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[Gleaming Pony Force] New Arrivals in a Strange World (OPEN)


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(This thread is wide open to anypony who wants to join in and help these two heroes find a way home!)

Bowie said to himself as he stepped onto the magic stone in the Grans Island side of the magic tunnel, "One more trip around the world, to let everypony know that we succeeded.". Feeling the block activate, he was transported down a shaft, encased in a magic tube. It appeared to be business as usual until one of the guiding rings malfunctioned, hurling his magic tube off course, the shock knocking him unconscious.

When he came to, he looked around and saw a dense, vibrant forest that looked nothing like the plains where the destination pad in mainland Parmecia was. "Where am I?" , he asked loudly, not realizing that he was alone, with only a canteen of water and the Force Sword. Getting to his hooves, he felt strange, like he had more than 2 hooves on the ground. Looking himself over, he discovered that he was a pony! "What in the name of the Ancients happened to me?! All I remember is using the magic tunnel and the tube being thrown off course. I wonder what happened to my friends who followed me? I will set up camp here, in front of this cave and wait.", he said to himself again. Making a campfire and unrolling his bed roll, which was more difficult to accomplish as he wasn't quite used to the transformation he had undergone in transit. Watching the cave entrance, he waited for his friends to emerge, sword and powers at the ready for any possible enemies that could come out of the trees as night fell upon the Everfree Forest.

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Spiri was so excited! They had won, and he 'Kiwi' had helped! As he watched his friend Bowie go, the turtle dragon jumped onto the magic stone. But something was wrong...all of a sudden, Spiri noticed the malfunctioning ring, and it was too late to even warn the others as a flash that blinded the small creature, and he fell unconscious after getting a peek at the strange, alien forest that surrounded him...

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Bowie (Earth Pony Stallion, Peach color, mark: The Jewels of Light and Evil fused together on a chain), was keeping watch as he was blinded by a flash of light that came from the entrance of the cave. Getting to his feet and unsheathing his sword, he slowly walked towards the cave, unsure of what lay ahead but knew he had to investigate, it could be someone in danger! When his vision became clear again, he saw a familiar face laying on the ground at the entrance, his friend from nearly the beginning of his epic journey, Spiri. Sheathing his sword, he smiled as he lifted the Dragon Turtle onto his back and moved back to the campfire. "Kiwi! Are you alright?", he shouted with a concerned look on his face as he placed Spiri onto his bedroll.

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A voice reached into Spiri's dreams, a familiar one. He woke with a jolt, and looked up at the peach-colored pony that had shouted a him. How did this pony know his nickname? Only Bowie and the others knew it! Unless... The little green dragon got to his feet, straightened his helmet, and looked at the pony. There was a marking, on his haunches, the Jewels of Light and Evil! The same sword, the same flowing cape...

"Bowie?" he practically squeaked, hoping it was true.

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Watching him wake up and get on his feet, Bowie sighed with relief. He smiled as the little dragon got his helmet all situated on his head. The little guy was looking him over like he was a stranger, which considering his transformation, was understandable as even he was shocked by his physical appearance at first. Hearing Kiwi squeak his name inquisitively, he replied with a warm smile, "I am Bowie, I think the mishap with the tunnel caused me to be transformed into this form. But by the blood of the Ancients it's good to see you! I was worried that I was the only one who got thrown off course!" With his close friend by his side, he knew that this may be the beginning of a new adventure as he said in a resolute tone, "We need to find a way out of this forest and enlist the aid of the locals in finding a way home and reuniting with our comrades and friends. But we should rest and recover our strength and move out tomorrow.".

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Spiri was so happy that he wanted to leap on him, but he tried to act resolute and ready for anything as he nodded. But with his old friend (in as very new form) spoke, confidence filled his being. "We could use some food, don't you think?" His tummy grumbled, and Spiri blushed.

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Bowie's stomach rumbled in agreement, "I think the provisions I had with me when I went through the tunnel made the journey. Let me look around a bit.", he replied to Spiri as he could see the excitement in his eyes and behavior. Searching around the campfire and the depression made by him when he arrived, he found a saddlebag with a clasp shaped like a feather next to the depression in the earth. He brought the bag over to Spiri next to the campfire and said, "I think this is what was my rucksack over in Parmecia, it got transformed into a form more befitting of a pony hero than what I was before arriving.". Holding it out to Spiri, he said gently, "You can open it first and take as much as you need. A little guy like you needs to eat and get big and strong, although you are quite tough for your size, I still remember you being a little too susceptible to being knocked out by magic spells.". Taking a seat next to Spiri he looked up at the stars and said, "Even the constellations are different here, where are we? I don't think we are on the same planet anymore."

