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Old Friends, New Ways [ATTN: STEEL CLOSED]

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Babs would be riding the train to the Crystal Empire, she was nervous because she was getting ready to see her cousin AppleBloom, even though she was nervous, she was also exicted because she hadn't seen AppleBloom for a while, Babs looked around the train just thinking about what they would do, and if AppleBloom would even reconize her, "I need to stop worrying so much, she'll know who I am" Babs said to herself.


As the Train pulled into the station Babs started to get cold feet, should she get off, or should she not, after taking a deep breath Babs would grab her bag and get off the train, after she had gotten off the train, she got hit with a gust of wind, she shivered forgetting how cold the Crystal Empire was as she grabbed her coat and put it on she began to look around for AppleBloom, maybe she forgot, maybe she was just as nervous as Babs was, after looking around for a bit she spotted her, with a big breath and a sigh Babs walked over to AppleBloom beffore saying "Well, well if it isn't my favorite cousin"

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Apple Bloom had taken up the offer to collect some sort of reward for Applejack that was being given out in the Crystal Empire more readily than she’d care to admit. Ever since she had her pups it had been work, work, work. She was a young mare but golly, she didn’t think all her energy could be used up so quickly and readily like this! Still, Applejack was indisposed in some manner with RD and the trip was all expenses paid. She could use the vacation.


She had been in the Empire for just a night when she received a message that her cousin Babs Seed was coming into the Empire. Well, that seemed awfully convenient! Apple Bloom wasn’t gonna look the gift-horse in the mouth though. She made sure she looked presentable, with a saddlebag on her bag and two large side baskets. Roxbury Russet in the left, Honeygold in the right. Luckily they were both asleep as the cold wind blew through the train station. It didn’t take long before Apple Bloom saw Babs and trotted up to the mare, giving her a big hug. “Well, if it ain’t Babs Seed! Ain’t seen ya in a while, cuz,” she said, letting go of the hug and taking a look. “An’ look at tha state of ya! How’s Manehattan treatin’ ya?”

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Babs smiled and let out a sigh before hugging AppleBloom back "I sure did miss you cuz, that's for sure, and Manehattan is treating me well, I cut hair for a living now and man do I love it, but enough about me tell me how you've been and who are these two adorable foals!" Babs said softly almost crying because now Babs knew exactly how long it had been since she had talked to AppleBloom, sure she knew about AppleBloom having foals, but she had never met them, Babs was actually very lucky to get off to see AppleBloom her boss was not going to let her, luckily her best friend in Manhattan had offered to take Bab's shifts for a few days while she went on this trip.


Babs would think for a moment before remembering the present that she had brought for AppleBloom "Here ya go Cuz, I hope you like it, I made it for ya" Babs said as she handed the beautifully wrapped present to AppleBloom, Babs hoped she would like the present, as it was a bow for her that Babs had sewed herself for AppleBloom, but she had made it a while back hoping that she could've given it to her sooner, but now she finally gave it to her.

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“Mane care? Well, Ah reckoned it’d be somethin’ like that. Ah’ll have ta have you come by and do mah mane ‘fore Ah pick up AJ’s reward,” Apple Bloom laughed heartily as she turned about and trotted side by side with Babs. She was pretty certain that Babs was one of the best mane care specialists in the whole city because she sure as shine didn’t look like it. She had to work at it, had to find it, search for it. And she thought that was neat! 

“Awww, thank ya for tha gift. It looks real pretty,” she said as she went to try it on. Her mane had grown and it needed to adjust- no matter. She knew she’d make it work!


“Pups,” she corrected. Not that she blamed her. A lot of ponies she knew somewhat distantly or saw rarely heard she had some kids, thought (of course) they were foals. Not many of them knew the father was a Diamond Dog. “Ah reckon-” she began before, on cue, Honeygold pushed up on her basket, the little pup only half away. She saw her momma’s ear and launched up to bit it playfully.


Apple Bloom’s head jerked to that side. “Honeygold, stop yer foolin’,” she said, and the Diamond Dog obeyed. Awake, she looked at Babs curiously. “This here’s yer Aunt Babs Seed. Say hi,” Apple Bloom said, nearly cooing as Honeygold waved a paw and started dropping back down into her basket.  “That there is Honeygold. Her brother is Roxbury Russet.”

