and thus Freddy said. Oh Right! C'mon Kids! Let's call out our old pal Foxy.... F-F-Foxy! Then Hope childishly called with them. Foxy! L-L-Louder kids! F-F-Foxy!!! And Hope did the same. One more Time! F-F-Foxy!!! and then a Pirate fox finally showed up. Ay thar maties! It's me! Yur old pal foxy and welcome to th' show! Foxy said as Hope cheered sweetly and watched excitedly. I can't wait to see you scallywags at th' pirate Cove! (stop them) Yarharharharhar! Then he left and thus Freddy and Chica started to talk again. You know C-C-Chica! Freddy said. There are plenty of P-P-Pizza-(ponies)-Pizza to eat here for all of the ponies! Thats Right! Freddy! there Are! Plenty of P-P-(please help me)-Ponies- Pizza to eat! Bonnie then said. You know guys! eating pizza isn't the only thing you can do here at Freddy's. It isn't? The other two asked in shock. Of course there isn't! guess what I love best about the Pizzeria! Is it the games? No... Is it the Food? Guess again! Okay we give up... what is it? It's rocking out! Bonnie said as Hope cheerfully said. Yes!! Yes!! Alrighty! then!

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Harmony Giggled and watched in slight wonder as the anamatronics spoke, but the whispers made him feel a bit uneasy. He shook off the feeling and figured it was just a technological issue. Creeper however, wasnt falling for it. He eyed the characters, glaring at them as if he were trying to peer into their souls...if they had souls. Harmony stood alongside his daughter and smiled, he was so happy to see how excited she was and he clapped as the anamatronics were about to start. Creeper ket his tendrils flow out of him and wrapped them around his body so they would be ready to either attack or defend if need be. Until then he stood by Hope's side, he would make sure that no matter what happened she would be safe. Right now, she was his top priority. Having fun, my dear? He asked, trying to act normal; just because he was suspicious that doesn't mean he had to ruin things for her.

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Hope nodded and giggled, hugging Creeper. Jeeze are you tense you silly! She said as she kissed his cheek. The band started to play and thus the boss brought them to the cove, showing them around as Foxy was speaking, when he stopped and while Nightly was talking with boss, Hope went up on the stage to get a good look at foxy, only to have Vincent try to stop her. Hope.... I wouldn't do that if I were you.... he said nervously. He's just a robot... he can't... Then foxy tried to bite her, bringing Vincent's attention and thus getting the fox away from her, opening his jaw and pushing her off the stage. Vincent! Nightly screamed and came to help him as Hope came to hug Creeper, Vincent's hooves were bleeding badly as he finally made Foxy's jaw lock in place. Don't do that! Vincent scolded Hope. The number one rule that needs to be set?... DO NOT TOUCH OR COME CLOSE TO THE ANIMATRONS! He growled. We've already had a kid get bitten back in 1987... he's now living without the frontal lobe! we don't need some stupid kid getting killed! Do you understand?! He yelled which made Hope nod and then cry as Vincent sigh and look to Creeper. Keep her as close as you can.... I can't have another kid die..... He then shut Foxy down as Nightly went back to boss and argued about something. Hope then left Creeper and tackle hugged her father. Daddy! She squealed sadly. Can we go now? she shuddered.

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Creeper eyed Harmony If you ask me, I'd say it would be best if we left. I don't trust this place. I damn well don't trust the ones running this place either!

Harmony looked to Creeper, then to Foxy. There was something about these robots that just rubbed him wrong...he didn't want to be here anymore; that machine almost took his daughter from him, how could he stay and keep her here with him? I think leaving would be best. Come on now, let's find Nightly and talk to her He rose to his hooves and lead Hope and Creeper toward her

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Hey! your Bleeding! Hope yelled at Vincent on the way as he was coming with them. N..No I'm not! He hid them in his pockets and she pulled them out. Yes you are! don't you lie to me Mr! Then Vincent huffed. Fine so what? It's really deep too! Let me clean you up! N..No WAY! Vincent pulled his hooves away quickly. I don't think so! Please? No! Nightly's voice could be heard a ways away from where they were.