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Spiri opened the bag and looked at the food. surprise crossed his face. Inside where gems, grass, and hay. When he looked at the gems, they looked strangely tasty and ate some of them, surprised at how good they were. He took the rest, then glanced at the hay and assorted plants inside, and frowned, but handed the pack to Bowie.

"Well...now that you're a pony..." Kiwi ate a gem. "Well, do you think if the others come they'll become ponies too?" The thought made his stomach churn. This journey had made him no closer to fitting in. If anything, it made things worse. At the least, they would all be animals...

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Seeing Spiri's eyes light up at the sight of the gems, he replied, "That is probably gonna be the case, except for Peter and Prince Luke of Bedoe. It probably won't be too much of a problem for our centaur friends. I am also quite curious about what will happen to that ancient bucket of bolts, Zynk if he arrives.". Reaching into the pack, he pulled out some hay and hoofed it into his mouth, smiling at the sweet taste, and said, "Thish ish, delishioush!". After he had finished that mouthful, his face went red and said to Spiri, "Sorry if I offended you by neglecting my proper manners. It was just so good that I couldn't wait to say something about it.". He thought for a moment and noticing that Spiri looked a little homesick for his own kind and wanting to fit in and said in a soothing tone with undertones of great care and love, "Don't worry, we love you for what you are, it doesn't matter if you look different to me or anyone else, you belong with us and without you some of those battles may have ended badly for me and for the world. Who knows? Maybe we'll meet another Dragon Turtle like yourself here, anything is possible!". He hoped those words were enough to comfort the homesick dragon turtle who had been through so much for one so young.

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Bowie replied, "Your guess is as good as mine about Zynk, he may not change at all due to him being a relic from the times of the Ancients like the flying Nazca Ship that Zeon shot down with Prism Flowers in a nearly futile attempt to eliminate us over the ocean. You've been by my side almost from day one of that epic quest to protect our homes, so I understand your feelings and trust you completely.". Bowie gave Spiri the most radiant smile he could muster as he stoked the campfire with more firewood.

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Spiri grinned widely, then came over to help with the firewood, the task soothing his still not calmed nerves. Hopefully, the others would come. They had to! But something kept him doubting, not exactly certain of his own thoughts. Instinct was important in survival, but sometimes it blocked what Spiri needed most, which was thinking straight without a fuzzy wall in his head. Or was it the transition was causing him to lose his memory, and Spiri trembled at the idea. Everything he had...gone...

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Watching Spiri gather more firewood and tremble, he called out, "Are you alright?". Bowie was worried about him, as he appeared to be in a mental fog. Reaching into his pack, he pulled out his journal and a book that contained the history of Grans and Parmecia he received as a gift from Sir Astral after their success. It was the newest edition and it had their journey recorded in exacting detail, including what they could gather about Spiri's past. He looked at the books and then said to Spiri in a cheerful tone, "would you like me to read you a story like I used to in the early days while we rebuilt our new home?".

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Spiri turned to Bowie and his eyes twinkled a little at the idea. He came over, setting the firewood in the pile, and looked up at Bowie.

"Could I lay on your back?" When Spiri said it, it sounded so babyish, but he was so frightened he just wanted to fall asleep as the lulling tone of Bowie telling stories.

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Bowie smiled and replied, "Go ahead, it'll make you feel better. I am gonna open this book that Sir Astral gave me to commemorate our victory. It's the new volume on the history of Grans Island and the mainland. I think he said there was some information in here about where you came from as well as the entire War of Sealing, which is what they called our quest against Zeon.". Opening the book, he began to read it aloud... (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shining_Force_II).

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Bowie began to feel sleepy as the moon rose in the sky and the fire began to die down into embers. Closing the book, he said, "I think that is enough for one evening. I am ready to sleep." Unbuckling his scabbard from his body, he laid it next to his bedroll as he carefully lowered himself into a comfortable sleeping position and rested his head on the bedroll and closed his eyes. "Good night, Kiwi.", he said sleepily.

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Bowie twitched in his sleep, as he dreamt about that innocent looking blind boy named Oddler and his battle against him before entering the basement level of the Ancient Tower. It haunted him that he had repented as he apologized to Bowie and his friends in his final moments.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Then, the first streaks of light appeared from the horizon, setting the clouds in deep pinks and oranges. The first sounds of day began as the twitters of bird rattled against the trees, and a harsh wind turned to a light breeze, swirling through leaves and plucking some from their branches.

(I've always thought I was better at describing settings than anything else. 0.0)

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Bowie yawned and opened his eyes. " Good morning, Kiwi!", he said as he reached for his scabbard and saddlebag. The little dragon turtle was still on his back and he didn't want to toss him off his back, so he remained still.

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