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Melody Night [Final]


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Name:Melody Night


Age:Young mare


Coat Color:Slatey dull grey

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style:Mane colour is a deep red in colour, long and straight over both sides of her head with the left side brushed back so that her right eye is usually covered but left eyes exposed. Her tail is the same slatey grey as her body but with one red stripe running from base to tip along the top. She sometimes styles her hooves in black when performing.

Eye Color:Vibrant pink

Cutie Mark:Grey and black microphone

Physique:Slightly short for her age and on the slightly larger side of an average build

Origin:The town of Solstice Heights was where Melody was born and raised until she finished school at which point she moved away to Pillydelphia where she currently resides

Roleplay Type:Mane Equestria Roleplay

Occupation:Gothic rock/Classical singer

Motivation:After gaining her cutie mark during a talent show, Melody made it her ambition to entertain as many ponies as she could with songs written by herself.

Likes: Listening to music, singing, making people smile and cupcakes

Dislikes: Rudeness, unhappyness

Character Summary:Melody's personality is friendly, happy but slightly shy when directly talking to others and tends to stay quiet unless spoken to or until you get to know her. She is more likely to retreat and avoid confrontation than engage and overcome.

As a young foal, Melody began to mimic songs that she heard and when she was of age her parents sent her to a music school to see if her singing talent would develop. A few months after starting Melody took part in a talent show where the students all showed off what they had learned and after a nervous start she wowed the crowd with a beautiful song after which her cutie mark appeared showing that she was on the path she was meant to take. After that night Melody said that she would to whatever it took to graduate and go out into the world and perform in front of crowds of ponies and make them smile. When she told her parents of her dreams they simply smiled and nodded, saying that they knew from the first time they had heard her sing that she would grow up to become a wonderful entertainer, and that night had only reinforced their beliefs.

With a reinforced look on her life, Melody went on to graduate and move out on her own, a decision supported by her parents who saw her determination to excel at what she was good at and wanted her to be happy in doing it. Wanting to find herself a quiet place to reside in, Melody moved to the town of Phillydelphia where she currently resides in a small house on the very outskirts, away from the noise and bustle of daily life. Phillydelphia was her choice due to its links with both small town and large city, increasing its throughfair of ponies and increasing the various stories she could hear and sights she could see, all adding to her pot of inspiration


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Hey there, just thought that I would throw my two bits in to help you out! First thing you want to change is the age, since we don't know how ponies age we use the Eauestrian terms instead. Such as Foal, Colt or Filly, Stallion or Mare, or Elderly Stallion or Mare, I would say that she is a Young Mare as it stands. I would also suggest outlining where she grew up with one of the wonderful places on our map! It gives the character a little more depth, and I am sure that you can find somewhere that suits your idea of her home town. On to Ponyville, unfortunately it is getting a little bit crowded, keep in mind that if your pony lives in another town, such as Manehatten or Fillydelphia, she can still visit Ponyville and make appearances there, she just lives in another area. I like her mane, but you describe it well enough without having to resort to using Pinkamina's mane as an analog.

Next up, I would give her a little bit more of a back story, you do have her personality and a bit of her back story, but it is just missing a little detail. How did her parents react to her decision to move out and start her career? For that matter why did she move out? Giving that more detail would be great and add to her basic framework immensely! Other than that it is a pretty good app that just needs some more filling out! I hope to see it come to fruition soon!

~Sage AkA Freddie Freewings

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At its current rate Ponyville is quickly becoming overpopulated, and isn't quite the quaint small town that it once was. There are more than a few quaint rural towns throughout Equestria, Solstice Heights is actually a small quaint rural town, also Appleloosa is a budding rural town. For that matter she could live in a home off to the edge of one of the forests, that way she could be self sufficient and and still be close to a town! Let me pose a question to you, Does Ponyville have any special significance to your pony in either her back story or the character's development? If not then it would be easy to pop her over to a less populated area. Again this does not mean that she cant visit and sing in Ponyville and sing there, it just means that she lives in the other town. This helps the actual Role Play proliferate throughout the entirety of Equestria so we don't get too many ponies living in one area and never leaving there. As afore mentioned, Ponyville is getting very over populated and the image of the quaint little rural town that it once was is in a state of flux. As it stands the infrastructure of Ponyville would have a very hard time of sustaining all the ponies that currently live there.

~Sage AkA Freddie Freewings

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