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Did you get pkmn Black or White?


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I got neither. I'm a huge pokemon geek and for the first time ever I didn't get the new games on the first day.

Feels bad man.... But when I do eventually get them, I plan on getting white.

What do you guys think of the new games, effects, pokemon?

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I got White and I'm loving it. The story this time is so much more indept and it actually feels more challenging. As much as some of the English names irk me, I think the game is a great addition to the genre. Definitly worth a play!

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I got White, and my boyfriend got Black; K Mart had a deal that if you bought them together, you'd get one half off, so I was actually able to get it. <3

I'm loving it so far~ I really like how you just DIVE in. There's no 20 minutes of doing stuff before you even get your Pokemon. Plus I like that every Pokemon I encounter feels like I've never seen it. Makes me feel like I'm playing Yellow for the first time again~ ; u;

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i got white! and i had to stop playing it for a few days or i would have just completed it too soon derp. i'm really enjoying the story and all the little things to do along the way!

of course though, being in the uk i got my copy last friday so i got a head start on most people hurr hurr

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I... shall we say, 'acquired' a copy of PKMN Black Edition, US. All I did was start it to make sure it, well, started... but I was DISTRACTED SETTING UP A WEB FORUM FOR SOMEONE to even pick a Starter pokémon. :D

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I got white and when I caught my first Blitzle I was super pumped but then I found out it's bad and I was sad :)

Why does my electric pony get killed in one hit by everything that's not very nice.

Weird, I haven't really had this problem with Blitzle. He's not the toughest but he isn't that weak.

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I guess she's not too bad because she gets a fire move really early and it made going though the forest full of bug and grass guys really easy but once I got a Darumaka that was basically it for her. I hear the electric spider guy is probably my best bet for an electric type even though he's kinda ugly.

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Got White, it's awesome. My brother got Black. It was really annoying to decide who would get what.

I had a Lillipup (now a herdier) who I'm conflicted about. I love it, but I don't want a normal type in my roster.

Also post rosters.

Serpier 18

Herdier 18

Timburr 15

Panpour 13

Pidove 13

I'd be further but Idon't have a working DS.

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I got White. I only just now got to Mistralton... All my friends are like, at the E4 or afterwards already, I like to stop and smell the roses.

I have a not-online friend who's pretty jaded with the series and was unhappy that this game is basically just as formulaic as the others, so he was afraid he wouldn't be able to enjoy it like he used to, but he's actually trying to take an active interest in it and wants an all-bug team so that's what I'm doing right now instead of progressing... breeding his buggies. D: My online at-endgame buddies are helping out, I've got a nice Larvesta lined up for him already~

My roster is currently:

Pignite 32

Audino 32

Lilligant 31

Tirtouga 31

Duosion 32

and the sixth slot is being filled in by a level 31 Scraggy and a level 23 Sawk in-training until I can obtain Axew, which is actually very soon! :D

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