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Pumpkin Blush [Finalized]


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Role-play type: Mane


Pumpkin Blush

Preferred Name





Older Filly (not quite a Mare yet, but not far off.)





Cutie Mark: Feather

Her cutie mark symbolizes her light and nimble body, which helps her do want she loves best. Her cutie mark also matches her soft and gentle inner-nature.

When pumpkin was just a little filly she always loved the feeling of the wind in her mane. She loved freedom, nature and open space. It wansn't until aiding one of her friends, before she found her own sense of freedom (see back-story for a more clear description)

Original Origin


Current Occupation



Pumpkin loves the feeling of freedom, which for her comes in many forms. but when she feels relaxed and focused she believes she can achieve anything. (Which can sometimes put her in awkward situations.)


Nature, Flora and Fauna, Running, Acrobatics, Being Creative (in any way she can.)


Feeling Trapped, Feeling Home Sick, Having Nothing To Do, Artistic Block.


Pumpkin is a very go lucky pony; happy, hyper and never afraid to express herself. She may act like a hardened and athletic pony, but inside she is far more complex and deep. Really Pumpkin is a very soft and gentle filly. But she will always stick up for herself and her friends, no matter the odds.

There is nothing she loves more than expressing her creativity, but when she is focusing distractions can get on her nerves.

Character Back-story Part 1 (Continued After Cutie Mark Story)

Pumpkin is the, 'oddly placed' daughter of Mr and Mrs Blush. Her parents are the owners of a rather successful makeup parlor in Manehattan. Even if their appearance doesn't fit the part. Mr. Blush, an Earth pony, is an Ex banker who manages the financial aspects of the business. Unicorn Mrs. Blush on the other hoof, is a renounced make-up artist,. But both of them share on thing in common. They both have a very 'plain' appearance.

Pumpkin was a big of a shock to them, as she was an unplanned arrival. And named by the orange streaks in her mane and tail.

With an empire to run the Blush ponies didn't always have time for their daughter, meaning she wasn't always watched. Needless to say her artistic side began to show rather early; weather it was wall doodles with crayon or small models out of leftover boxes, Pumpkin was always doing something creative.

As she grew older he 'art' developed bolder and bolder, but never pointed towards the family business. In fact make-up was about the only art she couldn't do. But despite that the young filly felt as if something was missing in her life. Was it magic? It was worth a try.

During this time, her parents were content with her progress in magic, she had become somewhat talented and even a potential addition to the family business. They attempted to raise her in there own 'upper-crust' image. But just like her appearance, her heart just refused to live a 'plain' life. She always found the line of work boring and fussy. To neat for her liking.

She never doubted that her parents only wanted what was best for her, but it just wasn't Pumpkins style. She wanted to live a free creative and interesting life, and still does to this day. This single goal morphed her from a fresh upper-crust business pony, two a joyful unique and slightly competitive and headstrong individual.

After a few years of trial and error in the magic department, it was clear magic wasn't her special talent. While she was good at it, and even able to impress some ponies with her skill. It left nothing in the flank department. By this time, most other ponies had there cutie marks but she seemed to be going nowhere fast.


Cutie Mark Story

It was during school hours, Pumpkin was enduring a history lesson by drawing a portrait of her teacher in the back of her work book. Thankfully there was only a few seconds before the bell rang, ending another day of 'learning'. Pumpkin slowly packed her things, her mind drifting into more pressing matters. As she made her way onto the courtyard, the first thing she heard was a shout from her friend Blueberry Swirl.

"Hey that's not funny!" Pumpkin looked over to see Blueberry with a couple of older students, who appeared to be passing her bag between them. "Seriously guys give it back, i need that bag!" Blueberry cried as the bag was passed again. The girl with the bag, a Pegasus, just laughed at her.

"You want it, go get it!" she said throwing onto the roof of the school building. Pumpkin quicklymade her way to the group "Hey feather brain! Get lost will you!" She scolded. "Oh no, run for you lives," The Pegasus chuckled "It's the blank flank patrol." The two ponies walked off laughing.

Pumpkin approached her friend "You ok Blue?" The two fillies looked to the roof

"My homework was in that bag!" Blue sighed "Do you think you can get it down with your magic?"

"I don't think so, it so high up, besides i can't see it."

Blue slumped herself on the floor while Pumpkin thought. She notices the building next to it had a fire escape and there wasn't mush of a gap between the two, maybe she could magic the bag down from up there. "Wait here i have an idea!" She mad her way to the fire escape and started climbing.

