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I made a friend yesterday


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Note: If you don't want to read through a wall of text that's basically a pointless rant, turn back now. I just felt the need to share, especially since people tend to just post rants about the negatives in their lives.

As lame as it sounds, this was a huge success for me. I ran into someone I'll occassionally talk to at work and decided on impulse to invite him to a comic store because I knew he likes Magic the Gathering. Luck was with me yesterday as he agreed to go and I was about to get us there smoothly (San Diego's big, it's easy to mess up with the different bus routes and such ;P). We ended up hanging out at the store, cracked open a couple boxes (yeah, full boxes) of booster packs, went to a Pizza Hut, and ended up playing around for the rest of the night. Nothing special, your typical hanging out stuff - but this is the first time in my 20 year old life that I have ever hung out with someone and felt completely comfortable and myself the whole time - something I've only ever experienced with my siblings and I've been struggling to do with others ever since I moved away from home nearly two years ago.

Granted, this isn't my first "friend" in the sense that I've always had people that I've just clicked with and could talk to about anything, but he is the first friend I have ever made in my life that I can hang out with and enjoy what I enjoy. I had been significantly trying to be more social for about the past eight months, talking and hanging out with many different people, whether I was interested in what they were doing or not - and even when I did hang out around people who liked Yugioh and Magic (my prime interests, aside from writing and drawing). However, no matter who it was or what we were doing, I would always feel uncomfortable and withdraw - as in consciously. I would literally just zone everything out and get lost in my own world, becoming totally unresponsive to those around me.

Not saying that last night just totally wiped that part of me out, but it was significant victory for me. I've been gloom and doom about being a hopeless loner for particularly the past eight months or so and I've finally taken a huge step in the right direction and accomplished something I've never been able to do my entire life. Hopefully I'll be able to really build on this for the months and years to come.

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