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Fallout: Before the Storm [private]


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"We don't want to fly through that is what it is" he said flying upward to pass over it thunder following him

After passing the storm system it was just boring flying unless you were watching the cloud carpet beneath them

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Soon the sky began to darken and the two armored Pegasus's descended looking for a place to stay they found a gas station abandoned except for a few radroaches

Lucky let the sleeping mare down on the only bed in the convenience store and walked to the window thunder was stairing out of a tear crawling down the grey stallions face

Lucky put his hoof on his shoulder

"I'm sorry for just leaving it there but we weren't planing on lullaby to be with us when it happend"

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Thunder made a few clicks

"Yes I wish we could have taken both it and her but life is more valuable than sentimental objects....remember my pipbuck and stable suit?"

He nodded

I gave the suit to a filly in the middle of winter wail.....you with red eye out near New Pegasus"

Thunder punched a wall at the sound of the ponies name that cut his tongue out

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"And my pipbuck was shot off my hoof luckily saving it" he continued "my point is leaving your wife's armor isn't a good thing but you don't have to see it as bad" lucky finished

Thunder pulled his hoof out of the wall leaving a hole in it. Then he turned to lucky and hugged him making some more clicks

"I know I miss her too" he said tears starting to well up in his eyes too

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"I'm going to try to sleep if you want to wake me up and I'll take watch ok?"

Thunder nodded

Lucky walked to lullaby but stoped half way to her "Oh and thunder thanks for deleting me off of the stable main mainframe"

Thunder smiled half heartedly

Lucky then turned back to lullaby and took of his armor then wraped her close to him in his wings falling asleep

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(yeah, that would make sense)


Lullaby woke up after a few hours and smiled after seeing her stallionfriend with her, She kissed his cheek and stood up, then got ready to go... somewhere.

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Lucky stirred but didn't wake up

Thunder looked over at the mare and waved at her smiling. His emotional breakdown from last night being gone for now

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Lullaby nodded. "I do actually." She said smiling. She looked around and found some more paper. "Also, this will help us communicate a bit better from now on since you also need to say something."

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"I was born in the stable with lucky we were the only two pegasi in the place so we were always hitting over hanging lights and other tall things"

"When his father left the stable he went after him and I followed him not liking life in the stable anyways"

"I like anything stable tec I haven't meet a lock I can't pick(with a few exceptions) and can hack almost any computer"

He then smiled as he wrote the next part

"I also REALLY like things that go boom"

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