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FanFair [Final]


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Name: FanFair

Sex: Male

Age: Stallion

Species: Earth Pony

Pelt Color: Very pale yellow/orange

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Blue flowing main, short blue curved tail, very neat.

Eye Color: Light Brown

Cutie Mark: Treble and bass clef

Physique: Tall, medium build, strong legged.

Origin: Seasaddle Bay

Role-play Type: Mane RP

Occupation: Musician (particularly with brass instruments)

Motivation: "Is to spread the joys of music to others and to express who he is to all who will listen"

Likes: Quiet times, positive feedback, interactive audiences, free flowing tunes.

Dislikes: Show offs, being off key/ out of tune, being pressured, pessimism.

Character Summary: Fan Fair grew up as an only foal much separated from the other especially in school. He was the shy pony in the back of the class, no one made fun of him but neither did they associate much with him either. His parents constantly tried to get him to be more social but too little success. Once even during a party hosted by his parents Fan Fair simply stayed locked away in his room until dinner and retreated shortly after. He spent most of his days outside hearing the glorious sounds of nature. The crashing of waves, the whistle of tall reeds, the boisterous squawks of the seagulls; most people hated the annoying birds but Fan Fair thought they added a great humor to his life the way they shuffled about and even flew in one place!

One day when FanFair was an itty-bitty pony, he had been listening to his everyday sounds when a reed flew by and hit his nose. This tickled his snout and caused him to heave a great sneeze. He brought his hooves to his face and sneezed… “Bzzzzzz”. A clear note emitted from the reed (To this day FanFair still remembers the note to be a G-sharp). He had never heard such a sound! FanFair quickly gather as many different sized reeds as possible playing different notes in different combinations. When he showed his parents they were thrilled at his discovery. FanFair gave his parents each different sized reeds to blow on themselves and when they all played together made different series of beautiful chords. He even learned the chilling sensation of dissonance. Once FanFair realized he could make wonderful sounds like the ones he listens to all day he was hooked, and from that moment on devoted himself to the wonders of sound.

Cutie Mark Story: Midday in summer Fan Fair was sunning himself by a rock when he noticed a group of Pegasus shooing away a group of seagulls from where they were practicing, he very quietly asked them why. “They are constantly flying around making shrill calls which is ruining our concentration! Some of us are doing very dangerous moves we can't afford these kinds of distractions!" FanFair thought he understood but that didn't mean the seagulls didn't deserve to fly there too. So he came up with a plan, "maybe if they didn't sound so annoying the Pegasus ponies wouldnt want them to leave." He rushed inside his house and grabbed his trumpet quickly he galloped to a secluded dune and called for the gulls. He grouped them based into altos sapranos and basses based on how high of a pitch they squawked. When they were all organized he went to each group separately and worked for hours with each until they could sing perfectly on pitch all the notes in their register crisp and clear. And in tune as well, having perfect pitch FanFair could easily tell when one of the gulls was a bit flat or sharp. Afterwords he would play simple tunes to each group for them to memorize, once done they would sing in unison creating a wonderful array of free flowing tunes that harmonized perfectly with the other gulls. After a few more sessions the gulls were able to interchange FanFair's wide array of simple tunes into complex melodies that seemed to be in synch with the sounds of nature. When he was finally done the gulls flew back up to where the Pegasus practiced and began to sing complex rhythms and melodies that corresponded to the moves the pagasus were performing mid-flight. They were surprised and delighted by this and now allowed the gulls to stay and sing soundtracks along with their routine. FanFair just stayed back and watched as his efforts payed off. He went home and greeted his parents who, since FanFair almost never looks in a mirror, had to point out that he had gotten a treble and bass clef on his flank. His cutie mark had appeared.

-End Cutie Mark Story-

After he got his cutie mark FanFair realized he could used his music to tell stories, and express his emotions. He would occasionally go into the town square and play for whoever was out songs he either wrote or was improvising with. The crowd would laugh, smile, dance, cry, or maybe even feel a bit hot tempered simply from the combination of the music and how FanFair was feeling at the time. Encouraged by the strong feedback he received Fair decided that once he was old enough he would set out to play for as many audiences as possible.

One day FanFair was practicing for a recital in a town right at the edge of seasaddle bay when he heard a tap on the window. Startled he cautiously opened the window and woosh! In flew a jet black Pegasus who did a neat back flip before landing on the windowsill. "Dude I Uh... Was listening to your music and I'm not a fan of classical... What I mean is I'm not usually a fan but man what you were playing just now was like really radical... Ya know? Anyway just thought you should know I guess... K bye!" "Wait!" yelled FanFair "Who are you?" to which the Pegasus replied "they call me Darcmoun, it's not spelled how it sounds but it's a pretty cool name if I say so myself" FanFair gave a quick chuckle and responded "well it's nice to meet you Darkmoon", "No you’re

spelling it wrong... Trust me I can tell" the Pegasus interrupted. FanFair continued a bit bemused "well it is nice to meet you, my name is FanFair. Say if you really do like my playing it would be an honor to see you at this recital I am playing at in a few hours. Maybe after the show we can talk a bit more"

After the show they talked for a good while, or DarcMoun talked while FanFair listened patiently (a favorite pastime of his). Over the seasons DarcMoun, with his daring personality, influenced FanFair to be a bit more outgoing and more approachable to other ponies. While FanFair taught DarcMoun to, very occasionally, slow down and enjoy the little things in life.

Now a days FanFair tours around remote areas as a soloist playing mostly trumpet but dabling in many other instruments as well, except for oboe which proved to be quite difficult. But at the same time he will also join in the occasional ensemble or jazz group just for a change of pace before he moves on to another area.

(I made a very large Copy/Paste so hopefully it looks good when posted)




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Looking good, you seem to have a rich backstory for him. I'll be curious what he will do int he RP as a traveling itinerant musician. Had some trouble reading due to the grammar. If you need some help with that and don't have something like Word, there are a few fairly decent grammar check apps on the web (I have used them from time to time). Let me know if you need any links.

Other than that, looking good:


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