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The Legacy of Yemaja // Skype RP // OOC Thread


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[[ This is the OOC thread for The Legacy of Yemaja, a Skype-based adventure/puzzle RP set in the wilds of Unyasi. This thread isn't for sign-ups or discussion - it will be used to present certain information for the Skype RPers who are participating in this RP. Please do not post in this thread - if the participating RPers have any questions, comments, or concerns, please use the Skype OOC chatroom we have set up. Thank you! ]]

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The Legacy of Yemaja


There was harmony, and peace, and stability. Yemaja looked among them, and was not satisfied.

For none existed as herself, four-legged and dual-horned as she. Yemaja tended the earth, and cared for it, but with only the birds of the air and beasts of the forest as companions. Faithful and loyal, but mute and dull, creatures bound to their own instinct and stupidity. There existed no other being akin to her, and she wept, isolated in her existence.

On the Day of High Sun, Yemaja took to the jungles, unable to bare her lonely existence any longer, and fled deep into the wild mazes of the land. She followed the path of sunlight through the jungle, kept awash in its fiery gaze, and galloped across running streams by moonlight. Stars dotted her path across windswept treetops, and the galaxies affixed in the far away sky were as solid as the ground beneath her hooves. Such was the jungle’s sympathy for her, Yemaja, the only one of her kind.

Yemaja galloped until she could gallop no more, and there in the midst of her comfort and her curse, collapsed upon the ground. Her tears fell onto earth and soil, and from them sprouted gold. This she carried through the jungle, heedless of the thorns that cut into her flesh and spilt her blood upon her bounty, and set it upon a nearby hilltop as tribute.

And there she was met by an ancient creature, more akin to her than any other living, and yet not. Two bird’s wings alighted from its back, a single horn protruding from its forehead, and a beauty more radiant than all the wonders of the world combined shone from it. And the being spoke to her:

“On the 4th Night of the 2nd Ending of the year, look for the 6th New moon to bring forth 5 Waxing moons. The 3rd Setting of the 5th Waxing moon shall be your signal, as the 2rd Night will reveal myself to you, and the gateway into your future.”

Yemaja did as instructed, became lost in space and time as she awaited the future promised to her. Indeed, she built life around her as she waited, an immense working of wood and tree, and on the third night, met one like herself, with the markings of life painted across his skin. The two become one and begat a foal, and Yemaja became a mother.

Such was the future promised by the ethereal being, a beginning into new life, and Yemaja forever immortalized the promise with her foal, her charm of new life and beginnings. Thus was the future of the world forever changed, by the hopes of a single promise, made even before her existence.
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