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[Ponyville] Sunday Diving [PM2join]


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Knightly was thinking of what he could do himself. "You might want to look up for this one." He grinned. He zoomed up twirling in small circles as he was going higher and higher. He looked down and zoomed down towards the two Pegasi and he swooped just above them so fast it was almost fast enough to make a sonic rainboom then at the same speed he did small twirls like a circle again and thane made on big one at the high altitude he was at before. then he zoomed back down stopping right next to Tempest. "I don't know that wasn't that good." He blushed a little bit not sure how good his trick was compared to the other two Pegasus.

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Diomedes cocked his head at Tempest Rime's response; or more appropriately her lack thereof. Yes, she was going to be a tough nut to crack. Not bad, she said. Not bad? She didn't see the passion, the life, the energy? No, she must have been watching his technique. Dio's ears drooped for a moment, but only just. Bean counters: always watching the numbers and the motions and never looking past the surface.

The red Pegasus blew out an exasperated breath as Tempest flitted upwards, delicate as a snowflake on the wind. She floated back down, a glittering trail of ice crystals trailing behind her, casting a frigid rainbow in her wake. As she returned to formation, she flashed a little smile, very subtle, but definitely not contrived. Dio relaxed a little. Maybe she wasn't going to be a complete pain in the flank.

Dio wasn't exactly paying attention to Knightly's run. To him, it was just a blur of seemingly random high-g maneuvers meant to wow but not really accomplishing it. When he returned to formation, he even admitted that it wasn't very good. Dio smirked. As a knight errant, he probably spent most of his time on the ground.

They were rapidly approaching the last waypoint now, a massive deciduous tree in the middle of a forest glade. The glade was one of the few safe spots Dio knew of in the forest. The tree provided ample shade and cover from the elements and the open field provided for long sight lines and plenty of space to bivouac. A small stream bisected the field, crossing close to the tree.

The tree itself was an object of study. Dio had never been the botanist type, but it still intrigued him how something like this could grow in the middle of the field; the tree dwarfed every other one of its kind in the surrounding forest. The Pegasus glanced behind him at his two companions.

'Anypony feel like taking a break? The big tree is the last waypoint before we get to Dragon Mountain. We can grab a drink of water and take a short breather there before we make the climb at altitude.'

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Tempest shrugged at the other two. "They were OK tricks, I suppose. I didn't mean to insult you, it's just a bit hard to be particularly impressed. I work with Miss Rainbow Dash, and she is easily one of the best best fliers in Equestria. Don't let her know I said as much, though, I'd never hear the end of it. Anyway, the point is that flashy high-speed tricks really can't compare to what she can do. I hear she can even managed to pull off s Sonic Rainboom, though I've never actually seen that myself."

She considered Dio. "You know, technically our weather team is still a bit understaffed. Because we have Miss Dash around to pick up the slack, it rarely affects us meaningfully, but on occasion we have days like yesterday when somepony gets sick and an extra set of wings would be nice to have on call. If you're serious about getting on the weather team, you should swing by the weather office tomorrow when we're open and pick up an application."

A pegasus with a big strong pair of wings like Dio's would probably be a natural at dragging clouds around. In spite of her cold treatment of him, she was actually inclined to give him the job, though she didn't go so far as to say as much.

"We can take a break if you want," she said detachedly. "I'm fine with high altitude, though, so it's up to you two. And my wings have loosened up fairly well, this flight was actually good for my sore muscles."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Knightly listened to what she said about Rainbow Dash and how she worked with her and how she praised her so much. "I can see why I wasn't impressive at all then. I really didn't do that great of a trick in my mind at all. It's so awesome that you get to work with Rainbow Dash I wish I could. She is such an amazing flier as well. Enough of that talk though lets land and rest. I could appreciate a little rest." He smiled as he was enjoying flying with these two it felt great to get back up in the sky.

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