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The Chaos Plague (O/A)


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Discord; God of Chaos, Master of Disorder, the one that once ill the world with his magic and mischievousness; has fallen ill himself. While the good doctors and nurses have been taking care of Discord under the direct orders of Celestia, another Doctor has been called forth in fear that this illness has triggered something else.

A Plague Doctor. Deprived of a name, he has come from an island far, far away from Equestria. When he was hailed by the Princess, he did not hesitate and gathered his best medicine before making the journey to Equestria. He was well known for showing up at the worst possible times, but becoming the one that would put an end to it; most of the time in a good way.

However, when he arrived to Ponyville, nothing could prepare the good doctor for what was to come. As of now, everything seems safe and normal, and the doctor only has to deal with Discord...



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1. Always follow Canterlot.com's ToS agreement

2. No fighting amongst each other outside of the rp. I don't see much fighting happening in this rp until the plague gets out of control, but in either case, only then will there be fighting, and only in the rp.

3. Respect your fellow RP mates.

4. No God moding, Auto hitting, or Always Dodging. Take a hit or two, and give the others chances.

5. Try sticking to the RP plot as much as you can. I don't mind side-quest and stuff, but try and keep that as closely tied in to the plot as well.

6. Most importantly: Have fun!

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It was coming close to mid day, most of the residents in Ponyville were relaxing and having fun. Yet the doctors and nurses at the local clinic were busy trying to help Discord feel better and rid his illness. It wasn't long till the train stopped outside of the village at the train station. A single door opened and there stood a strange bird-like mask and trench wearing pony. He stepped out and closed the door behind himself, then looked around. He noticed the station attendant looking at him strangely, but he was more than use to it by now.

Without saying a word, he moved forward towards the village and stopped. He had no idea exactly where he was going, or where he even was clearly. Lost, slightly homesick, he began to cautiously wander about, looking around and noticing once again just like at the stations the ponies stopped and stared. The mask; they had never seen one like that before. They didn't know who this pony was, or why he was dressed like this. Some even got bad vibes off of him. The masked pony still said nothing and continued to look around; where was he to go? He then saw a building with a red cross over it. That must be it, their hospital. He quickly moved towards the building and entered it. He went up to the mare at the front desk who wasn't paying attention to what was in front of her at the moment. "Excuse me, ma'am. I'm looking for the one known as Discord." He said clam and politely.

The mare looked up and was about to speak, but then gasped when she saw him. "I-uh, I'm sorry. He's down the hallway to the left; fourth door on the left." She said, still in surprise and now worry. The masked pony nodded in thanks and walked down to the specified door. He opened it and there he was; the master of chaos himself with everyone known kind of animal and race mashed together. Discord looked up when he heard the door open. "Hello~oo. I don't remember ordering any entertainment." He said, but instead of laughing, he began coughing again. The masked pony walked further into the room, but stopped a foot away from the bed. "Hello Discord. I was summoned here by the Princess of this land to see if I can help you with your pestilence. Where is your doctor?" He asked in an even voice. Discord smiled and lied his head back down. "Celestia ordered for another doctor to check on little ol' me? How thoughtful of her. Unfortunately, you just missed her; what was her name again, Venus Starlight? He said.

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Venus walked into the room a glass of water on a tray in her mouth. She walked passed the strange bird pony and set the tray beside Discords bed. "Theres your water." she said and turned to the masked Stallion. "You must be the plague doctor. Im Venus Discord's current doctor." she said holding out a hoof to the stallion. She wasnt scared or curious of his looks at all. What would you expect if you had been treating Discord? A stallion wearing a mask was the most normal thing she had seen for days

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Discord reached over for the glass of water that Venus had put on the table. As soon as he touched it, the water began to be some strange rainbow color. He softly sighed. "Well, it's still water, I hope." He said mostly to himself, then drunk the substance. When he was done, his face show great dissatisfaction. "Well I've been wrong before..." He said as he put the glass back down, then hiccup a few bubbles.

Under the mask, the doctor raised an eyebrow. "I see what you mean." He said, then looked at Venus. "I don't understand something though, miss Starlight; why would I be summoned here if he's already in a hospital? I mean, i primarily make house calls." He voiced his question to her.

Discord slightly sat up again and looked at the masked pony. "Hah, you must not know exactly who I am; however, I don't think my sickness is considered a plague." He said with a chuckle. "I mean, you don't see her bundled up tightly or freaking out for that matter."

