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[Lore] The Imperial Watch


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The Imperial Watch - The Guardians in the Shadows


As an ancient Long Sun proverb states; “One cannot shine light upon an object without creating a trail of darkness in its wake.” Just as the radiant emperors and empresses of the Dragon Kingdom are mandated to bathe their subjects in the glow of prosperity, others must work in the shadows to thwart all who’d scheme against Long Guo. From the time of the First Imperial Sovereigns, ruling dynasties have counted upon the mysterious cadre of loyal servants known as the Imperial Watch to serve as personal bodyguards, investigators, and agents. Crafting a reputation as crafty and disreputable enforcers, Watchers exchange a life of honor and glory for the opportunity to serve the Emperor by striking fear into the hearts of would-be traitors.


Volunteers joining the Imperial Watch must first make it through a grueling evaluation to test their physical fitness. Those deemed worthy then undergo rigorous training in martial arts, acrobatic obstacle avoidance, and dragonbreath techniques. Training for the Watch also features intense mental conditioning, through which recruits eventually learn to venerate the Emperor above all others, even family. Every Watcher swears an oath to renounce all claims to filial inheritance, to never take a lover or raise children, and to carry out every command of the Emperor. Despite these harsh restrictions and the stigma surrounding the organization at large, the Imperial Watch carries a strong appeal to martially gifted Long Sun lacking attachments to friends, family, or the teachings of the Harmonious Path.


After making it through training, Watchers finally earn the right to wear the distinctive outfit of their cadre: a black brocade uniform embroidered with yellow dragons. Their primary mission; to investigate government officials, military commanders, and influential citizens suspected of involvement in criminal activity. In this task, the force is assisted by a cultivated network of spies and informants. Should the Imperial Watch discover evidence of corruption or treason, it will arrest and punish wrongdoers as the Emperor sees fit. In addition, Watchers are entrusted with the vital responsibility of protecting the Emperor and the Imperial Palace. Regardless of the task at hand, Watchers count on surprise, agility, and intimidation as their greatest assets.


Members of the Imperial Watch serve until released from service by the Emperor or are otherwise no longer fit for duty. Life for Watchers is difficult; stripped of private lives and condemned to infamy, it’s no surprise they are persistently tempted to secretly break their oaths. Yet Watchers who meritoriously serve while staying true to their oaths can expect to win the everlasting favor of the Emperor at the end of their long and perilous careers... and all the rewards that come with it.

~The Secret Testament of Emperor Xin


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