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[Ponyville] Serendipity (Open)


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OoC: This was created for RaincloudRunner and myself, but I welcome anypony to feel free to join in.

When Starlight Dancer heard the birds chirping merrily, and felt the warm rays of the sun shinned down upon her, she knew today was going to be good. She had arrived in Ponyville just mere moments before, and already she felt herself being invited into the small but friendly town. She could hear the voices of her fellow ponies all around her, filling the air with chatter and buzz.

Luckily for her, Starlight was here on vacation. She was free to go where ever, when ever. Smiling happily, Starlight relished this time as she rarely got a chance to just enjoy the sights and sounds that Ponyville had to offer.

Using her magic to guide herself, Starlight made her way to what seemed to be a marketplace. Stalls were lined up and down the street. She could smell the sweet aroma of fruits and baked goods wafting in the warm breeze.

The day had only just begun, and already Starlight knew that this day was going to be one to remember.

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As Starlight browsed the stalls, using her sense of smell to discern the product being sold, she moved sideways to the next stall. With her thoughts preoccupied on the shops, Starlight managed to bump into another pony. Letting out a startled squeal, Starlight quickly turned to face whomever she had bumped into.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," she quickly apologized, smiling sheepishly as she chuckled. "I suppose I should really be paying more attention." She added, continuing to smile as she spoke.

Though Starlight wasn't able to see this pony's face, with the aid of her magic she was able to sense this pony was a Pegasus.

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