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Harmonic Moons [Private]


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It's fine He said, pulling himself up. Once he was up the ground started to shake and a large dark grey, worm like beast with on giant eye for a head tore out of the gravel and stared directly at both of them. It's pupil grew, almost covering most of the white in it. 

Welcome to Strangeland. he managed to say despite not having a mouth Identify yourselves and state you purpose here...

Uh...I'm Prototype 3...I came here to seek out what I am. The beast nodded at him and seem to glare angrily at Hope 

And you...pony? What is your purpose for entering our lands?

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I...I'm his wife.... She shuddered fearfully. I'm coming with him as a companion.... She whimpered, hugging him close, she was afraid of this thing as it looked like it desired to cause harm against her.

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The beast looked back at Prototype with curious amusment, but let it's curiosity slide. If you wish to remain here then you must know that this land will change you. At least, it will change her. For she is an outsider...

Uhh, aren't I an outsider too?

Your blood is that of a Strangest, you will remain unphased.

A Strangest?

The beasts who roam here. I must say, it is a miracle you survived in the Outlands

What the hell are you talking about?

Did you not know? A Strangest cannot leave Strangeland. Upon exiting the portal their body turns to ash and they may not be reborn.

I'm not a Strangest though, I was made in...wait a minute. He was beggining to wonder if maybe the lab he was made in wasn't dedicated to making new species of animals and maybe they were trying to make something else

You say I am a Strangest, but I was made in the 'Outlands' in a lab...

You...you are part pony. This I can tell. Perhaps you are a hybrid The worm leaned its eye closer to Prototype But know this, you are one of us... Welcome home. The worm creature was about to depart but stopped just before reaching the hloe he appeared out of.

Before I leave, there is one more thing you must know. When the black sun lowers and the blood moon is high, that portal will close until the black sun resurfaces. The Strangelands have no rules, no regluations. Be cautious...and beware those who wish to do you harm. And with that he dove back into his hole and vanished

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He was about to suggest that they leave but the sun was setting and as the portal started to close a large gate rose from the ground and concealed the only exit from this world. It looks like we don't have much of a choice anymore...

He looked over at Hope and he noticed that one of her hooves had turned dark grey Hope...are you feeling okay?

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He tried to answer, he wanted to, but he couldn't.

You're becoming one of them said a strange feminine voice that seemed to have an echo of a child's voice behind it

Behind Hope was an earth pony, but she was dark grey. All of her hooves hard long sharp nails coming out of them, her body was decorated with randomly placed large black spikes, one side of her head had a dozen small blue eyes and the other size had a normal pony eye. Her mane hung down to the ground, it was black as night and some of the strands were barbed wire growing out of her skull

What the???

Hi, I'm Peach Tree. 

You look like hell, girl.

She giggled at his comment Well, you sure do know how to talk to a lady. Again, my name is Peach Tree, I'm a stranger.

A what?

A stranger is a pony that comes to Strangeland. The longer you stay here the more you change.

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Hope screamed and hugged her husband. C...Creepy..... I'm turning into a monster..... n...n...not to offend you peach tree but.... it's just that.... you are a bit of an eye full to take in.... you almost look like a scary yet kind of pretty art.... She smiled gently. I...I'm Hope and this is my husband C...C...Creeper...

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Prototype, formally

It's fine, it's nice to meet both of you. It's not often that new ponies come into Strangeland, especially handsome ones. she said as she winked her many eyes toward Creeper

Anywho, yes, you'll will be changed, but once you leave Strangeland, Strangeland will leave you. 

So she'll change back when we leave

Yes, but I'm not sure about you

What do you mean?

Any living thing to come in here becomes half Strangest, they become what they call Strangers. But, and yes I was listening in on you guys earlier, you are only part pony. At least that's what i'm assuming-

You are correct

Right, you're only part pony, staying here too long might completely convert you. And any and all Strangest's who try to go through the portal are instantly turned to ash.

He froze for a moment, wondering, hoping that this wasn't true. If he were to change completely he would be stuck here.

But, on the bright side, if you get stuck here you could always stay with me *Insert bedroom eyes here*

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Hope hissed and brought out her claws. Touch him and I will end your miserable and disgusting life for eternity.... Hope hugged him tight. Stay away from us and if I catch you around him I will personally skin you and wear it as a F****** COAT!!! Got it B****?

She bristled and then gently hugged him, tears in her eyes, she wasn't happy about her husband being so whatever with this creature's flirting as well as she wanted to keep him close. I don't want to ever lose you..... She muttered loud enough for only him to hear.

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He held her close and motioned with his head for the mare to beat it. She frowned angrily but complied and left 

You wont lose me, I promise. He hugged her and almost jumped when he saw that one of his hooves had turned into an arm with fingers that had large jagged nails coming from them, but he took a breath and remained calm despite this. He didn't know how he would hide this from Hope though

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I love you Creepy.... Please.... If I become something like her.... please just remember that I'm still me... She whimpered. I'm scared for what I'll become.... I....I don't want you to hate me for what I become.....

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Sorry, she kinda caught me off guard. Otherwise I would have told her to kick rocks the second I saw her. He explained, releasing Hope from his grip. Looking down at her again he saw that both of her front hooves were now grey and both of his were now arms with the same long jagged nails. It's hardly been an hour and we're already changing rapidly.

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She giggled. I like your arms though.... they look cool.... She smiled. I just hope I don't end up like Peach Tree..... She shuddered. I mean attitude wise.... She was gross.... flirting with a married Creeper.... She smiled.

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He chuckled at her little joke Well if we're gonna be stuck here till morning we might as well look around. But be careful, these people don't really look all that friendly.

He began walking toward the small town in the distance, staring into the carnage that the beasts were causing. All of them had their own unique appearance, some were humanoid, some looked like giant mutant bugs, and others were too horribly disfigured to pinpoint much of an appearance.

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He wandered around aimlessly, just watching how these creatures acted. Some looked at them, but didn't really pay too much attention. This place is weird...I kinda like it

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His spine popped a few times and he cringed in pain Ow! What the hell!? 

He turned his head to see that his torso was beginning to bend and twist, it was reshaping itself. Grrr, let's just keep moving

Awww, look at the poor little pony with his body all bent and hurting... One of the beasts commented. Prototype ignored him however and took a seat in a nearby empty alley

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Yeah...I just...n-need to take a break. You can keep looking around if you'd like, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. He said as he remained seated and started breathing heavily, trying to recollect his mind from the pain. Despite it all though, he would be fine. He's handled much worse

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