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Fallout: Before the Storm [private]


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((Should we time skip now or continue?))

Lucky bit his lip when she spanked him

He was mentally going insane from this

When she bit his ear his wings opened the rest of the way breaking the binding spell around them...though with how turned on he was it didn't matter

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((I wasn't sure cause nothing that bad was happening))


Lucky sat the having a hard time breathing

He hurt but it felt good to him this time.. Unlike being shot or cut

The mare who had been hurting him was on his chest were she normally was after they did it

He still couldn't move...though he couldn't tell if it was from exhaustion or the spell was still active

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(Yeah but... well... it is rather obvious wher that was going.)

Lullaby fell asleep in his chest. The wound he had was already better and she didn't looked like able to keep the spell that was holding him. She had a smile in her face amd was breathing slowly.

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((Hay it's tagged as 18+))

Lucky sat there trying to stay awake..for what ever reason but his flank hurt and lullaby felt vary warm and sleep was looking more appealing by the second

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Lucky smile once more (I'm glad I left the stable) he thought before slipping off to sleep

-in Lullaby's dream-

((Explain what she's dreaming))

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"Oh... hi mom." Lullaby said smiling as she saw her. "He should arrive soon." She explained smiling as she went back to her baby. "He was working." Aparently, another dream of how their life would had been.

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Lullaby turned to her. "Well..." she giggled. "I can't imagine him without fighting, and that was the closest thing." She said smiling, leaning back to Luna and still having her baby in jer hooves.

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"Me too" she said wrapping a wing around her "plus I think I see him...unless that's a different Pegasus in gold armor"

((I think you should control lucky wail In the dream))

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(Hmm... makes sense since it is the one of her dream.)

Lullaby giggled. "No, its him." She said smiling.

As she said that, Lucky came in. "Good day dear." She said to Lullabu, then saw Luna. "Oh, good day to you too mom." He said smiling to Luna as he walked to where they were, then gave Hope a small nuzzle.

Hope giggled at that.

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"Hello...well son" luna smiled at that knowing this wasn't him but she liked saying that (son) she thought

She then turned to lullaby "so what did you do to lucky before he passed out" she asked

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Lullaby blushes, but smiled. "Well, what I'm sure you also do with dad." She said smiling to her, pulling Lucky to a hug.

Lucky hugged back.

(In the Darky/Luna relationship, Luna is dominant over Darky. Kind of like Lullaby and Lucky. They have that in common the two stallions [emoji14])

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Luna raised an eyebrow "um...I'm not sure what your talking about" she said to lullaby

"But the reason I'm asking because he's not dreaming. But he's asleep"

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Luna stood up and wrapped lullaby in her wing and slowly everything shifted to black "here we are" she said putting her wing back to her side "and well it's strange knowing this is Lucky's dream" she then turned to lullaby this would normally be somewhere near the garden gait sea of flowers" she then looked back to the nothingness "of corse his image falls short of what it truly looked like"

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Lullaby was not sure what to say. Why was this happening. "Uhmm... well, what Lucky and I were doing was have... some fun." She said those last words in a way Luna would understand what she meant. "Vinyl told me he liked being dominated, so I gave it a try." She added.

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