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Nimbus [FINAL]

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(Gosh, I've spent a lot of work on this, so I hope it was done right. I apologize for grammatical errors, as I was tired upon completion of the form..)

Name: Nimbus

Sex: Female

Age: Filly (13-17)

Species: Pegasus

Pelt Color: Lighter blue.

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Mane color: Red / Black twist. Tail the same.

Eye Color: Red

Cutie Mark: Two crossing arrows in the shape of an X.

Physique: Red scar through left eye, average body, low stamina.

Origin: Canterlot

Roleplay Type: FiM Universe / Crossovers.

Occupation: Weather control / Mail deliverer. (Part time)

Motivation: Flying faster than the flight before. Becoming the world's fastest pony.

Likes: Flying extremely fast. Doing vertical climbs immediately after take-off. (optional)

Dislikes: Walking when the option of flying is not available. Waiting. Ponies who treat others with disrespect. (optional)

Character Summary: Having been raised in Canterlot, Nimbus has a very slight royal attitude to her .She never enjoyed the life she had, and was only interested in flying, and fast. She knew that one day, she wanted to live up in Cloudsdale, where all the pegasus live, but she wasn't sure if she would be accepted. Once she turned in to a filly, she

decided to move there immediately. Her parents were very accepting of her decision, as she was always one to get what she wanted. Her main goal in life was to get her cutie mark, but up until she moved to Cloudsdale, she was worried that would never happen.

It was only when she began vertical climbs that she got her cutie mark. It appeared after she successfully launched straight up, and immediately shot forward, like an arrow. And since then, her goal has always been to go fast. VERY fast. When she first got her cutie mark, she was unaware of it's meaning. She had been curious as to what exactly it meant, so she looked in to it. Eventually, she discovered it meant going fast, and going fast immediately. (More details in later RPs if not against the rules.)

She was always one to go fast, but she can't go fast very long. She will usually tire out after about 10 minutes of rapid flying. She has an interest in what the life of an Earth pony is like, but she doesn't know exactly if she would want to live without her wings. So she's been curious of how it feels not to have them, ever since getting her cutie mark.

When she was a lot yunger, she had gotten injured. She was attempting to do a back flip in mid air, but lost control, and crashed on to a pile of sticks outside of Sweet Apple Acres. She had gotten a dark red scar from the incident, which can be seen blow her left eye. She took up the job as mail deliverer, as she felt she needed some way to help out more. She hopes to one day become the world's fastest pony.

Here is a picture for you all. (I forgot the cutie mark upon completion, I'm SO sorry!)


I am super excited to find out if this can be accepted!


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Hey there, I'm looking at your application, and I have to say that whilst there is potential, it seems that something is amiss.

1: Cutie mark story.

Cutie Mark: Two crossing arrows in the shape of an X.
t was only when she began vertical climbs that she got her cutie mark.

It seems that your cutie mark and how she earnt it don't relate very well - perhaps you need to tell the story a little more clearly so we can see how it ties together.

2: Aspiration/Motivation

Motivation: Flying faster than the flight before. Performing the Sonic Rainboom.

So long as you're aware that this will always remain a Dash-specific event, you won't have a problem with it being just a 'personal aspiration' - but otherwise, according to the general rule of thumb with regards to that, she can't ever actually perform the move herself {as goes for all pegasi of this flight/speed-centric nature.}

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Ah, I was unaware of the Sonic Rainboom being "character" specific to the show. As in the show, they discuss it as "An old Mare's tale" and not one of RD's abilities. I can work out some of the writing, but I was just too tired when finishing it up. It was about 4AM when I finished the application. I'm not sure if this is against the rules, but I kept the details a bit vague ,as I love unfolding details whilst RP'ing. If you NEED more details, I can add them. I fixed up the cutie mark part, though. What is represents, is after she successfully launched straight upward, and bolted forward. Much like how an arrow fires. If you don't mind, I'd like to keep some of the details hidden, and to be told while I RP. Is that okay?

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All the basics are here. Just to give an idea though, you may want to elaborate on how she may try to figure out how to turn her desire (fast flying) into something that could be a fulfilling life goal; but this can be worked out in the RP. Still, may want to add that to her app.

Still, I am going to stamp this.


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