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Extra fancy things


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I don't actually know if I should be asking about int he RP area since it is something more for Artax to think over.

Simply I am sugjesting that the things on the side bar of each of your posts change order.

The current order is:

1: Post count

2: Availability

3:Rp Log

4:Cutie Mark

What I propose is that the Cutie mark icon and the log swap places, it makes more sense to me to have the RP log button on the bottom of the side bar and I think it would make it look better to have it in the following order.

1: Post count

2: Cutie Mark

3: Availability

4: Rp Log

That is just how I see it. But I must make note that there is honestly NOTHING WRONG with the way it is now, I just wanted to make my idea known to Artax so he could ponder about it.

Honestly if he decides to not change the order I'll be fine. So this isn't a thread about me whining for something to be changed I am more so inquiring about it and if it would be possible to simply slightly alter the line up.

Thank you very much,

Alison <3

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