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(Private) Return of the Vampire Legion: Past Transgressions

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((Shades going to retreat, seeing as a real battle between them would draw out longer. Also, I’m having Kasey get taken prisoner, after he attempts to take Shade prisoner after the fight.))

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((aight then, just wanted to make sure before we went any further.))


Killjoy smirked "and I was having fun too..." she said jumping onto Trax's shoulders and then jumping again up to Shade "what goes up." Killjoy quickly spun rapidly before using the built up momentum into a kick sending Shade downwards "must come down....ugh kill me, so cliche." she said laughing.

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Killjoys kick shattered the protective aura. Shade twisted in mid-air attempting to counter Trax’s movement, but at last second, the Colonel changed direction with his kick, planting a hard kick right into Shades shoulder. The Batkin was sent hurling across the Outpost roof, before he was at the edge, his body turned to a black dust and scattered away. Trax moved his joints around, “We’ll go ahead and fortify a new position here, send a runner to the nearby Fort for supplies. They’ve tested some of our strength, they know who leads, so we’ll be in for an interesting War.”


Shade reformed a little ways away from the Outpost, a little blood trickled from his left shoulder, “Those two are our only likely threats, I must report this too Shadow-“ He was cut off as several knives flew at him from the bushes, Shade easily deflected them with a magical burst of his hand. Kasey came streaming out from the same direction, his sabre drawn and ready. Shade lit up his hands again with an idea, “... Interesting...”

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Killjoy chuckled as "I'm not entirely sure if we did anything of the sort, did that fight seem just a tad bit too easy to be called a test of our strengths? I can't help but feel that there is something we missed." Killjoy quickly shook the thoughts out of her head "well it doesn't matter...I guess our soldiers are going to need a bit more training if we are to fight batkin on an open field. As much as I hate to admit, we are a bit underprepared for a war with the supernatural." She said waving off a soldier to head off to the other fortress. "What's the plan Colonel?"

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Trax surveyed the land around them, his mind swirling with tactics and plans, “Only a few can increase in strength, most of our forces have already peaked, we can’t help that. Teach them counter offensive moves, ensure they can handle multiple enemies. Select those who show greater promise, train them further, we’re going to need a group to counter their stronger members.” He grit his teeth, “We’re going to have many casualties in this first battle, and no doubt suffer many more in the future. Our enemy has had a thousand years to plan, train, prepare for this exact moment.” He calmed himself and let out a sigh, “Old Friend,” He looked back at Killjoy, “This next battle, is going to test us.”


((flash forward one week))

Oakly limped towards his Father, who was being tended to by medics, a black sword impaled through his chest. A shape crash landed close by, Killjoy lay unconscious in a deep crater, blood leaking from her cracked and bent armor. Oakly faced towards the battlefield, his eyes wide in horror at hundreds of dead comrades spread before him. “All this, done by just 24 of them? What are these things?” As he spoke, the dust began to clear, with 24 figures walking towards him. Suddenly a force field of gold and dark blue, and the 24 shapes vanished away. Oakly turned around to see an Army of Equestrian Soldiers, with the Princesses in the lead. Oakly let a faint smile cross his face before he fell over.


((back to present))


Shade dropped Kasey at the foot of Maelstroms throne, Ally peaking from behind him, “He may be of use to us. Also, their two strongest, are the descendants of our past enemies. However, their strength isn’t what we expected.”

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Killjoy nodded "I'll make the best Soldiers in the world." She confidently "there will be nothing that can stand in their way once I'm done. Though....I'll need about six months for them to be combat ready. Plus we need to let the princesses know right away about our encounter without delay."


Maelstrom gazed at Kasey "what is your name boy...?" He asked calmly. He also glanced at Shade "also elaborate on what you mean by what we expected from the descendents."

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“They are strong, but not like their ancestors, However,” Shade put on a look of concern, “If we don’t kill them in our first battle, they will become our greatest enemies later on.” Meanwhile, Kasey had stood up to speak but was stunned in place. ‘This feeling...’ He thought as he couldn’t come to move any more, like an immense pressure weighted him down, slowly draining the strength from him. Kasey remembered his training with his Dad, ‘A predators Intent-to-kill, a sort of death glare, can have the effect to paralyze their target’, the words echoed in his mind. He could feel it all around him, but the highest concentration was close to him. Kasey looked left and saw another Batkin, on the right were two more, and in front was the leader and a Woman behind him. Including the Batkin who brought him in, that made these Six, the Strongest in the room. “I- I am Specialist Kasey Melody Trax...” He could only manage this much, as if one of the Batkin suddenly increased their intent exponentially. Ally glanced over at Shadow, sensing his bloodlust dramatically rise upon hearing the Name. “A Trax? Interesting name...” She chimed whimsically.


