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Musical Mayhem (OPEN. See OCC)


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It was Manehattan. A city that never slept. And for Thunderbuck that meant a city where he could locate a place to play at any time of day or night. He preferred night. Or at least late into twilight. He was sitting in his cart. CaramelCream, his niece was dozing softly on her pallet inside. Buck was preparing his violin. He drew the bow over the strings, bringing out a soft sound. Nodding to himself he stood. His mane and tail were frizzy and wild, in need of a trim. but he was clean and well fed. He levitated a mask up and let it settle on his face. He wore a simple sweater and scarf, as the weather was cooler this time of year. He was a shy pony, and so kept his face hidden with the plain mask.

As he stepped outside the cart, he saw the sun begin to dip in the sky. The stallion took in a deep breath. He had parked his cart near the park, close enough to a busy street to be noticed, but far enough back that the hoof traffic wouldn't cause much noise. He set the violin and then began to draw the bow over the strings. Starting with a classical piece, he allowed the music to drift on the breeze as he left the case open for collecting coins from passers by. A small, soft piece. Old, but still pleasant to many ponies. And soon enough a few ponies began to gather near. They listened to the street performance. Some dropping bits in his violin case and smiling as he played.

Buck was making a decent living this way. A traveling entertainer was always wanted in many places. And his music, though from old and worn out instruments was clear and sweet. Pure notes rolled off the strings as he played. His eyes closed, he could hear the sounds of coins dropping into the case occasionally. He was smiling behind the mask. They would have a good meal in the morning. But for now, Thunderbuck was happy that his music was appreciated by a few. The crowd around him was about 10 ponies. They listened quietly as the masked performer ended his first song. Looking at the group, he surmised they may enjoy something more modern. He took a deep breath, and then his horn glowed. He levitated out a saxophone from the cart. Putting it to his lips he began a soft Jazz song. This seemed to surprise the small crowd as more showed up. This pony had a wide range of musical talent.

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