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Harmonic Moons [Private]


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(I just had a glorious idea...)

It's been weeks since we last met our interesting little friends here. Week of them living together and starting a family. However, Creeper has been getting rather curious about himself with his new body and even went as far as testing his genetics to see what all he was spliced with to be created and as it turned out none of the species he was created with even exist. This lead him to become slightly distanced from his family; he dug into books to find anything he could use to discover just what he was. At this moment in time he is in a small room surrounded with all sorts of odd novels about distant lands and places beyond Equestria.

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He was so wrapped up in one particular novel that he failed to notice Hope enter. He was literally staring down at the pages as if he were interrogating them for answers. He flipped the page and hummed a few times in a way that showed that whatever he was reading was only pulling him deeper in. The title of this book read The Strangeland and to those who read itit was nonfiction, but to him it felt like something more

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Hope tilted her head and then sighed, she had brought him food. I'll just leave you be.... She said in disappointment. I... I really miss you you know.... and the kids haven't seen their daddy for a long time... they can barley even remember you when I bring you up.... She pouted. Well.... Enjoy your book... I hope to see you soon... She turned to the door, defeated as she knew her husband was pretty stubborn and wouldn't come down until he finished whatever he was doing, even if hell itself came down and attacked.

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He felt his eardrums vibrate and his head jerked up in her direction Hope? When did you get in here? He asked, setting the book down but leaving it open.

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He got up and hugged Hope I'm sorry, sweetie, I've just been so sucked up in all this. I must have lost track of time. I just feel like I'm onto something so I just dove deeper into my project

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He thought to himself for a moment and hatched an idea You know, I think I've stumbled onto something very interesting. I was actually about to leave to see if my hunch was correct. Would you like to join?

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Prototype was making a call of his own. Just as Pierce would show up the TARDIS appeared in the study. This should make the trip a bit easier

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He entered the TARDIS and opened up the book he was reading earlier. After a few moments of typing in the coordinates they were off. When the tardis had brought them to their destination Prototype opened the door. They were in a large plain that was brightly lit by the sun. Most of the land was flat and uncovered minus a large stack of stones in the shape of an arch that didn't lead anywhere. Hmm...it's supposed to be right here He said as he stepped out of the tardis and paced around the arch This doesn't make sense

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I just don't see...what...He zoned out as he stared deeply into the book. After humming a few times he started pacing around the arch. He grunted in an aggravated manner and through the book through the arch. Once it passed the end of the arch though it vanished. He stared intently at the arch now, trying to see where the book had gone, before walking through it himself and vanishing into thin air

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He stood frozen, staring at this whole new world in front of him. The sun was black and radiating with a darkness that would drive most insane. There was a town-like area before him filled with all sorts of beasts, all of which had their own disturbing unique figures, but they were all the same color as Creeper(Minus the red markings). Some were mingling, some were fighting furiously, and the one that looked young in appearance were causing mischief. Setting things on fire and pullings pranks on the older creatures. He was about to take a step forward before Hope ended up running into him and making him fall with a slight yelp. Luckily not catching the attention of any of the creatures here.

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