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I Got a Non-Pony Roleplay Board, Care To Join?

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Hey fellow Canterlotites, I come to the Off-Topic board with a simple request. Publicity.

You see I started up a board about a year ago for a few friends and I. It lately has been experiencing some downtime because of my not so awesome inactivity. My friends seem to have thought the boards have died, and are currently taking a hiatus away from their keyboards.

So I come to you, fellow literates, (Or illiterates, I'm kind of desperate.) With the proposal of joining my totally inactive and vanilla site for the sole reason of selfish needs.

I would like to point out that I have minimal help in the creating the roleplays. The two users that go by the handles of Stormy the Dreamer and Desertsong are incredibly fantastic writers and will probably go on to publish for a living.

The boards are mature, all of the stuff you can't say on the radio is said there, and most of the times not in the most mature fashion. At the moment the only roleplays we have up and running are terribly non-OC, but with your help I can drag the OC out of my old boards for the very noble purpose of self-promotion.

So, whaddya say?

EDIT: Derp, I forgot the link. You really shouldn't join, with a scatter-brained teen as the only admin, you're better of just staying away. Actually, please just don't click the link. http://roleplaysrus.hoop.la/forums

(The above was totally not reverse psychology.)

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