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Creeper and Harmony glanced at eachother Find Nightly, I'll watch Hope and Professor Descretion
On it! Harmony then took flight in his search for his wife. Creeper, however, kept his eyes glued to Hope and Vincent

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H..hey! Ow ow ow ow!! Jeeze! Vincent was being a baby. Your such a big butthead! calm down! It's only going to hurt for a bit.. She had a portable first aid kit and as soon as she brought out a needle, Vincent tried to run away. N..NO!! Keep that son of satan away from me!! He hissed. What? the needle... you aren't afraid of needles are you? N..No.. Vincent lied until Hope brought it close to him and he shrieked like a little girl. Ha! yes you are! Vincent was crying now. Get it away!!! Then finally Hope pinned him down and started to clean his wounds as he screamed like a banshee.





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Creeper was currently unable to do much, all the the unfolding events have left him rolling on the ground with glee, unable to stop himself from laughing hysterically atthe pouting/whining Vincent who had, prior to all of this, tried to 'show him up' in the van


Harmony peeked over at the two, not really sure what they were talking about, but he wasn't liking what he was hearing so far. Uhh, sorry. Am I interupting something?

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Vincent finally was done and he was embarrassed as Hope giggled and wiped away his tears. Aww you big baby... as he bit his lip and pouted, as she kissed his wounded hooves and put the bandaids on. there... all better... She said in a babyish voice that made Vincent feel stupid.


Nightly sighed. No... It's fine... you ready to go?

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Creeper was regathering himself and pulling himself back to his hooves Of sweet Celestia, that was too great!

Yes, I believe we are ready.  He called out to Creeper who grabbed Hope and brought her and himself over to Nightly
We done? We ready?

I believe so

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Vincent looked a little worried and Nightly looked right back. Right! Y...yes! she said. It's time to go. We'll see you later Boss.... She dragged her family away from the Pizzeria before anypony could say goodbye and Vincent drove them back. He was more quiet and Nightly whispered as he responded, they were only speaking in whispers but the words they could make out was Phone, Killed, Missing, ran off, and help them, then he finally dropped them off. Thank you Vincent. Nightly said as he smiled nervously back. remember... keep a sharp eye... He said and then drove off.

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Harmony smiled and waved as he drove off, his smile slowly faded to a frown as he glared over at Nightly. Creeper stood on one side and Harmony, who was slowly fading to Bad Harmony, on the other. Would you mind telling me what all of that was about!? He's obviously hiding something and you're following right behind him; I want to know what this is, and I want to know now!
Couldn't have said it better myself

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Nightly sighed. Look... the animatrons weren't always like this.... the truth is... those five kids weren't Vincent's doing... his "boyfriend" Phone Guy is actually just his mortal enemy, Phone Guy ran away a while ago and I've been trying to avoid telling you anything... but Phone Guy framed Vincent for killing the kids and now those kids are angry... trying to kill anypony with a uniform and especially anypony who is purple.... it's all they could recognize.... and now it's all screwed up okay?... there I said it... She frowned.

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They both fell silent Well...that went easier than expected

No kidding, I was expecting an argument...Nevermind that. I'm glad that you told me about this, but next time I would like to know if there's some freaky stuff happening ahead of time. Last thing we need is to be walking into something dangerous completely unprepared, ok?

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I am prepared.. but I undertand... okay.... Nightly frowned. I'm really sorry... But... I'd watch Hope Creeper... I think Vincent has the hots for her... Nightly perked up.

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Creeper growled angrily and a large set of curved horns shot out of his skull One strike is all he gets. If I so much as smell him on her things will get messy...

Bad Harmony rubbed his temples Creeper...not now, we don't need the drama

Creeper scowled at him and left for Hope As you wish...jerk

Bad Harmony sighed Why do things always have to be so hectic and mysterious?

