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Old Friend, New Friend (Private)


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Starry Requiem sighed as she sat down on the park bench-alone.  She heard the unison clops and hoofsteps of duos, most likely couples.  It was, afterall, a few days Hearth's Warming.  And she would spend it alone, again.  Her mother still refuses to say anything other than the usual courteous greetings, and her father was away on a research trip in Prance.  She sighed again-she had hoped to spend this wonderful festival with somepony other than herself.  Too bad I don't have any friends here...wait...Don't I?  Starry Requiem: the star, the prodigy, the clever mare-has no friends!  Think, think, I'm sure I made at least one friend along my path of life.  The mare at the convention? Nope, I don't even have her address to send a letter to.  That family of four in Roam?  No!  For goodness sakes, they live in Roam!  How about that Pegasus colt, StormChaser, wasn't it?  Nop-wait, yep! Yes!  I have his address, and we got along quite finely last time we met.  She stood up and began penning a letter by the "dictation spell":

Dear StormChaser,

If you recall, we met about a few years ago at the Grand Galloping Gala.  We chatted the whole time, and we became fast friends.  I apologize for not reaching out to you for so long, but I suppose it's better late than never.  I was wondering if you would be interested in spending Hearth's Warming with me.  My manor is rather large, and empty so far-as I have no one to celebrate with.  If you accept my invitation, I shall meet you at four o'clock in front of the Royal Canterlot Observatory.  Please be prompt. 

Safe travels,

Starry Requiem

Ps. I am sorry if my letter was not written in correct form, it has been a long time since I have penned one.

Starry mailed the letter, and began the walk home.


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((just so you know my grammar is not the best and i might not always be able to type as much as you so you don't have to always type alot if you don't want to also i was thinking of playing two of my ponies stormchaser and starwind)) Stormchaser got home from his day of working with lightning clouds, and saw he had mail he opened the mailbox and check it, it was write in a sightly unusual way a way he hasn't seen for a few years he open the letter and read it after reading it he stare at it for a moment trying to remember Starry Requiem. He was lost in thought when he heard a voice "welcome back daddy" said the voice it was a voice he knew and love turning his attention from the paper to the pony that came outside, this pony was a yellow unicorn filly with a red and black mane mane and tail, her tail kinda spined in a circle while she has kinda a wavey mane and she wear a green backpack with her most prize possession in it. "Hello Darling" he said. "what is that you have" she asked pointing to the letter "its a letter i just got from an old friend, she wants to meet me at the Royal Canterlot Observatory" said Storm. At hearding this Starwind eyes lit up she always wanted to go there "can i come also daddy" she asked, after thinking for a moment "sure i am sure she will like that" said Storm they started they trip there now if everything goes like hoped they will get there exactly at four.

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(I don't usually type that much.  I just like to have a good sized starter.  Don't worry about the grammar, and feel free to have Starwind in this rp!)

Starry groaned, for the tenth time in the last five minutes.  She was waiting outside the Observatory, and it was 3:59.  She had decided to come a little bit early, which meant showing up at 2 o'clock-and she was bored out of her wits.  She pranced around the entrance: left to right, right to left, left to right again.  She was too excited to meet her old friend!

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((the reason i said don't type that much is you have a WoE pony and you have to type alot there)) Went they got off the train to canterlot it was 3:55 and if they walked they would be late "come on now Starwind we need to hurry" said Storm to her as he picked up speed she also did to keep up, lucky for them they did make it exactly at 4:00 like he wanted. Storm doesn't recall what she look like so he walked around trying to see a familiar face he saw a pony pranceing around the entrance he got a bit closer to see her face "Starry?" asked storm as the two got close to her

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Starry's acute hearing tuned in to the masculine voice-it had to be Stormchaser.  She didn't turn around just yet, she had to make a good first impression.  She smoothed her mane, done in its signature braid, patted her signature Bitberry brand dress, adjusted her shades, and gave a model-perfect spin towards her guests," You must be Stormchaser...and I hear you have somepony next to you," 

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(Oh, it's just easier to identify dialogue when I reply)

Starry frowned," I didn't know you had a daughter..."  She cast her infrared spell over the two of them, and was surprised to find how much taller and stallion-like her old friend had become.  It was almost like meeting a stranger.  She subconsciously smoothed her braid, aware that this was no longer her long-lost childhood friend; but rather a grown stallion she hadn't met for many, many years.

