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Discovering the Truth. (See OOC)

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"Well maybe I'll play some music for you mister sprig" she said with smile not reilizing he could see her

Octavia then turned to flurt with brave again when a knock came from the door

"Coming!" She hollered as she trotted to the door and opened it

"Yes?" She said not yet seeing who it was

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"Oh, I look forward to it." A smile curving the ends of his mouth. His ears flicked at the knocking on the door. Well, now who could that be. Perhaps it was the elusive DJ that shared this vacinty with the lovely Octavia? Sprig turned to his body to where he would be facing the door and out of the way. He wouldn't make a very good first empression to greet one with one's backside, now would he?

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Dawn jumped a bit at the sudden knock at the door, and wondered if Vynal had returned early from her tour. Of course, it would not have made sense for her to just knock on the door of her own home, rather than walking in.


Zed quickly walked in, his thin arms struggling with the box he was carrying. "E-excuse me..." He said, his voice sounding rather strained. He carefully made his way to a clear spot on the living room floor and gently set the large box down. He stood leaning against it for a moment, panting heavily. "Sorry to... barge in like this, Octavia..." He said. "Vynal asked me to pick up a brand new stereo for her." He glanced into the dining room and noticed Dawn and Brave. "Hey, guys. How's it going?"


"Hey, Zed!" Dawn replied, waving a hoof. "I guess now is as good a time as any. We were just talking about you." He gestured to the blind pony next to the door. "This is Sprig. He's decided to accompany us. Sprig, this is Zed."

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Brave got out of zeds why quickly and accedently bumped into Octavia

"Sorry" he said to her as he waved to zed "hay zed"

Octavia blush a tiny bit when brave did theta then addressed zed

"It's quite alright, although I'm not sure why she didn't tell me"

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Sprig listened a bit confused at the many sounds as Zed entered with his heavy load. What in the world? It wasn't until Zed explained was he able to make out what happened. With a slight nod and a quick adjustment to his glasses he carefully felt his way around the furniture until he was sure he was standing in front of Zed. "Oh, sorry about that." He apologized when he bumped his hoof against a chair. Darn his clumsiness.  " It's a pleasure to get to meet the Angel I've been hearing so much about." He held out a slender white hoof. "It is so very nice to meet you, sir." His usual friendly smile plastered on his face. The teacher was quite giddy on the inside over meeting this strange creature.

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"I thought she would have told you already. I'm not really one for making surprise visits that often." Zed replied to Octavia. He turned to the Blind pony that Dawn gestured to and smiled, even though he could not see it. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Sprig." He said politely, heartily shaking his hoof. The boy could imagine that it might be a bit of a surprise to him that instead of shaking with another hoof, a hand comprised of five fingers. He turned back to Dawn and Brave. "So, what brings you guys here?" He asked. "Is there any way I could lend a hand if needed?"


Dawn's face lit up at the last thing Zed added, and he nodded. "Actually... yes. We're searching for clues about my parents. We were wondering if you could come with us, just in case we might be a bit in over our heads..."

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"It's fine zed it's just unexpected is all" she told him as she went and sat next to brave who had sat back done on the loveseat

"Witch honestly I don't think we are...but it would be nice to have you come with us" brave added

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Sprig was nonetheless surprised as Zed shook his hoof. The feeling of somthing wrapping around it was something he hadn't been expecting. It almost felt like a talon though not has tough as one. He had felt of talons, fins, cloven hooves, and wings but, never anything like this. Hm. Perhaps a better way to think of it as soft roots? He pondered over what to make of Zed. A creature with roots for an appendage. Maybe the roots were known as this hand he spoke of.


Interesting indeed.


His attention surfaced back to the outside world realizing he had delved to deeply into his own thought process. "I believe with the more minds we have working together on this, the better results we will have." He said hoping to encourage Zed to stick around. And maybe in the mean time he could get to know more about his new found acquaintance.

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