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Nightly giggled. Oh you two.... It's just so funny how you bicker like school girls.... Hope hugged Creeper tightly as she walked over. Don't worry Creepy.... I know he'd be too chicken to face you... She kissed his cheek and giggled, twirling around a few times. But now that this has come to play... how about we get to know the guys a little better... I already have their phone numbers in case anything bad happens... Hope held out her phone happily.

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His eyes shot to Nightly, he had a rather odd looking smile on his face Oh, so I'm a girl now, am I?

He rose and tackled Nightly, pinning her beneath him as he started planting kisses up her neck Maybe I need to remind you who the real girl here is...
He said, lust filling his eyes
Creeper smiled at Hope and looked to her phone Baby, don't tease me. You know how much I love games ;)

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Nightly giggled. Not while the kids are watching... She blushed softly, her shyness returning. 


Hope giggled. I know but I just enjoy teasing you so much.... She smiled. What would you do anyway if purple did happen to.... I don't know... get me where he wanted? Hmm?


I remembered this in class and I choked on my own spit because of it))

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((Dont die! I'll miss you :P ))

Bad Harmony sighed in disappointment Fine, fine...we can always wait until later

Creeper shot her a cold glaze then took a breath and patted her head with a smile Don't worry, my dear, he won't be able to. Cause if he ever did, hehehe, then i would perform ritualistic tortures so agonizing that he will beg for death before I even get the chance to start having fun.

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Nightly smiled sweetly. Don't worry it might be sooner than you think. Then she kissed him softly and for a little while until retreiving her lips.



Hope looked up at Creeper and squeaked. No Creepy! Don't do that! You might kill him! I can see if you'd hurt him but not like that!! Hope was shuddering, she really cared about ponies, even annoying ones and she'd never approve of Creeper doing such things to Vincent, no matter what Vincent does, she softly hugged him around the waist and sighed shakily. Please don't hurt anypony Creepy.... please? She begged, pouting sadly.


( I ain't dead!)

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He returned her kiss and smiled at her I'm looking forward to it


Creeper looked down at her, he didn't want to agree with her because he'd be lying, but he didn't want to break her heart by declining. He stayed quiet for a moment before taking in a deep breath and vocalizing his answer I will not promise anything...but I will refrain from hurting, and above all killing, anything unless the situation demands it or unless something appears to truly be a threat to me and especially you


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Nightly smiled and soon the time came as everypony was getting ready, Nightly had been making uniforms all day and Hope had gotten a pink one which she hated pink but wore it anyway. Nightly then managed to pull everypony into their uniforms, have Mike pick them up and drive away to the pizzeria. Now guys... I'm just dropping you off but if anything goes wrong call me.... Vincent will be working with you guys and he'll show you around.... and god knows he's an idiot so if anything happens.... I'll kill e'm.... Mike growled. Going out with Doll Mike?..... Nightly asked. Yep... I'm going to ask her to marry me tonight.... He said proudly and thus got Nightly excited. Oh! and Nightly... How about you show your husband what we here in the Nightguard do over that desk in there.... Mike said in a teasing voice. SSH! He can't know about that.... besides... the kids will see... Mike rolled his eyes. Hardly.... They'll be out in the halls.... you'll be all alone in there.... I'd recommend charging the battery more and turning off the fan.... closing the doors and dimming the lights..... It's best when you-OKAY! T...That's e...enough.... I...I get it.... t...t..thank you M...M...Mike... Nightly said with her feathers puffy and her face bright red. Mike chuckled and said. Welp! this is your stop! and Nightly got out of the car with Hope as Hope pulled on Creeper. C'mon Creepy! She giggled, fluttering her fluffy wings. Let's go... I'll cuddle you if you get scared....

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Bad Harmony grinned at Nightly, he had more than caught the hint and was open to teasing her about it all night. This should be quite the entertaining little trip


Creeper chuckled at Hope Please, if anything you'll be wrapped around me cause I don't get scared :P

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