Trax shook his head, “You won’t have 6 months, do the best with what time we have. The first battle will be within the week.”

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Maelstrom paused for a moment thinking about what Shade has said. "no doubt they will have an army behind them...but unlike the ponies, we have had a thousand years to prepare. Not only do we have the advantage of planning, we have caught these descendants in the middle of their development. I do believe we couldn't have chosen a better time to strike. A job well done Shade, I am pleased." he said glancing back at Kasey before standing up off his throne. "Kasey Trax....and a Melody at that. two very well known bloodlines joined into one." Maelstrom now stood only inches away from Kasey, he glanced up Shade "get what you can out of him, then prepare him for harvesting."


Killjoy scoffed "that's impossible, I can't get an entire unit ready to fight batponies in just one week. we will be walking in a slaughter Colonel." she said "a lot of soldiers are going to die"  

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“I know!” Trax blurted out with anger, “Tomorrow I will announce our situation to the Company, any who wish, may head back to call for reinforcements. It will take a week just to get the full might of Equestria at enough strength to battle this Enemy with a chance. We are all that stands, at giving them that chance.” He said calmly, “Killjoy, we haven’t faced an enemy with this much hate and anger, a Drive that has lasted 1000 years in the same body, hardened and tempered by Time itself. Their tactics were never used by any other races, and judging from what I just saw, their foot soldier equals 10 of ours.” Trax straightened up, “We have much work to do Captain, we have a line in the sand, Lets hold it.”


“No.” Ally spoke up as she strode forward to eye the young man, she got close to him, sniffing at his neck. Kasey went bright red, but also feared for his very life, knowing just how little he was in this room alone. “I want him, yes he’ll be perfect to serve as a little pet, maybe even a snack before bedtime every now and then. Come on deary, you said yourself, a bloodline like his shouldn’t go to waste. Only the Higher Echelons should enjoy his sweet blood.” She said seductively as she moved around Kasey, poking and prodding at his sides. Shadow had taken a step forward to protest but was stopped by Ceasar, who held out an arm in front of him.

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"then we better head back and get a plan going as soon as possible, Colonel..." Killjoy paused for a moment clinching her fist, she knew their end would be absolutely guaranteed "we should also prepare to say our goodbyes...with only a week to get ready, you can can kiss our hopes for the future goodbye. No matter how I look at it, I don't think either of us are going to make it out."


Maelstrom stopped and sighed "fine, but only after Shade is done with him, the more information we can get, the better...though i must admit, you have a very valid point Ally." he glanced back at Kasey "his blood will taste better than the finest of wines..." she said with a smile as his fangs revealed themselves "Ally...keep him on a short leash."

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“I know,” Trax sighed deeply, “Tavi isn’t going to like this one bit.”


Ally shackled Kasey around the neck and pulled him down to his knees, “Oh Shade can take a breather, I’ll interrogate the little boy, myself.” Kasey swallowed nervously before being dragged away. Suddenly the floor beneath Shadow cracked, Ceasar released his own strength, quelling Shadows anger. “My apologies, I will restrict myself in the future.” Shadow said calmly as both he and Ceasar stopped their power from leaking out. Shade itched to be at Shadows side to help, but he kept his distance. Black Star smirked with a snicker, “What a nuisance.”

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Killjoy gave a light smirk "yeah...I can relate a little" it was already well known that Killjoy and Princess Luna have a unexpected close friendship, but what was kept secret was that Killjoy felt she wanted to be more than just friends. Killjoy looked down not sure what to with her hands as they were trembling. "Maybe it's time, I mean what do I got to lose?" She whispered to herself "If I'm to die...I want all my cards on the table..."


Maelstrom glanced at Shadow and Ceasar "Shadow, do be at ease, this is not the Trax you are looking for, the scent of Lucifer's blood was merely unnoticeable. If my hunch is correct, the one you wish to kill is the one Shade encountered, so don't worry brother, vengeance is still well within your grasp." He said assuringly, his eyes moved towards Black Star "right...I almost forgot...you must be punished for your failure." He said now in a stern tone. Maelstrom thought for a minute "you can be the Castle's maid for a month...do make the place spotless, if I see one spec of dust on anything before the month is over..." Maelstrom's eyes glowed bright "I will have you know about it."

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Trax was about to speak, but the arrival of Oakly flying towards them with haste cut him off, “What is the meaning of this?” He asked sternly. Oakly landed into a salute, “Sir, Specialist Kasey has gone missing, he failed to show at formation. Sir, I think he was trying to follow you. He wanted to help kill the Necromancer.” Trax went wide with fear and anger, but calmed down as he looked at his son with worry. “Fly back and organize a search party, do not attempt a rescue.” Oakly nodded and took off, Trax looked off towards the distance of the border, “No doubt Kasey was taken, his resemblance to me kept him alive. They’ll extract whatever info they can, and then...” He couldn’t say the last part, “Dâmmît Kasey...”


