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[Marketplace] A Day in the Life of a Dragon


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"Another dawn... another day spent doing absolutely nothing."

Spike sighed to himself, savoring the last few bites of his last precious aquamarine. He leaned back into the chair, sitting out front of a small cafe in the Ponyville Marketplace. He had been bored these last few days.... very bored. Twilight Sparkle had left three days ago on a week-long trip up to Canterlot - she needed some new books for her personal library, and also was on a routine trip to report back to Princess Celestia personally.

Spike had already long since finished the list of chores Twilight had left him, and it seemed everyone was busy this week. Rainbow Dash was busy clearing the sky - and practicing her Thunderbolts routine. Pinkie Pie was busy being... well, Pinkie Pie, Rarity was working on a deluxe order for Hoofington - everyone was so busy! Too busy, it seemed, to stop and even say hello to a poor purple dragon.

He sighed, tossing the very last shard of his stone into his mouth as he jumped off of his chair, walking through the very center of Ponyville. He watched the hustle and bustle of the ponies everyday life, dodging hooves and cart wheels as he walked along, minding his own business.

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'Feh,' the annoyed tone was clear in her voice as she nearly dodged a cart being pulled along. 'Gee I'm not that small, honestly. Somepony's just don't look out.' With a huff and a sigh she continued on her way though, stopping in the town center.

Truffle was there dropping off an order for her parents, or well... she was. But with the job done she was trying to find something to do until her ride back to Canterlot arrived. Maybe she could drum up a little business. But then again none of the ponies really seemed to have need for her sculpture work. If she could find a bakery or something maybe then. After all her specialty was food displays.

'Hey!' She shouted as a passing pony stepped on her tail. 'Come on, really? How can this tiny town be more hustle and bustle than Canterlot? They just cram too many of ya mammals in here or what?' She grumbled and rubbed the tip of her tail. 'Good thing I've got tough scales.' Of course with that cue she got knocked into by another pony and just lost it. 'Oh that is it!' And in a fit of frustration the Dragon threw her head back and let out a small blast of orange flames into the sky.

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Spike jumped as he heard a small voice yell out in frustration, whipping his head around in time to spot a burst of bright orange flames that shot up straight into the sky. Curious, he jogged forward in the general direction of the fire, nimbly dodging even more ponies' hooves and cart wheels - it seemed the small outburst had unsettled quite a few ponies in the general and had stirred up a small stampede.

He squeezed past the last few legs to come to a small cleared area... and a very steamed looking little dragon. Surprised, Spike stepped back a bit to get a closer look at the baby dragon - he hadn't seen a fellow dragon in ages! The little dragon was a dark brown, her back covered in mottled scales of all different shades of brown. She had tiny wings which were spread out in anger, and the rounded spade-like end of her tail looked a little squashed... no doubt what had set her off.

Spike causiously walked forward, knowing how easy it was to set off a ticked dragon. "Hey... you okay? I know how annoying it can be.. some of these ponies just don't look where their hooves are going!"

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'Yeah, just peachy!' Truffle snapped before really looking to see who asked her. 'I mean really, I ain't that hard to see.'

Finally after a moment she actually looked toward Spike and then arched a brow. She didn't expect to see another Dragon in Ponyville. She was use to seeing them in Canterlot, sure, and even more so back where she had hatched, Roughrider Ridge. But it just seemed out of place there.

'Well what do ya know, I ain't the only scaled thing around here huh? What are you doing in this town anyway, Purple?' she didn't really know what to call him, so she use the color of his scales for a reference.

Relaxing some she shot a quick glare around to the ponies passing, the little fang that usually stuck out showing with her irritated look. Of course that just made the crowd keep moving and this time a little more cautious than before.

'Yeah, that's right, I am here, so watch it... feh...' her eyes rolled as she directed her attention back to Spike. 'Ah, now what did you say your name was?'

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"Hey, it's not 'Purple'. The name's Spike." He said, sticking out a claw for the brown dragon to shake.

"I know, you're thinking it's weird for a dragon to be here in a pony town. I actually live here - I'm actually a Scribe to Princess Celestia!" He said proudly, puffing out his little scaley chest. "I work alongside the town's main Magic User - she's here on... well, a 'learning experience' I guess.." He said, air quoting.

"So, what are you doing here? I've never seen you before, and I'm not sure what business another dragon would have in Ponyville." He asked, beckoning for Truffle to follow him out of the crowd as he started walking.

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Truffle just nodded at his introduction as well as his job. So he sent letters to the Princess; she supposed that was somewhat interesting. But then again she was never one to find things like that important. Anyone could send a letter, most just used a mailbox.

"Scribe huh?" She shrugged as she followed him out of the crowd. "So you're like... basically a scaly mailbox?" Really when it came right down to it, that's how she see saw it. A living mailbox. Only this one was able to write as well.

