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(Oh yeah, just noticed the part of the first post asking whats everyone's fave. oops)

Hmm hay on pizza? I would think that would be a lower layer, between the sauce and the cheese to protect it from the heat, while clover or alfalfa could be diced finely and sprinkled on to sink into the melting cheese. perhaps daisys and other flowers could be brushed with olive oil and tossed on as a topping in place of pepperoni (flower pepperpony?)

In IRL, my absolute fave chain pizza is from the midwest while growing up. Pizza King Pizza is thin crust and may not look like much but its taste goes fantastic with beer and the bite sized squares are like eating potato chips. you cant have just one. ;-)

In more recent times, With most fave places now out of reach in other towns, I find Domino's Phlly Cheesesteak to be good, or for a quick meal before work, I grab a Tony's frozen Mexican Pizza. (I was dissapointed Tony's discontinued their vegge pizza. that was great.. :/ )

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