The doctor looked at Discord for a second, then back as Venus. "Does any pony know what kind of sickness he has anyways?"

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"No. For all we know it could be an act that he's putting on." She said to the masked pony. She took Discords cup and filled it with water. She went over to the draconoques and held the cup to his lips. "Maybe if you don't touch it then it wont change." She said

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The Draconoques gave a soft smile when Venus attempted to help him. "You are too kind, Starlight. However, I don't think my magic stops at just my hands; it starts at the mind." He said to her, then drunk the water. This time, it did not change and Discord's smile widened. "Oooh, that was good." He said as his body shivered for a moment to show his satisfaction.

The doctor narrowed his eyes under the mask as he watched this. "For one who is bed-ridden, you seem quiet energetic." He stated as he walked over.

Discord looked over at him with a curious look, then slightly laughed. "Well, unlike you ponies, I don't catch common colds and flus. However..." He said as he began to look more serious. "I'm not quiet sure what this is myself, and that's worrysome..." He at first stated, but then was interrupted by the mask wearing pony.

"I both believe that, and don't want to as well. For one as yourself, I believe you'd be causing the plague, not catching it." He said and then looked around. "Have you ever been sick before?" He then looked at Discord again.

Discord raised an eyebrow at the question. "Well, of course I have; but that was a long time ago." He said, then grinned. "Care to know what the name of it was?" He asked him.

The doctor looked around for something to write on and with. If this was a plague or sickness he had never heard of before, he had to document it. Once he got a hold of a quill and paper, he returned back to Discord's bedside and sat on his hind legs, ready to write.

Discord's grin widened as he saw this. "It is the same sickness as what everything else has, just so you know."

Everything, having the same sickness?! Now the doctor was highly alerted; what sickness could everything have and no pony seemed to know about it? More importantly, if everything had it, why, then, did it not come to his mind.

Discord lied back down and placed his hands over his stomach, looking at the ceiling. "It's know... as life." He said and chuckled.

The doctor seemed stunned for a moment, staying perfectly still. Life? Life! This creature was calling life a sickness?! How dare he. With a snort, he returned the quill and paper to their respective places and turned towards the door, walking out. "I'm leaving; he's going to be fine." He said in an annoyed voice.

Discord waved at the doctor as he walked out. "Oh yes, I will be fine." He said with a grin. Once the doctor was completely gone, he looked over at Venus. "You know, I'm alright for now; however, I think bird face will need someone to talk to. He seems to have a lot on his mind." He said to her with a kind smile.

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Venus smiled at Discord. "Alright. Just give me a chocolate rain if you need anything." She said and walked out the door. She went after the stallion and stopped him before he left. "Please don't go. We need you here. If Discord is acting but the sickness is real we'll need somebody to find the antidote. Ponies lives could be in danger" she said to him

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The doctor turned around when he heard a voice behind him and saw Venus behind him. He sighed softly when she asked him nor to leave. "It's hard for me to do anything if I know nothing." He told her and looked down at the ground. There was something that Discord had said that was bouncing in his head. 'It starts at the mind... Was that a clue?' He thought to himself, then lifted his head again to look at Venus. "Very well, for the well being of all ponies, I will stay." He told her. "Is theresomewhere more private we can talk at though?"

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"I have an office at the back of the hospital, if that's alright." Venus said to the doctor. She turned around and began to lead the stallion down a maze of turns until they came to a door that read Dr. Venus on the door. She opened it and gestured for the stallion to go in before her

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The doctor followed behind Venus as she led him to her office, the walked in once she opened the door. As she walked in after and closed the door, he gave a slight sigh before reaching up to the mask. 'I haven't done this in a while... I hope she doesn't freak out.' He thought as he removed the mask slowly, revealing his face underneath it. It wasn't flawless; there was a scar running down the left side of his face right next to his eye, and on his right cheek the fur seemed matted and caved in ever slightly. This was the side-effects of being so close to all the deadly diseases.

"Tell me, since you are the one closes to Discord while he is in whatever state he's in, have you noticed anything... beyond his level of oddity?" He asked her, then looked her in the eyes with his colored-deprived gray ones as he continued, as if ready to study what she would say next. "In other words, how are you feeling right now?"

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Venus was slightly surprised when the doctor took off his mask but smiled. "I can tell you don't do that often and I'm appreciated that you would do that. Now your question on Discord. As of current I am feeling no sideaffects since being in close contact with him." She aaid

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