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Would another non-brony like me be fine to come?


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I have a friend of mine who's been a little striped of ideas for sketching and such. He isnt an MLP fan but he's non where near a guy that hates them. Like me he wants to know a bit more about the Brony fandom. He's also an artist and is itching for some new material. Why not venture into a new area I say? So would you guys welcmoe him well enough. Maybe show him around and get some drawing ideas in his thick skull of his XD Just a warning He's a bit of a Mature artist (horror, resident evil, dead space, mortal Kombat, sorta stuff, Basicaly disgusting and gore is his thing XD) He won't do anything like that unless he's allowed to though and he'll happily draw stuff he doesn't do normally. So maybe you guys can get a few pony drawings outta him. But Like me he wants to know more about bronies. Since I've learned alot here. Why not?

Tell me what you think kay guys? Thanks^^

I'll give you an example of his work here in another post XD

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we do have places under 18+ for such content, and sure why wouldnt we bronies of love and tolerance take in a soul in search of inspiration? I for one personally welcome you both with open hooves :D

So the thing like images are sorta okay? XD Better to ask him since he's the guy who does it XD Really? Great! I'll drag him to the sign up screen when I can XD
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I don't see why not; everyone is welcome here as long as they follow the forum rules.

We have several members that don't consider themselves "bronies," but they still like to talk about pony, watch episodes, and maybe RP it here. :smirk:

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Must. See. Dead Space. Art. And Resident Evil *starts to drool* Any chance of Silent Hill out of him? Those two are my childhood in a nutshell! The two that aren't Dead Space... that was recent XD

he tends to keep his more gorey work offline. He's shy about it thinking people will shun him for it. Silent hill? Give him some info or reffs and he'l try it out^^ He drew a creature from the thing movie and I had day time nightmares for an hour XDD I'm sure he'll try it out^^

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he tends to keep his more gorey work offline. He's shy about it thinking people will shun him for it. Silent hill? Give him some info or reffs and he'l try it out^^ He drew a creature from the thing movie and I had day time nightmares for an hour XDD I'm sure he'll try it out^^

once again this is why we have the 18+ area. everyone knows what to expect there and will be seeking out this kind of art. :)

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From The Thing?!?! I loved that movie! Watched all the remakes, too. :/ Actually, the most recent wasn't even a remake, it was a prequel XD I must meet this guy! Somehow...

Yep. Sorta a tribute to the.... Split face one I think. From the 2011 premake. Two guys combined into one walking upside down.. *shudders* Kay done with explaining XD Oh I'm sure you two will get along just fine^^ Acutally he has a DA account so if you have one yourself give him a shout^^


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My sincere apologies, my lady. Dost thou wisheth some sort of... reconcile? Mayhaps pony artwork shall suffice? (+1 free request token for you!) I'd love to get him on here! Already sent a message in search of his more secretive artwork, that which is not posted upon his DA :/

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no problem^^ No way to really tell XD I was hoping to change my avatar to my fursona later XD

Oh really? You'd take a request from lil old me awww.. Well I'd hate to mooch one off ya XD Yeah He's very secrective about it. He sadly hasn't drawn any of it in a long time.. Me thinks he needs a little push *nudge nudge* XD

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