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Discovering the Truth. (See OOC)

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Sprig nosed his way to Dawn Whisper placing himself between the crowd and the young Stallion. "Excuse me!" He raised his voice a higher octave than normal. "I regret to inform the lot of you that this indeed is private property." He locked his slim legs firmly refusing to budge. "You have been kindly asked to leave please do so before this is taken to court." He was no where near as intimidating as Brave Shield, however, words had not failed him yet.

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Dawn let out a sigh of relief as the reporters and paparazzi retreated, but the large crowd still remained at the edge of his lawn. "Thanks, guys." He said, walking forward. Of course, as soon as they stepped off of the property, the media was right back onto them, but not as intensely as before. With Brave's skill for intimidation along with Sprig's convincing way with words, it made being in public so much more bearable. Of course, Dawn loved his fans, and was known for being polite and generous despite his aggressive music and stage appearence. But now was not a good time to be held up. Eventually, they boarded the train and Dawn sat as far away from the windows as possible.

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Brave never left to get his stuff he just stayed by damn making sure the press didn't bombard him

But he did walk off for a second at the station but came right back and handed the little box to sprig "here" he said having bought them before they boarded the train

Once dawn sat brave left to go to the bathroom when he came back he was a unicorn again

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Sprig accepted the box graciously and instantly put the plugs in his sensitive ears. Oh,thank Celestia that was better! He would have to thank the unicorn someday for sparing his ears. The noises from the train was now but a dull throb. The stench still clung to his nose but, he could handle that much. He was seated close to his friends. With his legs tucked under him trying his best to forget where he was, humming lightly to self soothe.

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Dawn took a deep breath as the train began moving, some of the fans running to keep up, and every so often reaching the window to get a glimpse of them. As soon as the train had picked up speed and made its way out of town, the young stallion sighed heavily and sat a bit closer to the other two. Thank Celestia that was over... Dawn looked at Brave, realizing he did not have any bags with him. "I thought you were going to pack up?" He said.

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Upon hearing the dull sounds of voices, he removed a plug from his right ear. Shuddering slightly at the increase in noise. Curse his noseyness. "You said you were visiting your sister?" He inquired.He wasn't aware that the Lunar guard had a sister.

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Dawn nodded, reaching into his saddle bag and pulling out his laptop, and the light tapping could be heard as he typed on the keyboard, along with a few clicks of the mousepad. "I would really like to see Vynal again. It's been a few years since I last spoke to her. She was the one who helped me get to where I am today." He said, smiling a bit at the memory.

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"The Vynal Scratch?" He asked quirking a brow with the utmost curiosity. "Well, you learn something new everyday." He smiled. The teacher hadn't known he was in the presences of the DJ's brother. Nor did he realize Dawn's connection with said mare. Most curious indeed.

The tapping of a keyboard floated through his ears. He listened with a calm and peaceful expression. The simple noise taking him back to when he was but a foal, snoozing under his father's desk as the stallion tapped away on the typewriter;working on his most recent novel. It was amazing what could bring about nostalgia. "I wonder what the old chap is up to?" He mumbled his thoughts.

"It seems you both have known each other for quite some time then?" He asked the two crossing his front legs over each other and folding his hind legs underneath in a gentlemanly fashion. His legs were quite long and he didn't want them to be in the way. It would be sometime before they reached Ponyville, passing the time with some friendly chatter was the way to go. It also.opened up an opportunity to get to know the two better.

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"We have, yes." Dawn said, chuckling a bit. "You should have seen how nervous I was when I first met Brave. I always feel uncomfortable around those of extremely high authority, you can just imagine I nearly had a mental breakdown." He laughed, before continuing to type on his laptop. "Hey, could you guys tell me what you think of this guitar loop? I'm thinking of using it in one of my singles." He said, playing the loop out loud. It started off softly at first, before easing into a much more brutal tone.

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He listened to the soft harmonic notes quietly and with his ears flicked forward to better hear. The notes were soft and gentle and when it progressively became more...violent...he didn't notice it much. "It blends nicely together." He smiled in Dawn's direction. "I'm sure it will be splendid in your show." He went to slide his shades back up his muzzle before deciding just to remove them for now. It was only the three of the, so, it shouldn't matter.