Blue watched with trembling nerves as Pumpkin looked down from the top of the fire escape. "The view up here is amazing." Pumpkin shouts she takes a look around, absorbing the scenery. Looking for a way onto the roof, there is no more ladder, and the roof ledge just out of reach. She looked down again, judging the height, looking at the red railing that surrounded the platform of the fire escape "Hmm. I wonder..." A smile grew on Pumpkins face, "Blue! If this goes wrong, catch me!" she stepped back taking a deep breath. She leaped up towards the railing. She landed square on it's surface, wobbly and unstable, but slowly she begins tho gain her balance. "Woah." She leaps up placing her front legs on the roof ledge, and using her back legs to push herself up. She pulls herself up onto the flat roof of the building.

After locating and retrieving the bag, Pumpkin threw it down to Blue. As she did she slipped and began falling. Screaming and panicked, Pumpkin had to think fast. she remembered learning one spell, but she never tried it. But now would be as good a time as any, seeing as she was out of options. Her horn began to glow brightly as Pumpkin concentrated as hard as she could. She felt light and agile, she maneuvered herself in the air and grabbed a small ledge, dangling from it helplessly. She looked around to notice a large pile of cardboard boxes stacked a few feet from her her. That would be enough to break the fall, placing her back legs of the wall Pumpkin jumped back as hard as she could. Due to the spell she cast, her weight had been lowered, allowing her to just make the distance.

She landed with a big thud, as Blue rushed to see if she was alright. A little shaken and achy Pumpkin stood up from the mess of boxes. Blue pointed out that her cutie mark had appeared. Pumpkin now knew her special talent. But what exactly was it, she had never seen ponies climbing buildings before.

Character Back-story Part Two

Pumpkin spent a lot of her time from that day, training her acrobatic skills. It took a few years but she also came up with a name for her talent. She called it Free Flowing, due to the freedom it made her feel, whether this was it's true name Pumpkin didn't know or care, what she did know is that this is something very close to her. Allowing her to capture new and exciting subjects with her art.

It wasn't long before she began free flowing in the streets of Manehattan, the tall buildings and busy streets always seemed to open new challenges and possibilities. But needless to say, not everypony shared her love for what she did.

When her teacher caught Pumpkin laying lazily on the top of a bakery, she immediately informed Pumpkin's parents. When they found out they were furious, they didn't want their daughter to be jumping from buildings. The Blushs wanted a far more practical life for her, but Pumpkin didn't listen. She was confined to her room until she realized the seriousness of her actions.

Pumpkin thought long and hard, she loved her parents, but she couldn't see why they didn't share her love for her talent. That morning she placed a goodbye note before making her way out of her bedroom window. Next stop. Anywhere but here!

She began traveling the world in hopes of becoming the Equestria's most famous artist. Making her money through selling art (and if that fails she will take any job that pays).

Pumpkin has many goals, but her most desired is to paint a portrait of the two regal sisters, Luna and Celestia.

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nice App! I'm not an official part of the RP helpstaff, so whether you listen to me or not is your own decision.

The way you wrote was short and concise, though whether this is your own way of writing or because of the mods recent request for shorter apps I don't know. I like her cutie mark story, and a parkour pony would certainly prove to be interesting to RP with!

If I were to give advice, I would have to say explain her personality a bit more, perhaps talk about how her relationship with her parents influenced the way she acts. The personality itself is fine, it goes well with the character, but maybe say how it relates to her backstory? This is just an opinion, so you don't really have to listen if you don't want to.

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You have a very good point, I think it's a good idea! I shall give it another look. :)

nice App! I'm not an official part of the RP helpstaff, so whether you listen to me or not is your own decision.

The way you wrote was short and concise, though whether this is your own way of writing or because of the mods recent request for shorter apps I don't know. I like her cutie mark story, and a parkour pony would certainly prove to be interesting to RP with!

If I were to give advice, I would have to say explain her personality a bit more, perhaps talk about how her relationship with her parents influenced the way she acts. The personality itself is fine, it goes well with the character, but maybe say how it relates to her backstory? This is just an opinion, so you don't really have to listen if you don't want to.

I took another look at the post and managed to fit her parent's influence into the first part of the back-story.

I think that everything. because if i think any more my brain will be reduced to popcorn! XD

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