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Wings of Dominion [Colgate, Saw Bones]


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Saw Bones snickered as Colgate poured herself over his maps and books, directing her focus on anything that interested her. She easily floated up anything she wanted, her magic making study much easier and quicker for her. Saw Bones wondered how much more he could get done if he was a unicorn, but he was comfortable as a simple earth pony.

Saw pulled out a ladder from the corner of the room and leaned it against the tall bookcase, climbing it step by careful step about three fourths of the way up. He looked over the bindings of books at the titles, trying to find the ones he was looking for any on Aquelian legends or religions. This would be the best way to start, and once they had an idea of what it was then they could find out more specific details. Wonder what significance it had back then... or what it impacted The archaeologist thought to himself If only I could see it in pony, that temple would reveal so mu- darn it, stop thining crazy thoughts. It's in Aquelia for petes sake!

Pulling a few out he hopped down, holding them carefully in his mouth and setting them on the table "Those will be good for a start. You can look them over while I check some others." Saw Bones said before sliding the ladder across the room to the other end of the shelf, accidentally bumping Colgate and making her lose her focus on the books. He cringed as they fell to the ground "Sorry! Sorry, I'm such a klutz sometimes." He apologized, getting the books off of the ground and getting back to work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Colgate watched Saw Bones out of the corner of her eye as he climbed the book shelves and looked around the various dusty tomes, apparently searching for any information on all things Aquilean. She wasn't necessarily having any luck with the books she was reading at the moment, but at least they were interesting. Various bits of different histories here and there, but nothing on the griffons. Thankfully her companion knew what he was looking for, and brought down several thick books right before knocking into the dentist and scattering the literature.

"It's okay," Colgate managed, levitating a few of the stray books back onto the table before accepting the ones Saw offered. "I'll take a look."

As she perused the new material the unicorn didn't see anything that stood out to her, just mentions of Raptorclaw Canyon and how it came to be. The temple was nowhere to be found.

"Maybe it never made it into the books?" she mused, flipping through more pages.

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Saw Bones looked through the large stack of information he had amassed, brushing dust off of some of the older tomes he hadn't used in a long while. The information in there was as he remembered it, referring to ancient Gryphon cultures and societies and the places which they were based. Oddly enough there was no mention of the temple that Colgate had spoken of or the gryphons which lived there. Were they a secret society, guarding themselves better than all the others? Even if they were there had to be some mention of them SOMEWHERE. No one could hide themselves completely with no evidence of their existence. Saw ran a hoof through his mane in frustration, they had been going at this for awhile and coming up with absolutely nothing. He sat back, letting out a great big sigh and calming himself down. This, as annoying as it was, was what made this profession so fun. Finding a mystery and throwing yourself into it in order to find out the truth.

"Maybe it never made it into the books?" Colgate said as she read, finding no useful info.

"Or maybe.... maybe they were taken OUT of the history books..." Saw said with a smirk, lifting himself up. "But what.... what could prompt an entire culture to purge their history books and hide some group like this from the whole world.... assuming they ARE trying to hide something, of course." He hopped up and paced back and forth, going into deep thought. "Maybe they WERE just that good at hiding themselves.... but that couldn't be, they contacted you to help them, didn't they? If they were so secretive then they wouldn't do that...." At this point he was talking to himself, his mind tumbling through what he knew and what he thought as it tried to put something together.

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