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Everything posted by Caboose

  1. Weird, I haven't really had this problem with Blitzle. He's not the toughest but he isn't that weak.
  2. A friend found it, and introduced it to the rest of us, I watched the first episode a while back, then didn't touch it for a while, I lurked on the Allspark's threads until I finally decided to go ahead and watch it. I was not disappointed in the least! After finishing the show I basically fell overboard and joined the pony fandom as a whole.
  3. It's probably the best presentation I've ever seen for the typical CGI-Family-Movie-Plot. It was just fantastic, the visuals and sounds and writing really made this movie shine.
  4. Trixie is also my least favourite character, but no rage here.
  5. Nah, not my kind of thing, but I hope it goes well, though!
  6. Caboose, did you used to play steam? Specifically Gmod? Because if thats you, guess who you're on the board with. LETO! As much as I've been interested in Gmod, I've never played it. So I apologize, but I'm not the Caboose you're looking for. =P
  7. I bought both and I am currently playing White. Really loving this gen, best yet, in my opinion.
  8. Caboose

    Body of water?

    I'm a huge fan of the rivers, springs, and lakes/ponds associated with the Michigan wilderness. And I suppose I should make mention of the great lakes my state's surrounded by, those're cool too.
  9. I'm no /b/tard, I assure you! I hail from the Allspark, really. (I suppose "doesn't afraid of anything" wasn't much help there, heh.) And yes, yes I am.
  10. I'm Caboose! I draw stuff and doesn't afraid of anything, pleasure to meet you all! =D
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