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Smoky Mirrors [FINAL]

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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

Name: Smoky Mirrors

Sex: Male

Age: Stallion, about the equivalent of young adult years for humans.

Species: Unicorn

Eye Color: A smoky, royal purple.

Coat Color: Dark gray

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Both his mane and tail are striped white (#FEFEFE) and royal purple (#340077), with the mane being straw straight and his tail being a bit more unruly and free. It is almost as if the mane and tail pay homage to the dual nature of this stallion.

Physique: Slimmer compared to most stallions of his age, Smoky Mirrors is known for confusing many as to what gender he is due to both his build and general features. He rather enjoys the ambiguity though.

Cutie Mark: A kaleidoscope swirl of purple and white that resembles both a spiral maze and a flower freshly blossomed. This symbolizes, of course, the dichotomy of reality and dreams, and that one should always look at all sides of the puzzle.

Origin/Residence: Although he travels frequently, he is often found in Canterlot. He was also born there.

Occupation: Artist, potential student for Canterlot University. Makes bits on the side selling his art at his parents' store.

Motivation: To make ponies’ dreams a reality through his creations—both of art and of illusion.

Likes: Daydreaming, pottery, shiny objects, art (not just his own), learning, a good prank with illusions, foggy days, seeing others happy, and of course, he will never pass by any game involving two or more players.

Dislikes: Disapproval by others, ponies without a sense of humor, conforming, the stifling of creative potential, and arrogance.

Character Summary:

History: Smoky Mirrors was born to a couple of professional pottery makers some years ago, and the entirety of his life has been spent in their store/house in the lower market district of Canterlot. Born a premature as well as the only foal to his parents, Smoky received quite a bit of attention the moment he entered the world. They gave Smoky anything he asked for, so long as their wages could provide. But he was born different, and different is as different does. He would grow bored with toys quickly, but his curiosity was raw and wild. He would watch in fascination as his parents created beautifully colored creations by "throwing" clay and turning this earthen, plain thing into a masterpiece. But it wasn’t the pottery itself that mesmerized him. It was the colors, patterns, shapes, and the union of beauty that was produced in the end. These beautiful creations consumed his dreaming world as a little colt, and he dreamed and dreamed of the possibilities of all the things he wanted to create himself.

And so you see, Smoky Mirrors has always been a dreamer. When he finally reached schooling age, he proved to be not-so-popular amongst not only his fellow classmates but also the teacher. His head was always stuck in the clouds where he could be anything he wanted to be. He didn’t talk much, and when he did, his classmates just…didn’t /get/ him. So, as little ones tend to do, they outcasted him for being a weird pony. They teased him, poked him, and laughed when the teacher called on him and he always responded with “Huh?”. Although yes, the constant teasing got under his skin, he shrugged it off. At days end, he would come home and was tasked with helping with the small chores of the store. But Smoky couldn’t hold up his façade of liking his life forever. Eventually, he decided to do something about it. One day, he came home from school, frustrated and in tears from the increasingly harshness of his classmates’ jeers. Kicking the door behind him as he escaped to his room, he flopped on his bed and sulked. He felt absolutely hopeless. Concentrating oh so hard, he just put all that remaining hope into a wish. His horn erupted in a little burst of magic, and there before him… was an imaginary friend. But this imaginary friend wasn’t just an illusion pony. It was an intangible thing…a swirl of ever-changing color and shape. First it would be another colt like him, and then he would turn it into a multicolored flower, or bird, or cloud. It was a small illusion of silliness, but it was enough to bring about two major events in Smoky’s life. First, his parents had galloped up to his room to see what was wrong, only to see him laughing with an amorphorous blob of color… Then, they saw the kaleidoscope Cutie Mark on the colt’s flank. Tears of joy, gasps, and a brief discussion later, his parents decided to submit an application for him to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. The judges witnessed Smoky’s illusions, and given that he has never been taught magic formally, he was quickly allowed entry into the prestigious institution.

It was not until he entered this school that Smoky eventually found his love for reading. A good story was alright. But he was absolutely enamored by the possibilities of magic he read about, and even the dryness of many of his magic theory books was at least more constantly novel and exciting to him than the literature of his age group. He eventually was introduced to one of his dearest friends, Fan Tasm, who was assigned to be his private tutor for the duration of his stay at the school. She was like the big sister Smoky never had, and under her wing, he learned how to control and finetune many of his illusion-based gifts. She also helped bring out the artist in Smoky, teaching him a myriad of useful magic to help him make his own dreams reality. It was through Fan Tasm’s gentle nudge that Smoky eventually met others and really got to know what other ponies were like. However, near the end of his academic career at the institution, Fan Tasm left all of a sudden. It would not be until several years later that Smoky learned she eloped with her sweetheart, although he never learned where. Although still quite resentful of Fan for doing what she did, he made a secret vow to himself to do what she did for him: help make others’ dreams a reality.

Eventually, he graduated with honors in the top handful of his class, found his passion for art, and has his goals set for applying for entry into Canterlot University’s art program. … At some point, anyway. Don’t you know? Smoky Mirrors has always been a dreamer, from birth to death! He spent a few months helping his parents run their store, even contributing his own art pieces for sale to the rich ponyfolk. But he longs to travel more and has been doing so recently in search of the richest sources of inspiration. He often doesn’t travel too far, since his parents often need a helping hand from time to time.


The Dreamer
: Every pattern, every color, every shade, every smile, every movement…All of it has meaning. All of it has possibility. To Smoky Mirrors, anything could be a future art piece, and he is constantly thinking of what his next creation will be. So, this is reflected in every part of his personality. His movement is a little slower and more fluid than other ponies, almost like a dancer in slow motion—because while he does maintain grace, he is also up in the clouds more than he should be. His voice and speaking patterns are soft, gentle, fluid, carefree much like the stroke of a brush across a blank ceramic piece. And that look in his eyes…He is always somewhere else, in a realm NO pony can ever have access to. But he gives all of himself, kindness and everything to those who get to know him.

The Artist Is His Own Worst Critic:
Either way, kind as he may be, in reality, Smoky is very unkind to himself. Those jeers from childhood still haunt his memory, and now it has evolved into a subconscious self-critic that never finds any perfection in his art or even self. As such he is a sensitive soul, prone to bad moods and histrionics at the flip of a dime. But that’s only level one. Being even more acutely sensitive to the criticism of others, his true, inner capricious nature reveals itself when the anger is directed to others. He could do anything from holding petty grudges to making someone’s life quite miserable if he’s feeling particularly hateful. But on the whole, the sensitive artistpony is missing a lot of the bigger picture…

Abilities: Smoky Mirrors is an extremely unique unicorn in the fact that he cannot conjure things at all or even emit a single magic blast, fireball, etc. The only thing he can do to affect the real world around him is levitating and moving things. His real talent is in creating illusions. In fact, given some intense concentration, his more advanced illusions can affect a whole area (about the size of a field) and can seem so real as to trick the mind. So the rumors say, anyway.



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