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Roleplay Type: G4 
Name: Divina Domino 
Gender: Female 
Age: Older Filly 
Species: Pegasus 
Eye color: Dark Pink 
Coat: White and Black 
Mane/Tail: Black and Pink 
Physique: Tall and Slender 
Residence: Crystal Empire 
Occupation: N/A Still a filly 
Cutie Mark: A Domino with 2 white spots and a pink spot 
Unique Traits: Builds things out of Domino’s and will cut them and glue them together to build creations. 

History: Divina was born on Friday, October 13th to her parents. Her mom is a baker who is a Pegasus, and her dad is also a baker who is also a Pegasus. 


When Divina was born, she could already fly, and her parents were speechless, and had no clue what to say, Divina is also one of the best flyers in her class and does not accept disrespect. 


Divina does not like to make friends, since most of the time Divina is building creepy things. She got her cutie mark two weeks after she was born, and she discovered she could build things with Domino’s and that is how she got her cutie mark. 


Character Personality: Creepy, Nice after getting to know her, loves Halloween, can be antisocial, and loves to jump around and knock over Domino’s 
Character Summary: Divina is very scary sometimes, and hates to be corrected, she almost always thinks she is right, but after a while she will agree with you when she figures out she was wrong. She loves to build with Domino’s. 

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