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[Hoofington/Seasaddle Bay] Down by the docks


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It was yet another day on the docks. Sailor ponies move about, loading and unloading cargo in their usual routine. As per her usual routine, Mystery Chaser wandered about on her self-appointed 'patrol' route. Pausing for a while, she leans against a dock piling, watching the other ponies as they work. Pushing her hat up a bit, she let out a sigh. "No shadowy goons shaking down helpless old ponies, once again..." she mumbles. She glances over at a seagull perched a little ways away, picking at some bit of food that it found. "At least business is going well for one of us," she comments to the bird. It looks at her for a few moments, then flies off with its tasty morsel, letting out a seagull-ish caw. Sticking her tounge out at the bird, Mystery blows a raspberry as it goes. "Same to you, pal!" she shouts at it before resting her chin on her dock piling resting spot. "Gotta find something... Something to do... some case. Something... something..." she muttered under her breath as her eyes scanned the docks for somepony she might be able to offer her services to. Heck. Even just being an errand pony was starting to look tempting to her. Her tummy voiced its opinions on the matter. "Quiet, you. We already had something to eat," she chided her stomach. She nibbled on the edge of her lower lip, recalling the sparse breakfast she'd had. Shaking the thoughts of food from her head, she nudged her hat back down and let her eyes scan the docks some more. She'd just have to use the tummy rumble as more motivation to find a client.

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Dotty Droll pawed the ground anxiously. She kept glancing to right at the Unique Antique's most recent acquisition. It was a lovely old cherry wood display case, with squat curved legs, relief carvings on the sides of swallows flitting through a summer field and a swallow crest on top like a coat of arms. It was beautiful but, that was the problem. It was so beautiful that the prospect of carrying the case, which was too tall for one pony, and accidentally dropping it kept Dotty rooted to the spot. She had considered heading over to the Crusty Pigeon, the only tavern she dared set hoof in, to ask some sailors for help. Again the case was too precious to leave alone on the dock where in the crowd it could be knocked over or stolen without notice.

So Dotty looked about the crowd hoping to spot someone she knew. Instead she spotted a mare blowing a raspberry to a bird. She couldn't help but snort in amusement. Then on a whim she decided to call out to her. At least she could ask the mare to go ask for help and Dotty could stay with the display case.

Eh..Excuse me! Excuse me? Miss? Pardon? Could I trouble you to help me with this case? I have no idea how I'm going to get to the shop.

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Perking an ear, Mystery turned to look at the dark grey earth pony. At the mention of the word 'case', Mystery was at the other pony's side in an instant! "Case??" she eagerly repeated. "I'd be more than happy to help! What sort of case can Mystery Chaser Investigations help you with? Troublesome thugs? Jealous coltfriend? Jealous thugs and a troublesome coltfriend?" She puts on her best smile, then remembers she's supposed to be a detective and tones it back to a more 'professional' smile. "Whatever your need, I'm sure Mystery Chaser Investigations can help at a fraction of the cost of the competition!" ...what competition, you silly pony? "I'm Mystery Chaser. How can I help?" She pauses for a few moments, looking at the large piece of furnature. Slightly worried tinge comes into her smile. It was... almost a... 'case' one might say. Though, she doesn't voice her thoughts.

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Oh Dear. Mystery Chaser's enthusiasm caught her by surprise. Dotty stared blankly at the investigator for a bit, processing everything she said. Could she afford an investigator's help? Would it be insulting to ask her to get someone else's help and refuse her own? How could helping her move a case qualify as a job for a professional investigator?

Suddenly Dotty got idea. She lowered her head a little and moved a bit closer to Mystery, speaking in hushed tones. I have to get this display case to Unique Antiques as soon as possible. The problem is the pony who was supposed to help me carry it never showed up. And earlier today I received an anonymous note saying that someone is going to steal the case! I have to get this to the shop but, I can't trust just anyone to help. Can I trust you? Dotty lifted her head up, trying to keep a serious expression even though she wanted to smile. She had impressed herself. All her daydreaming made her pretty good at making things up. She looked around at the crowd a few times for good measure.

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With a hmmmmm, the grey earth pony eyed the display case some more. "Thieves, eh? Sounds serious." She adjusts her hat, then rubs her chin. "... Looks like just a normal display case to me." She shrugs. "But a case is a case, even if it's a case hired just in case about a case, until I rest my case." She grins. "If you've got the bits, I can help ya get it there safely. If somepony tries starting something, I'm sure we can either get it away or fight 'em off. What do ya say? My rates are awfully affordable~" Her tummy voices its concerns, which she ignores.

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uuuuuh. Right! Mystery's confidence made Dotty feel a little guilty. I'll just have to make this a convincing caper for the determined investigator. Dotty checked her coin purse to see how far she could get them. She still had the bits for the pony who hadn't showed. It would be enough to get the three of them a carriage home but she'd be a little short on paying Mystery Chaser. Hmm. I have the bits to get us a ride home but not enough to pay you. If you don't object I'll pay you when we get there and you can stay for lunch. How does that sound?

Dotty thought she had heard a tummy grumbling but she couldn't be sure it wasn't her own. She'd left the shop early that morning and waited at the docks for hours. Thinking about the treats her Auntie Doily had made the day before made Dotty Droll wish to get home soon. But not so soon as to deprive Mystery Chaser of an interesting case.

Alright take these bits and find us a carriage. Don't tell the driver what we're transporting, just tell him we have a package. Oh! And don't let anypony see you, including the driver if you can manage it.

Dotty handed her the bits, then scanned the crowd suspiciously. Good luck.

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  • 1 month later...

Taking the bits between her teeth, Mystery gave a salute with a hoof, then put the bits in a saddlebag. "I'll be back before ya know it." She then turned and galloped off down the road, coat fluttering behind her. She turned down a side street, disappearing from view.

Running along various alleyways for quick shortcuts, Mystery turned the instructions over in her mind. "Hmm... don't tell the driver, don't let anypony see me, including the driver..." She slowed a bit as she thought. "Well... if that's the case, it'd be cheaper to just rent a cart and not bother with a driver. Save a few bits." She nods, then turned to head toward a little cart rental place she knew of. She eyed the old pony sleeping at the reception desk as she walked up. No sense in disturbing him, she figured. Turning the ledger around, she picked up the pencil and jotted her name down on an open line. Turning the book back around, she strolled through a gate and into the back where they kept the carts. After a bit of looking around, she picked a cart that looked sturdy enough to hold the case and her client, while also having sides to provide some privacy. After a bit of thought, she grabbed a tarp that was usually used to cover the carts in bad weather and tossed it into the back. With some work, she got into the cart's harness and went out to the front again. Fishing out the bits she was given, she deposited a few in a little box beside the geriatric sleeping stallion, earning a sleepy mumble of thanks at the clink of the coins in the box.

Adjusting her hat, Mystery began her stroll back toward where she left Dottie. Since she had the cart, Mystery would have to take a different route back than she took to get to the cart rental place. It just wouldn't fit down the narrow and cluttered alleyways. Whistling a slow tune, she casually trotted down the street with the cart's wheels creaking and clattering on the road behind her.

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