Shade held back a little laughter behind his blank expression, Shadow chuckled as Ceasar rolled on the floor in laughter. Black bit back his cursing at them and bowed slightly to Maelstrom before taking his leave. He had failed in his interrogation of the traitorous Batkin woman, which had diminished his stature, now this. Shadow watched him go before turning to Maelstrom, “My Lord, perhaps for this first battle, we should display the Silent Fangs prowess. Show them what true horror looks like, plus, I know many of us would like a chance to let loose a little.” A murmur of agreement echoed from the shadows as the other members became more intrigued.


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Killjoy just facepalmed "usually I'd admire your son's courage...but I think he swapped the definition with stupidity before he left... It's a waste of time Colonel, putting out a search party will only waste the energy of our soldiers and an unnecessary risks, for all we know, they might be waiting for a search party so they can ambush them. we should keep the soldiers on standby until we get word of the Princesses. Let them decide what our next move is." she said looking out into the forest line "...and not only that, Kasey COULD very well be dead...I know he's your family but right now we need to stay on course."


Maelstrom thought for a minute "I suppose, but...we should hold back a bit...we can still kill the descendants yes...but there is still much we don't know yet, It's been a thousand years. We still don't know the extent of the military might both princesses have. So giving off our true strengths at the very beginning could give the Princesses an idea to counter us. They are smart and swift and are not to be underestimated. Be patient brothers, this is only the beginning..."

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Trax let out a sighing grumble, “You are right, However you don’t have to explain it to Tavi.” 


The next morning, the outpost was occupied by the unit, busy with setting up the defenses. Trax conversed with the Leadership of each Platoon, consisting of the three Platoon Sergeants and their Lieutenants. Letting Killjoy train the soldiers by Platoon, while the other two platoons set up barracks and defenses. Oakly directed his team as they prepared defensive barriers and traps to slow the enemy down. However, his mind was troubled as he thought of what might have happened to his brother.


Kasey had a look of complete embarrassment on his face, he was dressed as butler, in a kneeled position next to Ally’s couch. A shiny gold collar wrapped around his neck, reading, “Ally’s Pet”. Ally yawned and stretched as she listened to the morning reports given by the 70 Captain Batkin’s, in charge of each Squadron of 42 Soldiers each. They stood in formation, with a representative giving the initial report. A routine ordeal.

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Killjoy stood in the middle of numerous battered soldiers. Killjoy huffed "take a break, you've been humiliated enough!" she barked as the soldiers got up and limped their back to the barracks. Killjoy sighed before looking over at Trax talking to the platoon leader and started heading over. "Colonel, sorry to interrupt this meeting, but has there been any word from either princess? surely we should gotten a letter or something by now." she said before leaning up to Trax's ear "plus, have you let Tavi know yet, she was always one to...make dramatic scenes, especially when you're involved." she whispered


Maelstrom listened carefully to each word the Captains said their reports. "very good, you're all dismissed." he ordered waving off the Captains. He glanced at Ally "seeing that the boy doesn't have a scratch on him....I suppose you got no information for me about the humans...am I correct?"

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Trax kept a calm face, "A hawk arrived a few minutes ago, there are still reserves coming in from across the Kingdom, a force of 10,000 will be here within the week." He then sighed solemnly, "She is a very thorough Woman, simply saying her son may be dead won't do nothing but worry her, even more than she already is by now. How is the training coming along?"


Ally scoffed, "You underestimate me," She turned to Kasey, "Tell him what you told me deary, and be sure not to lie." She warned with a lick of her lips. Kasey swallowed nervously before looking at Maelstrom, the pressure he felt from being close to these Batkin still weighed him down, "The full active duty force of our main Army is around 40,000, with close to 30,000 in reserve. I am part of the Border Defense Unit, we number 117... now 115 with our recent losses. Since founded by my Father over 20 years ago, the B.D.U. has never lost, The Colonel and Captain have made sure of that...." He desperately wanted to tell them they could not win, but this pressure he felt from them, he'd never felt anything like this from his father or Killjoy. 

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Killjoy shook her head "it's dreadful.... the troops can't even last a minute with me, and I'm taking on ten at a time. With only a week...there's just no way they can be ready, not at this rate." Killjoy said with a sigh "Also you're just shooting yourself in the foot keeping this information from Tavi,..don't expect me to run to your defense like last time before we went to flush out that undead horde out of the ruins near Ponyville."


