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Cinders Aflame

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"Gather 'round, children, so I may tell you the tale, of Knightlen, a far land from the kingdom of Canterlot. This story begins in the king's throne room in the morning..."

Fadlen Deklan was sitting in his throne, feeling the ever well feeling sunlight piercing the windows. He did this usually on days of great beauty. This day was no different. He sighed, as he watched the time go by. When suddenly, one of his royal knights burster through the throne doors!

"Sire! Terrifying news! Reports of ghastly monsters and abominations have been seen bursting into the city! They're slaughtering everything in their path!"

"What?" Falden said," What are they?" "They are fur covered beasts that shred everything in their path! I was lucky to make it out alive, sire!" "Call for all knights! We must repel them!" ( hop in :))

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