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Pillar of Everfree (closed)

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In the dark dreary of the Everfree Forest a lone tower lies peacefully in a storm. The animals of this dark wood hold a great respect for its only dweller, the alicorn Amos.

He is an old soul, a remnant of the days the the world was in balance, No pony controlled the elements, harmony was a fantasy, but the only thing that was constant was the need of unity.

Amos spends his days reading his books and observing the world that he once knew. He has seen many civilizations rise and fall, but this new land of Equestria had managed to out live the rest. These brought him much hope after the countless centuries.

The storm continued naturally and without disturbance as it always had. The old stallion walked to his barren window and saw the dense flora as a thing of beauty. Away in the distance the ruins of an old castle stood undisturbed for sometime, and beyond that a town lay itself to sleep.

"Dark days are gone sister, but I fear they will return," Amos turned to a portrait of an unfamiliar creature to this world." How long has it been since I made this paradise, and your final rest ?"

Lightning and thunder crash down in the distance, the winds continue to blow with a growing rage, and the rain hammers down upon the great obelisk.

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