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Journey of Two Alicorns


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Cat giggled. "The Pricess?" She smiled, soon the boat would rock as she'd look around. "What the hay, hmmm... choppy waters." She shrugged and went back to the helm. She took the wheel and kept it steady. She looked and spotted a Spyglass, levitating it up and peering through. "Hmmm.... I think I spotted the island." She says. "It's a good twelve miles out." She hands her cousin the spyglass.

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(Ups. Ate a letter xD)

Lullaby blushed in embarrasment, but then grabbed the spy glass . "I see it. We might arrive in... 10 to 20 mimutes at this speed." She said as she gave it back to her.

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Catherine thinks. "I got a better idea." She begins flapping her wings as she turns around making the boat speed up, she doesn't realize it until the boat is now stuck on the island. She turns. "Oops." She giggled.

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Lullaby smiled when she started, but then noticed the speed. "H-hey! Not that fast!" She said as she grabbed herself to a side.

Once it got stuck in the land, she fell to the floor, all dizzy. "Ugh...." she said.

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Catherine looked at her and helped her up. She looked at the Island then her jaw dropped. "Lullaby.... um... have you ever heard of the island that was once a boat?" She says pointing up. "Cause we just found it."

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After a moment, Lullaby accepted her help and stood up. "Thanks... uhmm... Cat, you ok?" She said, then heard what she said and turned around. She eeped and gave a step back. "Y-yes, yes we did..:" She said

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She flew up and smiled. "Lullaby I think we did more than that." She points. "Hmmm.... That seapony has ear rings." She giggled flying up and looking at each ear. "Oh my..." SHe grabbed them and flew back down. "Look, like the other bell." She says.

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She crosses her forelegs. "Is this some sort of wild goose chase?" She looked about. "May as well as explore before we set out again." She flies up to the bridge of the ship looking about. "Hmmm...." She stops and giggled. She pulled an old pirate hat and put it on. "Avast me harty, are ye a land lover or are ye a pirate?" She giggled some.

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Lullaby giggled as Cat make that impersonation of a pirate. "Ahm ah pirate ma'am!" She said smiling as she giggled a bit also. Still, the idea of going to investigate sounded good.

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She looked at her. "I think I've seen enough." She walks to the edge of the boat and spreads her wings to glide down to her boat only to go right through it into the water. "Hmmm...." She swims up and gets on shore. "What the hay." She touches the boat only for her hoof to go through. "Lullaby, I am now officially scared."

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She looked at her. "Um.... I don't like this at all." She says dipping her head into the water soon to be pulled under. She looks in there, staring at what could be explained as a Seapony. She resurfaces and pants. "Oh my...." She says but no sign of what she saw was above the surface, only hiding. "Uh..." She spits out some seawater as she gets back on land.

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She jumped back into the water, using a spell to make an air bubble for her only to spot her. She sighs. "Um..." She smiled her flank sticking out like a duck does to get something out of the water. "She's beautiful."

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She reached behind her and pulled Lullaby into her bubble pointing at what looked to be a pony from halfway up but had a fish fin from the midway down. The scales looking like gems as she swam away. "Hehe, she's cute."

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She resurfaced and looked putting her hoof where the boat should be and touches it. "Hmmm...." She looked at her. "Well, what next." She climbs into the boat and helps her cousin in. She opens the scroll.


"Well done, my dearest child, you've met the Seapony Princess."

She turns looking up seeing the name on the ship. "Wow. Hehe."


"Now you are ready for the next task. This riddle may be easy to solve. Your next location never stays in one place, it's always moving. You will find your next target in a place that you learn." She looks at Lullaby. "Location never stays in one place.... that's easy.... Cloudsdale. And obviously a school. But... I don't know any schools in Cloudsdale, do you?"

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