"I do hope you two don't mind if I remove my shades for awhile." He said clipping them to the collar of his tie. "If my um...stareing starts to bother either of you, I will put them back on." He stated with a slight apologetic smile. He knew that some were a bit disturbed by his blind gaze.

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"It's fine sprig" he said to the blind pony "it's not like you do it on purpose"

He then turned to dawn "being serious now yes it's really good" brave didn't know much on music but he knew what he liked

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"Heh, thanks." Dawn said, chuckling a bit. He saved the loop to his computer and looked over at Sprig. "Go ahead, I don't mind." He said with a shrug. The young rock star sighed heavily. "Once we're all done with this, I'll have to make it up to the ponies that wasted their money on tickets for a show I never showed up for..." He said, rubbing his temples. "I love my fans, but... Sometimes they don't know the meaning of a personal life..."

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"And that's why I don't get out much anymore" brave said

The lunar captain was always getting bumbarded with ponies complaining about some law or anouther and he never liked it

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"I think I can sympathize, similar in a way really." He let out a light chuckle. "If I take a few measly sick days,my students believe something terrible has happened and I will never return." A warm smile at the fond memories of the little tykes. "Bless their sweet little hearts." He truly loved them to pieces, however, they were a bit over dramatic at times and occasionally clingy. "I do believe that your fans will understand." He reassured the young singer. "If not in the present, then sometime in the future."

"So, what is our first move once we make it to Ponyville?" He shifted a bit trying to get the tingling out of his back legs which seemed to have fallen asleep. "Will we go straight to Miss Vynal's house or?"

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Dawn scrolled through his image library on his laptop for a moment, before shutting it and putting it back into his saddlebag. "I have a few images that match the description my foster parents told me about. As far as research tells me, there are about four bridges in Ponyville that might fit." He yawned and leaned back in his seat. "I think first we should visit Vynal. She might even be able to help us out."

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Brave looked at dawn with a troubled look on is face

"Yaaaa...about that she may or may not be there" he then paused for a moment "although Octavia might be there but I'm sure she would be busy"

Brave then looked out the window seeing garden gait go by

(I really need to check on crisp and see how she's handling the lumber yard" he thought as it went out of view

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"Ah, a change in plans perhaps?"


It was a bit disheartening that he may not exactly get a chance to meet the musically talented mare. Though, it couldn't be helped. He knew that one such as herself was probably kept busy 24-7. It did bring up the thought of where exactly the three would stay. There was no telling how long this search and find mission would take. Would she allow them to stay at her place in her absence? He wasn't to sure about that. The simple notion of it made him feel like, like, a bum. Yes! That was the word. And truth be told, he rather not want to take advantage of the mare like that. It simple wasn't in his nature! Though, on the other hoof he was probably over thinking this.




Yes, probably so.

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"I'm not exactly sure." Dawn said, rubbing his temples. "Do you think she'll allow us to stay a few days if I pay her? I don't have a house of my own in Ponyville." Usually, he never liked bumming off of other ponies, even those who are very close friends. Octavia was usually very nice to him, but she wasn't exactly the type to appreciate the music he made.

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"Well I think I can convince her to let us stay if Vinals not there" brave said

Octavia always seamed to like him though he was a bit too dull no notice that she was flirting with him

"And I don't think we should pay her dawn...maybe get her a gift of thanks but I think it would be a bit weird to pay her"

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"I'm sure she is a reasonable mare." He assured with a slight nod. He had almost forgotten that the two where roommates. His spirits were lifted again at the thought of meeting the classy mare. He quite enjoyed the soothing and classic music that she created. Maybe the two could share a kettle of tea and have a nice chat about the realm of classical music?  No, no, now was not the time for tea and small talk with mares...no matter how classy. This was a time of possibly  reuniting a family and that would be his sole focus.


 "However, if worse comes to worse." He started with a small shake of his head to get his mind back on track. "We could all chip in for a hotel room. Though, I don't believe it will come to that." He finished with a smile in the general direction of where Brave was. "I believe our  friend, Brave, here can be most persuasive."

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(Sorry for the late reply. I'll try not to let this thread die. ^^)


"Well, either way I would like to pay her back if she does allow us to stay." Dawn said, yawning and leaning his head back. "Octavia is realy nice, so I doubt she would have a problem.... She's especially nice to me, for some reason." He shrugged and let out a small yawn.

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