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Harmony [FINAL]


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Name: Harmony

Sex: Female

Age: Foal

Species: Pegasus

Coat Color: Pale lime, with magenta markings all over.

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Her mane is spiky, pink and lime, swept forward giving her the appearance that slightly resembles a punk rocker. Her tail is long, wavy, and yet again choppy.

Eye Color: Deep brown

Cutie Mark: Not yet discovered

Physique: Slim yet strong.

Origin: Born and raised in Cloudsdale, has recently moved to Canterlot

Roleplay Type: Equestria Mane RP

Occupation: Student

Motivation: To discover her cutie mark, and to perform for Princess Celestia.


- Acting

- Singing

- Dancing

- Music

- Adventure

- Climbing Trees

- Mysteries

- Challenges

- Asking difficult questions


- Soppy Romance

- Junk Food

- Bats

- Liars

- Spiders

- Having nothing to do

- Being told what to do

- Geography

- Silence

Character Summary:

Harmony was raised in Cloudsdale by her father, whose wife left after she was born. As he was a strong, fearless Stallion, Harmony grew up and soaked in his attributes. This makes Harmony an energetic and fearless Pegasus, who loves the great outdoors.

Harmony is named after the word meaning music, which is odd since she has a passion for music. Any instrument, including singing, absolutely fascinates her. The one thing Harmony cannot STAND is King Haywyr. He raps and completely dismisses the beautiful idea of music. The popular artist, in Harmony's not so humble opinion, is an insult to melody. Alongside music, Harmony has a passion for drama and dance. She practises every evening and performs sometimes to her caring father and bunny, Halo (named due to the honey coloured circle around his head).

Harmony’s ultimate ambition is to perform for her idol, the beautiful and famous Princess Celestia.Her father was always very laid back with her. He himself has no drama, dance or musical talents, but is really happy about her talents, and wouldn't change her for the world. He watched intently as she performed her self-written musicals with her old friends and he has always supported Harmony whatever she did. The father even helped her streak her hair and decorate her coat with bright pink dye when she became bored of her bland single colour and wanted to stand out.

Harmony finds herself wondering, from time to time, whether to move out at an older age to Greater Equestria, for the adventurous landscapes and dangerous adventures that await, but at the same time Harmony feels she will grow to like the busy capital of Canterlot, and the sound Celestia's birds sing out when you stand by her royal garden. What a beautiful sound.

As a morning job to earn money, Harmony flies out across nearby buildings and delivers mail to the ponies. She tends to sing whilst she does so, which irritates certain neighbours.

Harmony is a keen traveller, admirer of nature and adventurer with a hooves-on attitude, that could quite easily get lost in a supermarket - she has no sense of direction!

She is adventurous and isn’t scared of much. Young Harmony (about age 10 in human years) enjoys games and riddles, and always gets into trouble by investigating mysterious situations.

She's wise for her years and it irritates her when people don't understand what she's explaining.

She is new to Canterlot, so she hopes she can make trustworthy friends, just like she had back in Cloudsdale.

When it comes to flying, Harmony likes to go and visit Cloudsdale often, when bored, since her old friends live there, and it’s pretty much the only place she knows the way to. Harmony isn’t a fantastic flyer, no tricks or anything, but nevertheless can zoom fast through the sky.

Harmony is quirky, cute and adventurous. She's inquisitive and definitely not shy. She will always have a go at whatever challenge is set. Mysteries will draw her to them and she will investigate without help from anyone as she dislikes being pushed about by older ponies. She can sometimes be overdramatic – probably due to her love of drama, and she is rather clever except when it comes to geography (so often gets lost on her adventures). She sings really beautifully and is constantly appreciating music. Her dancing is amazing, and her acting skills are tremendous. But what in Equestria could her Cutie Mark be? Lots of her friends envy her talent, and her punk-rocker hair too.

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I like it, perphars, her occupation can be "student" since she's in school age, and her motivation, well, as a filly, wanting her cutie mark can work (like on the CMC's) , but you can add about her adventurous side, or music... Anyways, an adventurous explorer capable of getting lost on a phonebooth is quite adorable...

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Hay there, just wanted to stop by and lend my two bits. I would say that Flutterscotch is correct on this one. We have a user named Armony so naming your character this would lead to undue confusion. I would say that you could name her Harmony [blank]. That way you could stick with the motif of music, and it won't encroach upon other's name! Ponies usually name their children, oddly enough, usually something having to do with what they are good at, so the harmony part would cover that, and the later part could be something fun of your own creation.

On to other item. First you are going to want to read the Technological Guidelines in the Lore Section along with the Electrical Guidelines, that way you know what you are working with when it comes to your pony. As it is written, you have your pony listening to a music player, which is considered high technology which is not present in Equestria. Also, since Equestria is not Earth, the musicians that are present in the real world are not present in Equestria, so the part about '50 Cent' needs to be removed. You can however make up a pony themed singer that she does not like, which would add something to the character. Also you have a lot about her personality, but seem to be lacking actual back story. What are her parents like, do they approve of her singing? How does she like living in Canterlot, does she plan to move out some time when she is older? These are just some questions to ask yourself when crafting her character out a little more. A dynamic back story adds that little level of dimension to your character, making them more fun for you to play and for others to play with.

One more thing, her colour scheme seems to be a bit loud. Usually ponies stick to one or two colours with only minimal markings that are native to horse breeds, such as palomino or appaloosa. The stripes that are present in the supplied picture are usually reserved for Zebras and their off-spring. Maybe your pony could be a solid colour, but finds herself bland and dies her coat and hair. That way her colour scheme can be as loud as she pleases, and keep her stripes of colour!

~Sage AkA Freddie Freewings

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Hay there, just a few more tweaks and this pony seems about wrapped up! I like the revisions that you have done so far, but for future reference please do not 'bump' your topic or double post in it unless you are mentioning that you have made a change to the original document. Just a hint, the human age analog is not needed, sine we don't know how ponies age, but it does not need to be taken out, just a reminder. I do have a question though, why would she get lost in a grocery store? Does she have a bas sense of direction or is she just all over the place with her mind running a mile a minute and she would forget where she is? Also, why are her old friends in Cloudsdale if she was born in Canterlot? Dose her father like her musical aptitude and help her along with her quest? Finally there are some grammatical mistakes that I am sure another read through would catch.

Once you take these questions into account and expound upon them a little bit I am sure that Harmony here will fit right into Equestria!

~Sage AkA Freddie Freewings

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I am going to provisionally assess this application with the caveat that I would like you to make it clear that she was born and raised in Cloudsdale, but recently moved to Canterlot. This is not explicitly stated, but it seems to be implied in her back story. Just pop that in there and I am sure that it will make much more sense.


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