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Anypony in the medical/charity/something field?


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Hey guys. This is a really weird question to ask and I feel a bit uncomfortable posing it, but I'm sending out feelers everywhere I can possibly think of, and knowing how diverse our little community is here, someone out there might be able to offer some advice here.

Eight weeks ago my husband was hit by a truck in a parking lot. He suffered a severe bone bruise from where the truck actually impacted his arm, and has a brain bleed from his head hitting the pavement. He's seeing some amazing doctors, and is making very, very slow progress toward healing. We've been facing a lot of challenges, and a lot of issues have sprung up (who knew, your brain really DOES control absolutely every single damn thing in your body) and that's mostly why I've been absent lately, aside from popping into my RP threads whenever I have a few minutes to spare.

Here is our biggest problem right now. My husband is without health insurance, we have pretty crappy regulations in regards to that in this state. We are no strangers to struggling through the medical system without coverage; he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis two years ago, and also suffers from epilepsy, aplastic anemia, and a fairly severe heart murmur. We have one thing on our side, and it's that many of the doctors he's seeing will accept either a promissory note from our lawyer that they will get paid once the lawsuit is settled in a year or so, or will wait until he is approved for medicaid to bill at all. But there are a few specialists who will not, and we are rapidly running out of money. A prime example being the surgeon he had to see about his elbow, which may have a bone shard loose in it on top of the bruise, who would not even agree to look at him without $250 up front and a monthly payment agreement beyond that. I work at Walmart. He is completely out of work. We're kind of struggling here.

So my question is pretty short and simple after that huge rambling backstory. Do any of you out there know of any charitable organizations that help with traumatic brain injury patients, or anything of the sort? I have been looking whenever and wherever I can, but I'm coming up dry. If anyone has any advice to offer as to where to look or who to contact, it'd be a huge, amazing help.

Also, sorry to bring some sad into the midst of all our pony happy.

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