Maelstrom just stared at Kasey for a moment "you won't win..." his tone was cold "that is what you want to say is it not? a speech on how you have faith in your allies to push through." he chuckled "those thoughts are wasted boy, a storm is coming and none of your friends will be strong enough to stop it."

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Trax smirked, “As I recall, you had to deal with something similar before we went to handle that Lich King. In any case, I will send a hawk to her, she needs to be current with her sons... and Me.” He glanced out over the Soldiers as they worked or rested, “We just have to last till reinforcements arrive, Victory went out the door, the very minute we didn’t deploy a full Battalion. Surviving is our main Objective.”


Kasey looked down to the ground, he couldn’t bring himself to speak, not even a rebuttal. They’re too strong.

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Killjoy sighed "I can still hear the scolding..." she said looking over the wall "so we are just stalling the inevitable....great." she said sarcastically "just hope the reinforcements come before we all die...I don't know about you, but i like living and want to stay that way for a few more years at least. H3ll I'll take seeing the end of the war, win or lose."

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Trax raised an eyebrow a Killjoy, “Somehow I don’t see you as a POW. I prefer living, but I know I’m safe, Tavi won’t let any other kill me cause that’d be her job.” He chuckled half heartedly, then grew serious again, “Do your best with the troops, give them the last day to rest, and go over with them the battle strategies. Also,” He looked her in the eye, “Prepare them for what lies ahead, this may be the BDU’s final battle.”


Kasey kicked back from the Batkin soldier, finding himself surrounded by a dozen or so others, but only the one in front of him was his opponent. Ally sat on the edge of her couch, enjoying the little bout, to which she had convinced Maelstrom to organize. Kasey was being pitted against some of the foot soldiers, one after another, and he was wining each so far. However he was doing so by pure luck, the first one was tough, but easier than he expected. This was his fourth, and Kasey was fighting on fumes, he could not keep this going another fight. The Batkin charged him again, Kasey braced for the same heavy kick, but at last second he felt a sharp pain in his side. The Batkin had whirled around in a fake, landing a hard jab at Kasey’s side, then followed with heavy kick at his face. Kasey coughed up blood from the first hit, but his hand shot up to block the second. In a single move, Kasey threw the Batkins foot to the side, and brought his clenched fist into the Batkin’s stomach. The force knocked the soldier unconscious, and sent him flying back into a few others. Kasy stumbled about in a daze before coming to a balancing stance, “Come on.... I can do this... all day... You overgrown fruit bats-“ He barely got the last of it out, as his eyes went dull and he fell forward at the foot Maelstroms Throne. Ally whistled, “My that was entertaining, told ya he looked like he could fight.”

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Killjoy looked at Trax puzzled "I never said anything about being a POW. I just wouldn't wanna die on the very first battle... Or at any battle, but if I do. I want it to be at the very last fight of the war, win or lose...I wanna go out fighting tooth and nail, cursing and all to the bitter end....but later on of course." She said looking back at the soldiers and sighed "might want to give them two days to rest, I'll work them to the bone, I'll pull out all the stops and run them into the ground, they will at least have a knowledge of what they will fighting against, and hopefully that alone will get us somewhere."


Maelstrom looked on unimpressed as he glanced at Ally "why do you sound so...impressed by his performance? The ones before him a thousand year ago were far greater, they make your pet look like a insect...it would take over 20 of him just to kill The Lady of Death, it took four of us to do it, and that was after a long battle..." he said as a pair of crimson glowing eyes pierced the back of his mind in memory of the battle. "He doesn't even hold a candle to them..." he got up out of his throne and walked forward to the fighting pit as he looked over at the battered boy laying in the middle. "I know it sometimes good to play with your food but dont you think tenderizing him is beneficial?"

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“Indeed.” Trax began as the First Sergeant came over to them, “Defenses will be finished tomorrow, we can start battle preparations within the hour.” He reported stonely. Trax nodded, “This will be a heavy battle, the enemy will be spurred by hate and revenge, it will be a relentless onslaught.”


Ally chuckled, “Of course he is no where near the strength of Her, but he has the potential, and he could beat four of our Soldiers before collapsing, He’s better than the average. Think of it this way,” She walked over to Kasey and nudged his face so she could look at him, “The little pet is probably considered one of the most skilled in his unit, but he is a little lazy. Also, he mentioned he had a twin brother, who’s just as good but driven. Maelstrom Dear, this means they can improve further than their ancestors, this one could probably take Black Star with a few more years of training. Meaning, we can’t let his war drag on, we must be swift, and quick... or risk letting the enemy become stronger. Although personally I wouldn’t mind the challenge.”

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