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Babs giggled as her cousin had said that Babs would do something like Mane Care "Well, I will do your hair, anything for my cuz!" Babs said smiling she was glad that APpleBloom had liked her gift although her maine was much longer, than the last time they had seen each other Oh well Babs thugh I'll make her another one just like it, maybe diffrent.


As AppleBloom told her that they were pups and not foals Babs had ceartinly looked confused before the pup Honeygold had peeked out of her basket "Well, Hi there Honeygold, you sure are cute!" she said as Honeygold waved a paw and Babs looked happy, really happy, as AppleBloom told her the pup's names Babs said "I'm glad, you're doing good, cuz, and I'm glad you got someone special in your life, although I can't say the same!" Babs said smiling, Babs had never really gotten to meet anyone cause of her work schedule "I think I should get out more cuz, and that's why I'm glad I got to come, because seeing you and your foa- I mean pups has made my day better than it would've been at the salon"

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Apple Bloom smiled. “Where do ya work, exactly?” Of course Babs would be open to doing her mane. She would do it even if it wasn’t her special talent- cousins would be cousins after all. But for all that and two buckets more she was happy to have that on her schedule. She hadn’t had a good mane care day in forever and an hour. She wasn’t like Sweetie or Rarity mind you, but she found herself enjoying a bit of care more than some of her family.

“She sure is a cutie. She’s a Diamond Dog through and through- that’s been a whole mess and a half in and of itself, let me tell ya- but her brother is a hybrid. Cute fella, for sure,” she said, wondering whether to wake Roxbury up or not. She decided not to. He was a very concerted sleeper and she’d hate to wake him while he displayed the one-true talent he had already displayed. 


She was quiet on the someone special line, though she didn’t give a wince or anything of the sort. Truth was, it was all a blur. She had been traveling on Tempest’s airship seeing the world and having a true- blue adventure away from home when they ran across a village in the path of a terrible tornado. One thing led to another and she was being treated like a hero by the town. Drinks were shared and- well, one thing led to two pups, but for the life of her she couldn’t quite put her hoof on the name of the Diamond Dog who laid her up fierce and true.

“Well, Ah’m just glad yer out an’ about. Strange we’re meeting here in tha Crystal Empire, though. How’d ya know Ah was gonna be here?”

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Babs would smile and answer Babs "Well, I work in a salon called Mane in Manehattan, quite a name isn't it?" Babs giggled as she looked awestruck "A hybrid huh? He must be cute as a button then!" Babs liked that her cuz had her two little pups to keep her company, especially when Babs didn't talk to her or couldn't see her it sure was odd though a hybrid, why Babs had never heard of it, but she'd bet that her son was a cutie, and that was that.


Babs noticed that Applebloom hadn't said anything about the someone special remark that Babs had made, but Babs knew if AppleBloom didn't say anything, then sure enough, that it wasn't important, therefore Babs decided not to press the issue, so she kept quiet. As for the how she knew AppleBloom was here, well that was simple enough she knew AppleBloom was here, because AppleJack had told Babs, Although Babs thought that AppleJack was going to tell AppleBloom about her seeing her cousin, but she guessed wrong "Well, AppleJack had told me that you was going to be here, so I assumed she was going to tell you, but I guess not!" 


Babs had smiled at her cousin and asked "Where are you staying at cuz? Maybe we could go grab a bite to eat, and maybe do some shopping for you and your pups, but only if that's okay with you!" Babs said while she trotted alongside AppleBloom.

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“Mane in Manehattan?” Apple Bloom snorted, sounding more and more like her older sister the older she got. “Well, Ah ‘spose that name is as good as any. Pretty nifty, if ya ask me. Ain’t gotta guess what’s up thar,” she said as she beamed at the prodding about Russet. “He sure is,” she said as she gently lifted up the lid to the other basket. There, Roxbury Russet was sleeping, tongue lolling outed, clutching an even smaller plush. His features were more pony the further up you went aside from the ears and tongue, and more diamond dog the further down you went. “He’s a real sweetheart, that one,” she said as she closed the basket.