"Me? I'm just here deliverin' some stuff for my parents. Pop's run's the Ironclaw Smithy in Canterlot. And somepony here had ordered a bunch of pots and pans to be custom made. Since Mom was busy refining some ore, I got to ride with the order here and drop it off. So now, I'm just killin' time until the cart comes back."

Glancing around she sighed. "Kinda dull though. I was gonna see if I could find someone who could use some of my sculpture work... but I ain't havin' any luck." Looking back to Spike she finally reached out to shake, her claws clearly working into perfect sharp points. "Name's Truffle."

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  • 3 weeks later...


Spike gingerly shook the brown dragon's hand, careful of her sharp claws. Even if he did have tough scales, those looked too sharp to be careless around.

"Nice to meet'cha, Truffle. And hey - This 'scaly mailbox' does his job right! I'm not Twilight's Number One Assistant for nothing! And this place isn't so boring, if you know where all the excitement is! Since you and I have some time to kill, why don't I show you around town? Maybe we can find someone who will be interested in your sculptures along the way."

He started walking forward, still holding onto truffle's claw so he could lead her out of the still-busy marketplace. If there was one thing he had learned while living in a pony-filled town, it was how not to get stepped on.

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'Never said ya ain't doing your job... just I mean... think about it... when it comes right down to it, number one assistant sounds a lot like a mail box.' Truffle just smirked as they shook hands. 'But sure, why not, I'm not doin' nothin' since I have no idea where to go. And at least you ain't gonna step on me. But, if this ends up being a bust, I'm holdin' ya to it, Spike.'

She let him lead her along, mainly because she didn't want to be trampled again, especially after having her tail stomped. She couldn't help glancing around though as they passed by numerous pony legs. She really couldn't believe so many lived in one town, especially since it was no where as big as Canterlot was.

'So there's excitement in this place? Like what? I mean, no offense to the pony that live here, but it seems pretty boondocks compared to being in Canterlot. And it ain't nowhere near the type a place I grew up. And where do you eat around here? I mean gems are kinda all over in the big city cause of all the hoity toity ponies, I don't think I even saw a jeweler in this place.'

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Spike's tummy rumbled slightly at the mention of gemstones... with Rarity so busy, he hadn't gotten a chance to tag along on one of her jewel hunts in a while, and his stash of snacks had long disappeared.

"Well, I don't eat just gemstones. There are some nice treats here in Ponyville. Muffins... cupcakes... hay fries... fruit... they have lots for me to eat here. I'm not so partial to the daisy-and-cucumber sandwiches though. And, I'm friends with a unicorn who's special ability is to find gemstones, so I often go with her on her gem hunts, and get some snacks as a reward." He said, blushing as he though of his precious, beautiful, and generous Rarity.

"A-anyways. There's lots of excitement here in Ponyville, surprisingly. Just last month we had a Parasprite infestation, and you wouldn't BELIEVE the wacky, but effective, way another of my friends got rid of them! And, another friend is the best apple-bucker you've ever seen! She owns a huge apple farm just outside of Ponyville. Oh, and I'm also friends with a pegasus who won the Young Fliers Competition a few weeks ago! She spends lots of her time here in Ponyville with her - and my - friends!"

Spike rambled excitedly on, spouting out good points about all of his wonderful friends, so excited that he was practically dragging poor Truffle out of the crowd, finally getting to the edge of the Marketplace where there was some space and fresh air.

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She just let him drag her along as he went on about the town and his friends. The way she saw it, if he knew how to keep from being trampled by ponies, why fight it? Truffle was more or less just a little confused about how he could get along with so many ponies. Then again the ones she were use to were the upper crust in Canterlot and they all seemed rather stuck up in her opinion.

'Yeah, I'd take gems over hay any day, though I guess muffins and cupcakes ain't so bad. Must be handy have a gem findin' friend though, especially if ya get to eat some of what she digs up.'

As they moved through the crowd she looked around and sighed. Thinking about gems was making her hungry too. But she had accidentally left her bag of snacks in the cart she rode there. So until it came back to pick her up, she didn't have anything to much.

'Sounds like ya get along with all these ponies though. Must be less stuffy than the snobs in Canterlot. They have their snouts so high in the air, I'm shocked they ain't bumpin' into stuff. So I ain't got any pony friends. I just hang out in the shop with mom and pop. And I hardly see any other dragons unless I go around the Unicorn school... but then they all seem to think I'm somepony's helper. '

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  • 1 month later...


"Well, it doesn't help that we're barely as tall as their shoulder. Someponys can't seem to use their necks properly, and actually turn their heads!" He chuckled, finally slowing down as they got to the entrance of the Marketplace, where things were a little less crowded and much more organized.

"Well, if you're hungry I'm sure I can find something you'd find tasty here. Despite being such a small town, this place seems to have everything! I mean, we even have a store here dedicated to Quills and Couches! And just those two items! Weird huh? "

He said, letting Truffle fall into pace with him as the walked down the cobblestone streets, dodging the occasional pony and cart.

((OMFG I'm so sorry I forgot about this RP! Hope you don't mind me picking it up again ^^:D)

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