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I finally have my living room back!

Motion Paradox

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Today my Mother's student moved into her placement home!

To explain about 13 months ago my Mother started Tutoring this one girl, who needed help getting through her classes and legal problems, about one year ago she left her mother's house where she had been living since her father died and had been trying to find either a group home or some other placement and to get custody of her son/nephiew (yes....I was shocked too). At first I actually enjoyed having her there and she was the one student my Mother's had in the past several years that I got along with, but then we started getting on eachother's nerves after 6 months or so....

Since she's had a series of placements that haven't gone well she's had to stay with my parents and myself multiple times (she's also stayed with other people, but all the times she's stayed here added to the 3 or 4 months my mom's friend had his son stay here while he tried to find a new house, I've basically been sharing my house with somebody extra for close to half of this year) and this time she stayed for nearly 2 months. And yes, it has been really stressful (me breaking down and crying over minor thing like not being able to go out or being asked to try making batter for sea food when I've never done it before), none of us were happy with the arrangement, my Father and I were especially frustrated that she literally took up all the space on the sofa so it was difficult to do anything in the living room even more at night because she goes to bed so early compared to everyone else, but there weren't any other options.

And today she's finally moved to a new placement home that looks very promising and that's out of town (she'll still be in touch but won't constantly be there). I finally have all of my house back! All of her things have been taken out of the house (There's so much space now! I've been steeping around travel bags for so long I don't know what to do with all the free space there is!)

So finally:

No more sitting in the back seat (She says that she needs to because she gets car sick easily)

No more not being able to eat anything with strawberries (I love strawberries but she's very allergic)

No more having medical things mentioned all the time

No more hearing about piercings (Both of those last two things I don't handle very well, I can picture it, it's horrible, my blood pressure drops and I need to sit down it's not fun)

No more having the entire sofa being monopolised

No more unwashed body smell (Everyone in my family showers at least one a day)

No more Kassia trying to sound clever

No more garbage in the back seat (really, mostly it was Tim Hortons packages but there were some even worse things)

No more carseat

No more Kassia shouting when I'm trying to focus on something

No more of Kassia's "dripping faucet" singing voice

No more being stuck in house until after dark

No more non-organic beef (I'm fairly sure I'm allergic to beef and the reaction I have to non-organic beef is even worse than the reaction to the Organic Beef my Mother eats)

No more being called spoiled because my life isn't a trainwreck

No more distasteful jokes

No more hearing about boys sending her pictures of their reproductive organs (her current boyfriend is actually one of the few that hasn't done this)

No more bad MTV dramas

No more Bassline (Hmm, the heavy bassline in the music she listens to hurts my ears)

No more Sky Scraper song

Yes, I'm just so glad that it's over I wanted to share it with everyone and of course, no great day is complete without a PMV:

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