“Applejack was supposed ta tell me? Well, that explains it. Mah sister has had her head tossed here, there, everywhere lately, what with Rainbow and her own kids, tha farm, an’ everything else on her plate. That’s why Ah’m here, actually. She is getting an award of some kind an’ she asked me ta represent her. Not a bad way ta get out of work for a while, right?” She laughed, then nodded towards a nearby hotel. “They’re paying for mah room at tha Shimmering Suites. Wanna come in?’

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Babs smiled and laughed when AppleBloom had snorted, when AppleBloom showed Babs Russet Babs looked at AppleBloom and smiled "Well cuz, you are right about that he sure is an adorable fella!" Babs looked at him in awe before AppleBloom closed the basket, Babs just couldn't believe how aborable her two pups were it was unreal how adorable they were, and Babs knew that they would grow up and be just like their mama.


Babs nodded forgetting all about AppleJack and Rainbows kids and how busy they've been "Well, that just about explains it, AppleJack must be pretty dang busy with everything then, and yeah gettin out of the farm work must be nice" Babs said laughing a little she remembered how much her and AppleBloom used to want to play alot and not do work, but as they grew up they helped more, When AppleBloom invited her in Babs nodded "I'd love to come in cuz, after all we can finally catch up, and I can take ya and your pups out to a nice well-deserved dinner, I'm sure you must get tired, those two seem like they could be a handful" Babs said smiling

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“Well, that sounds like a real good idea. Got so excited when Ah was told you were on yer way that I forgot to eat breakfast!” Apple Bloom laughed as she picked up the pace. “Come on, just gotta get ready,” she said as she led Babs to the hotel.


It wasn’t the fanciest hotel in the city. Wasn’t as if she was here to see the royals or nothing. The lobby was well-staffed and the ponies were nice enough, but it was off the main road in a secondary business district. Everything had that nice plastic sheen you saw on new places. She went up two flights of stairs and opened up her hotel room.

It was a mess. Energetic pups, and Diamond Dogs beyond that, required a level of care and coordination that was hard to maintain. And with them being such bundles of joy and ceaseless energy, well, she was just happy it wasn’t worse. Covers were throw wildly, toys were strewn about, and her own clothes were still somehow neatly set aside. “Make yerself at home. Ah know they have,” she laugh as she shook the baskets off and onto the bed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Babs giggled when she saw the room it was trashed, but she did have pups and Diamond Dog pups at that Babs was sure that they were almost always messy and she could tell since they probally made this mess "It looks like they have! They must require alot of care don't they?" Babs said as she sat down on the bed where they baskets with two little sleeping pups were.


Babs waited while AppleBloom got ready and as she waited she looked over at the moving baskets Babs smiled looks like the pups were finally waking up she thought as she giggled to herself "Well AppleBloom, it looks like your pups are waking up" she said as she looked over at te two pups crawling out of the basket

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She sighed. It was very hard work taking care of two foals, she reckoned. But a Diamond Dog pup and a hybrid? Sweet trees and weak knees, she didn't know what to do half the time. Ponies helped her of course, especially her family, but her pups required care and attention that nobody could help her with. They were different. Not wrong, not bad, but different. "You bet yer fetlocks they are. Why, if Ah did t know better Ah'd swear there were ten of them. And the teeth! Sweet Twilight, the teeth. I've got scars in places I'd never think," she laughed dryly as she put the baskets down and automatically went ahead and started cleaning.


Her head snapped back up when she heard her pups wake up. Honeygold pushed her basket lid up and jumped out and onto the bed. She saw Babs and started sniffing. Her fur was coarse and rough and her eyes too big for her head, flopping and almost blinding her. Roxbury was next, pushing up his lid and seeing the new strange pony. He gave out a small whine and then leapt off the bed, his small plushie still in his teeth as he found safety under his mother's barrel. "Well, there ya are, sleepy head," she said as she bent down and grabbed him at the nap of his neck with her mouth, trotting over to the bed and putting him down, leaning in to give him a feeling of safety. "Say hi to yer Auntie, Rox."

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