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" I didn't realize I would be expecting two guests, so I had the butler and maids prepare one room.  Lets grab some food first, so I can have time to notify them of them change.  My treat.  Anywhere in mind?  Or anyplace Starwind is curious about?"  Starry smiled kindly.  She tuned in to everything around her once more.

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"No, no.  I own a manor with 50 rooms, and there is no one to fill it.  You can each have a room.  Thank you for bringing your filly, I can already see she will be a pleasure to have." Starry said.  She cast her infrared spell again, and noticed Starwind staring at the Observatory.

"Starwind, this is where I work.  I come here each and every day, and I have memorized the path.  I could take you on a tour later, if you like,"

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Starry bit her lit, clearly uncomfortable.  She shifted from hoof to hoof them turned to face the filly.  "I'm blind.  I have a spell that allows me the 'take pictures', but it obviously requires magic.  Casting that too many times results in strain, so I usually just use my other senses.  Memorizing the path from my manor to Observatory means that I don't need by chauffeur to accompany me or guide me," She explained.  She levitated her shades, and opened her eyes to reveal it's pupil-less form, "See, I was born with no pupils," 

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It was silent for a moment, as Starry repositioned her shades.  Eager to end the awkward moment, she asked, "So, any places in mind to grab a bite?  I know that they don't have food on the train ride to here."

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"If you don't mind fancy stuff, there's a really great Prench restaurant a few streets away. It serves signature baguettes and home-made butter." Starry grinned. "So, are you good for that?"

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(Could you possibly lengthen your replies a little bit? It's a bit hard to rp with one sentence replies)

Starry smiled at Starwind and her old friend, then teleported them and her to the front of the restaurant. She motioned for them to wait, and entered ahead. Se motioned towards the waiter at the front, "Vous avez une table pour trois ?" She motioned for the two outside to come in, after the waiter nodded a, "Oui, mademoiselle". She levitated the menu towards the both of them. "You might want to look at the menu before you sit down, just to make sure the food is right for you."

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All of this happen so fast Storm couldn't keep up or what was going on, But starwind saw what's going but when she started talking she was lose she didn't know what was being said, they both came in when she told them to, they both look at the menu "ummm i can't read this" said Starwind, "i can't read it either starry" agree Stormchaser

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Starry blushes, "Oh...sorry. I forgot you two couldn't read Prench,". She gave them a sheepish look, then gestured to the waiter for their table.

"Merci,monsieur," she pronounced, "Vous pourriez expliquer le menu en anglais?"

The waiter nodded, and waited for the rest of the two guests to sit down; he would explain the menu-in English.

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(Pretend the waiter explained a bunch of French food, just search online for food items, please)

Starry smiled a grateful thanks towards the waiter, as he left the table. She looked towards the other to,"I think I like the sound of the filet mignon sautéed in apple consume. But, then, I am also veering towards the garlic escargot with scallions. Which one do you think I should have? Pointers to Starwind-there is a kid's combo/meal: and it's basically spaghetti and meatballs with bread. So, what are you friends going to have?"

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they both thought it over, Storm was the first to speak" i believe i will try this fried banana creapers" he said then he close his menu and looked to Starwind. She understood that means to go ahead with hers " i want the This combo/meal here" she said pointing to the spaghetti and meatballs with bread then she also closed her menu.

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Starry nodded, and waved the waiter over again. She ordered; in Prench, of course. After she waved him off again, she asked, "It's been a long time since we've met, and I'm sure many things have changed and grown. Mind reiterating that last few years of your life in great detail to me? I want to travel alongside your past...hehe,". She signed, and removed her shades, "It's just that...it's been lonely these few years. Between breakthrough science, attending social events, and keeping time to relax, there was no spot for being loyal to old friends. I want to make it up to you-I want to be you friend, again."

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