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Doctor Whooves: Equestria Girls Icon Art Style Wanted


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Heya! I would really like it if I can please have a small digital art piece for a profile icon. I know how to private

message someone, but don't know if I have permission to do that yet, can someone tell me thanks. 


The profile icon that I would like to have should be in neon Equestria Girls art style, featuring the main character

from the show Doctor Who, the Doctor's TARDIS in front of a starry night sky. If you don't know what I mean then

I have sent an image url below this message to show you. It should have the mane 6 glowing in the 

image here: https://sta.sh/02261ysk6xam 


I also will link another picture showing the 'art style' of the TARDIS (The TARDIS should be a bit shorter

for profile icon size), and the blue colour I'd like to have is there as well (I inserted it into the picture, sorry if

it looks messy.) Here it is: https://sta.sh/01g3ju296ah2


I hope that someone will do this for me, I will give you all the credit for your hard work if you decide to draw

it yourself (and not use bases for this, etc.) I will pick who has the best version of my request. 

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